The Forbidden World

Chapter 1904: Determination (fourfour)

A barrier that no one could see swept across London in an instant, and the earth began to shake!


This was the word that the residents of London thought of for the first time. They walked out of the room, stopped the vehicle, and then gathered in the empty area to wait for the vibration to end, but soon they found something was wrong.

Such a violent vibration, why didn't even the window crack?

Just when everyone felt puzzled, the second barrier suddenly swept across!

In an instant, all the people who did not pass the screening collapsed! Then the vibration is more intense!

Finally, the big change began!

Four huge pillars gradually rose from the ground, at the same time, the whole world began to fade like a receding Jianshui, and finally disappeared like a phantom in the mist!

Such a scene made all the sober people stunned. I don’t know that the natural change of the pillar will be frightened and uneasy about the changes in front of me, and those who know are not expecting this thing to be so big when it starts. 'S movement!

Everyone's breathing can't help but rush, and there is an uncontrollable feeling of fear in their hearts. What kind of power is this to achieve this kind of thing?

Fortunately, this force quickly subsided, and many buildings in London appeared again around the crowd, and the strange shock stopped, and everything seemed to have happened.

If there weren't the four white pillars towering into the clouds.

"You, what have you done!?"

In the special security headquarters, the voice of the lieutenant colonel holding all the people trembling. Although he didn't know what was happening outside, the strange scene made him subconsciously afraid.

"It just smashed your conspiracy."

Intergula ignored the bullets surrounding her and took a cigar out of her arms to ignite it. After taking a light sip, Intergula laughed.

"It's funny to say that you are vampires just after birth. We Helsing is a vampire annihilation organization. The little frog with his tail not swaying walked to the giant snake in a swing."

Intergula's words made the fear of the Lieutenant Colonel even worse. He pointed his gun at Intergula in panic, trying to eliminate the fear in his heart, but it was this action that made him step into the ghost.

With Intergula's mocking gaze, the blue thread rolled around the lieutenant colonel's hand. He didn't even feel the pain, and his whole hand fell to the ground.

Covering the hand that was constantly pouring blood, the lieutenant colonel glared at Ingula, but before he could order it, Ingula spoke with a smile.

"Walter, work."

"Observe, little sister."

Walking out of the shadows, Walter looked at the crowd with a smile on his face: "Then let me be your opponent, little babies."

The disturbed soldiers frantically shot at Walter, but ordinary bullets could not break through Walter’s defense with special silk threads, and Walter could cut these vampires with silk threads all over the room with only a few fingers. Body.

In a moment, Walter resolved all the enemies, and then retreated into the shadows.

"Are you alright, Peywood?"

Lieutenant General Peywood, who was still immersed in shock, was startled by the sound of Intergula's shout, and only a moment later reacted to it. This was asking him about the situation, so he gave a soft hum.

Seeing that Admiral Peywood didn't startle, Intulala breathed a sigh of relief, and then told Lieutenant General Peywood and the people present at the meeting: "You should have sensed the great change just now. It was actually a teleportation, and now we And the enemy are in a false space, so no matter how we fight, it will not cause any damage to the real London. However, if people die, they really die. So you should find a place to hide as soon as possible. ."

Lieutenant General Peywood did not promise Intergula. After thinking for a while, he refused: "Go back to your institution as soon as possible. You have a task that only you can accomplish. I can't evacuate. I can't do this alone. "

Intergula rolled his eyes.

Having worked with Lieutenant General Peywood for so many years, she also knows about this man. Although he is a man with high family background, insufficient ability and courage, but he is also a devoted person. It is estimated that he is thinking of sticking to his post even if he dies. To the last moment. This deserves her admiration, but the problem is that Lieutenant Peywood is simply thinking too much!

"Did I not say that, we are in a false space now. Innocent civilians and most soldiers will not be transferred to this space, only our Hellsing agency and several other guard forces, and you Command headquarters that knows the truth about millennium will be sent in. So it doesn’t make sense to stick to this place, no one will contact you again, they are not in this space at all."

Intergula's words left everyone present at a loss, not knowing what to do now.

Although Intergula asked them to hide, they are all important areas in the vicinity. If the enemy is sure to find them, how should they hide?

"Forget it, you build a line of defense on the spot. After the other party has experienced upheaval, it should no longer be the first target to hit our command site. If you are lucky, you should not have an accident. Just in case... ·This is for you."

Immediately, Intergula took out a six-sided ice crystal from his arms and threw it to Lieutenant General Peywood.

"this is?"

"This is support for you, and will arrive in a few minutes."

While Peywood looked at the ice crystals in his hand inconceivably, Intergula stood up and left with, that’s the bodyguard that Mr. Shirai gave you, okay? ? "

"What protection do we need as soldiers on the front line."

Integura threw away the smoke in his hand and replaced it with a long sword that had been sheathed.

"Leave the bodyguards to these ordinary people. In our case, just kill a path."

Walter was very worried. It was too far away from the location of their large force. Although he was very strong, he was not sure to protect Intergula from the millennium army.

However, Intergula looked confident.

"Walter, don't forget who I am."

Who is Intergula? She is the nominal commander of the Hellsing institution, a dark **** placed in the Hellsing institution by the British Puritanism, and is also a direct descendant of Abraham Van Hessin!

Seeing the white light gradually appearing on Intergula's sword, Walter was shocked.

Some time ago, Intergula was still uncertain about whether to accept this force, but now, Intergula has already made a decision.

"I am the last descendant of the Haixin family, and I am a hunter guarding human beings! For this, what does my own existence have to do with it?"

The long sword swayed, and the white light reflected the face of Intergula, which was filled with the determination to kill all obstacles!

ps: It's like this today, the remaining two are more bookkeeping.

ps2: Internet cafes are really hard to code, can't talk, there are people next to me asking me what I'm doing, so embarrassing. Not used to it.

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