The Forbidden World

Chapter 1915: Warfare XI

Pulling the sword at once, as if to awaken the sleeper's horn, spread instantly throughout the battlefield.

At first the high-level vampires didn't take this call seriously, but soon they found something was wrong, and some people stepped out of their position and stood alone in the mist.

These people are different from the Crusader troops wearing white robes. They wear heavy armor that should have been eliminated by the times, and they hold the two-handed swords that were not useful in this era. The pale armor is covered with fierce scars, even the brightest paint can't change its useless nature. The sword's body is cracked everywhere, as if it will be cracked in the next moment. Waste products that can no longer be used.

But they still wear this armor on their body, this sword is held in their hands, and they come to the battlefield that may die at any time!

The armor is not tough, the blade is not sharp, but the breath of these people is getting bigger and bigger! It seems as though some kind of trembling power is awakening from these people!

The high-end vampires could not help but postpone the offensive, and intuitively told them that if they rush up now, they may encounter very terrible things.

These vampires did not feel wrong, and less than half a minute after they stopped attacking, the mutation appeared.

A ray of light suddenly appeared in the mist.

There is no reason, unclear and innocent, the light suddenly appeared in the mist, just like the lighthouse suddenly lit up the hope in everyone's heart!

If you look closely, this light is emitted from those who walked out of position alone!

The broken armor was covered with a thin light curtain, and the cracked blade was also full of light that could not be seen directly. These hundreds of people suddenly changed from a group of extraordinary mortals to a trump card with extraordinary power. army!

It was like, before the death of Jehovah, the Crusaders who could still use Holy Power!

This is the real card of the Knights Templar, the Roman Church!

Every Templar, like Father Alexander Anderson, was a member of the former Crusaders. It is not this kind of temporary crusaders used to conquer other regions, but it is stationed in the church all year round, specializing in fighting against aliens, and once participated in the Vatican jihad, witnessing the scene of the killing of the Lord by Shiraitsu!

The death of the Lord made these people lose their holy power and became ordinary knights. In order to be able to take revenge on Shirai, all of them have undergone transformation like Father Anderson, and have been hiding in the Vatican to exercise their strength, waiting for the day when they can take revenge on Shirai.

They waited.

After Father Anderson brought back the news of Shiraii, they regained their holy power because of the awakening of the gods. They came here with the thirteenth branch and joined the ninth crusade. Because of their failure, they exiled themselves from the Crusaders. They are no longer the crusaders who represent God's punishment, but the avengers who vent their anger to the enemy!

They thought of a new name for Templars for themselves!

They don’t have the mounts that knights deserve, but they don’t need mounts anymore. Each of them is a strong man who has been transformed and blessed with divine power. Everyone is not weaker than Father Anderson. They survived the battlefield of the gods. He has lived in purgatory despair to this day in order to avenge Bai Jingyue!

After the endless light dissipated the mist, the group of people came behind Father Anderson, neatly arranged in four rows, the hot thing throbbed, buried a hundred years of emotion, and was finally awakened today! It seems that the burning hatred of the sky dome will dye the whole world in an instant!

The sword held by Father Anderson's hands also covered the Holy Power. His hands crossed in a cross shape, his eyes widened and he looked at hundreds of high-level vampires in front of him.

"The enemy is a vampire! The man's claws we regard as the enemy! The day of revenge is coming! Let us solve these hyenas first!"

Killing intent!

Those high-level vampires did not have the idea of ​​making everyone a blood eater at this moment. They finally remembered that they had been beaten down by the Roman Church until the Shiraitsuki beheaded the Lord, and now they appear in In front of them, it is the heritage of the Roman Church! It is the trump card that can completely destroy the vampire family!

Fear, in turn, spreads among vampires! Especially in the old generation who was beaten by the Roman church, they seemed to recall the days of wandering around under the search of the church!

The younger generations were determined to fight, but they did not forget what their queen said to them privately before the war, so they quietly took a few steps back.

The strangeness of the vampires was seen in the eyes of the Crusaders, and their morale suddenly increased! And Father Anderson standing at the forefront directly launched the charge!

"Templar Knights! Pull the sword!"

This time, it is no longer a cry to awaken everyone, but a horn of charge! With the power of God, the Knights Templar led the Crusaders towards the vampire army!

Followed by the thirteenth branch in the name of betrayal, they held double guns and used silver bullets soaked in holy water to cover the Templars.

Finally, the ninth Crusade with Maxwell as the commander ~ ~ They do not have the fighting power of the Knights Templar and the 13th Branch, but they have strict discipline and fanatical faith!

Under the blow of high-end vampires, they were on the verge of collapse, but when Father Anderson stood up, they became fanatical warriors again!

The army rushed towards the vampire's station, and many vampires suddenly fell into a dilemma.


Looking at the military force on the opposite side, one can understand that oneself and others are certainly unbeatable.

But it won't work without playing! Their vampires guarded an enchantment column. If the enchantment column was lost, wouldn't the angry Queen Remilia kill them all?

This is not alarmist. It can be seen from these hundreds of years of getting along, although Queen Remilia really took them seriously and blessed them and the Roman church for many years, but in their Remi In the eyes of Queen Leah, the entire vampire community is not as important as a Red Devil Hall!

If the problem of this war is with them, who knows whether Remilia will do such a thing? Not to mention that there is still a big devil, Shiraizuki, Remilia may still keep some hands because of past love, this big devil will not be merciless.

"Since you can't beat the front, then harass and obstruct from the side. In short, you can't just retreat like this, otherwise you all know it!"

After finishing this sentence, a patriarch of a vampire family took action. He turned into a group of bloodthirsty bats and cut in from the side of the Crusaders, causing a confusion. The others quickly followed after seeing this, and set off a **** storm in the center of the Crusaders. !

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