The Forbidden World

Chapter 1917: Warfare Ⅲ

The two witches who use old-style magic are physically weaker than the Templars, and all these things are meaningless after the scream of Father Anderson.

The name Mu En is like a signal that makes all Templars lose their minds! They no longer care how dangerous the witch in front of them is. They just want to come to the puppet who is exactly like the enemy, and tear the puppet completely with the blade in their hands!

The stagnant Templars launched a charge again, and the roar rang through the night, making the people in the rear melee feel a little incredible, especially those who had been with these Templars in their impressions, these temples The knights are all bitter monks. They belong to the kind of people who will maintain their calm face and continue to fight even if they are pierced by the blade. How can they make such a roar of anger?

However, this is the case. At this moment, these Templars seemed to completely forget the skills they had exercised in the past 100 years. They roared like wild beasts and rushed towards the army of dolls. No, to be precise, they are towards the only one. A male figure rushed!

"This works too well."

Paqiuli looked at the Templars who had shocked her all of a sudden and turned into a group of irrational beasts. She couldn't help but admire Shirai's ability to hate. To be honest, only a puppet with similar appearance can make the enemy irrational, and she has known what she has known for a long time.

"In other words, Alice, how did you do this like this? When I first saw it, I even thought it was Yue himself."

Alice, who was about to control the army of puppets to block the Knights Templar, heard Pa Qiuli's inquiry. The whole person froze immediately, and the white face began to get a blush. Although it’s a foregone conclusion with Shirai, but Alice is still very shy in the face of Paqiuli, who was with Shirai and she was a good sister before her, so she hasn’t figured out how to explain her How did Heirai get to this point today?

Poor Alice didn’t even know that the relationship between her and Bai Jingyue suddenly turned, and 90% of the credit was due to Pa Qiuli. Just a few months ago, when Bai Jingyue arrived at the Red Devils Hall, she was caught by Pa Qiu. Li sold it to the whole person.

Seeing that the enemy was about to rush forward, Alice quickly rushed to control the puppet army. As for Paqiuli's question? It has long been ignored by Alice. Now that there is war, how can I chat?

An army of puppets similar in appearance to Alice lined up in front of her. The stacked gold shields were like an airtight wall, and the knight's lance that was raised before flashed sharply, aiming at the many upcoming temples. knight.

Finally, the two met.

I don’t know if it’s an increase in anger or someone neglected the control of the puppet because of shyness. The white torrent instantly broke down the pier built by the puppet. The puppet array was almost cut through!

Fortunately, Alice's technology was excellent, and she just maintained the bad situation. Father Anderson, who was in the position of the Knights Templar, finally stopped at a position 30 meters away from Alice, and was driven by several dolls with a gold spear Back and forth.

He waved off the head of a puppet and snarled at the puppet who looked like Shiraitsu in front of Alice. From his relaxed appearance, these puppets were not his opponents at all.

However, he just beheaded a puppet, and then two, three, or even more puppets were added! Father Anderson can only be forced to keep going back!

The toughest charge did not penetrate the array, which caused the Templar and Alice’s puppet army to change from positional battle to melee, and the two troops fought on the street in front of Alice.

At the beginning, the Knights Templar had the absolute upper hand. Although they were of similar physical qualities, their Holy Armor could stop the knight's piercing of the puppets, and their blades could cut off the puppets' shields. The puppets were easily beheaded by them.

But there are too many puppets. Obviously they have killed enough puppets to cover the streets, and the enemies in front of them are not rare!

If you look closely, the magic circle that sent the puppets has been running behind the two witches. The puppets continue to flow from the side of Alice. As long as the speed of their beheading is not comparable to the supplementary speed, they must No doubt!

"It won't work like this!"

At the rear of the Knights Templar, the thirteenth members of the Knights Templar discovered this problem first. They negotiated to go around the houses on both sides of the street, but they just climbed to the roof. Found a horrifying scene!

I don’t know when, the surrounding roofs are already covered with puppets! These puppets did not participate in the battle, but gradually walked around from the roof toward the rear of the Knights Templar. Now they have already reached the vicinity of these people!

"Father Anderson!"

The members of the thirteenth branch who discovered this scene shouted the name of the priest, but it was too late.

After the plan was revealed, Alice simply did not hide, and directly controlled these dolls to rush down from the side! Surround all the members of the Knights Templar like a pocket!

The greatly increased number of dolls has increased the pressure of many Templars in battle. Just a little while later, when these Templars' holy power is consumed cleanly, it is when these Templars are killed by Huang Quan!

As a result, something unexpected happened to Alice. Faced with the desperation, the Templars no longer lost their previous madness, they cooperated with each other, and soon established a foothold in the puppet's encirclement and suppression and began to cooperate with the thirteenth department, Prepare to break through the encirclement.

Alice wants to stop it, but these dolls are only dolls after all, and they need to be controlled by her personally and have no autonomous ability. Controlling this number of puppets to act independently is now the limit of Alice, so that all these puppets can play a tacit cooperation like humans, and she can't do it for the time being.

After a roar of guns and guns, the two units of the melee separated. Father Anderson stood at the forefront of the Knights Templar and could not see any crazy appearance.

Alice's complexion was a bit ugly when she looked at the body of the puppets and the corpses of a few humans that had turned into waste products. She now understands that the madness of the Knights Templar was just pretending! They deliberately used this state to test her power!

"I admit, I look down upon you, humans."

The black-skinned magic book held in Alice's hands glowed with disturbing glare. She was a seven-color puppet, but her core strength was not a puppet! Puppetry is her interest, her real power is the magic book in her hands, and the power of the seven sins specially arranged for her by her mother God Qi!

Seeing enough magic to destroy an entire area, Paqiuli reached out and held Alice.

"Don't mess up, the enemy hasn't appeared yet."

Paqiuli's words made Alice calm down. She remembered what Shirai had entrusted before, snorted, and closed the magic book in her hand.

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