The Forbidden World

Chapter 1900: overture

The bait made by the millennium brigade is not the combat strength above, but its position.


Vampires cannot cross the flowing water. This is a conceptual repression. The sea is the bottom of **** for vampires. The aircraft carrier staying in the sea is like a blocked island. The enemy cannot escape, but They are the same.


Let’s not talk about how to break through that strange musket rifle line and send people up. Even if people are really sent up to solve the enemy on the aircraft carrier, the person sent in a short period of time can’t come back. A person is absolutely impossible to start. So for an aircraft carrier, the people who were sent over can only wait for them to pick them up on the ship.


  Will the millennium brigade give them this time?


"If I guess right, the main force of the other party has moved closer to London. As long as we send someone to solve this crisis, their main force will directly attack London. It seems that the other party is very cautious, even at this time. Still want to further divide our fighting power."


  White Jingyue pinched his chin and frowned slightly: "I guess some of the plans we made before did not work. There will be many variables in this war. When the battle is decisive, you must adapt to it."


   "It's already this time, is it too late to make temporary changes?"


  Intergula pressed the cigarette into the ashtray anxiously and asked, "Now the focus is on how to solve the current problem. How do we send people to which sea fortress?"


  Even if they know that this is the other party’s strategy, they must also send someone to solve this problem, so the focus is no longer on how to fight in the future, but on who they are going to send and how to send them to the past.


   "Since it's a bait, there shouldn't be many people on the other side. We should send one person. It should be enough, but the other side's people should control the shipborne weapons. It should be more than enough. Ordinary aircraft and ships can't send people at all."


   "That's the normal situation."


  Shiraitsu stood up and smiled to deny Intergula's inference.


"We know this is bait, why waste precious combat power before the decisive battle? Neither the high-level vampires nor the abilities can leave the prison at sea after the attack, so we will send one that can leave at any time. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a person? Exactly, I am better at breaking things like space."


   Everyone was stunned for a moment. Shiraitsu means, let him go?


"I can return through the space channel at any time, so this prison at sea is not effective for me. Instead, we can take the opportunity to wipe out the other party's troops, so why not let me go? It happens that my current identity is a vampire in the hellsing organization. It’s reasonable for me to go there with such a small transparency."


   "They will scare you away?"


  Thinking about how Shiraizuki had torn open the space before, Intergula was very worried. Even if the people of the millennium brigade were stupid, would they not launch an attack on London after seeing that scene?


   "Of course I will not tear open the space to pass. When I go, just make a plane. It is not necessary to worry about the other party's air defense firepower, I will solve it."


  White well month so vowed to give it to him, what reason Intergula refused?


   But before that, there is still a question to be solved.


   "If you go, who will launch that enchantment?"


   Shiraitsu cannot scare the millennium brigade, so it is absolutely impossible to return before the millennium brigade enters London. However, in such a distant sea, can Shiraitsu still open the enchantment in time?


   "Of course it was you who started it."




Bai Jingyue handed a small red ball to the somewhat confused Intergula, and then said, "The enchantment has been set. As long as you crush this red pill, the enchantment will work and replace the inside and outside. At the same time, I also set up a filtering mechanism, all the transcendental and war-knowledge people will be transferred to the fake area at the same time. Those who do not know the war will not be involved in this war, and those ordinary people who know the war , I have no choice."


   Like those in the previous combat command room, they belong to the affected people, but Shiraitsu has no choice. Some people in the necessary evil church, most people in the Devil Hunter Association, and mercenaries in the hellsing organization belong to this category. It is impossible for Bai Jingyue to give up so many for a small number of innocent ordinary people. Fighting power.


It is not impossible to classify them anymore. The problem is such a large enchantment. It is not easy to change. It is already the limit to add personnel synchronization transfer function and add two filtering mechanisms. If you add it again, it may affect the enchantment itself. .


   "So, when is the best time to launch?"


"Just start the enchantment before the other party launches the attack. I have placed some simple puppets around the false area. The other party should not see the problem until the attack is actually launched. However, considering Valenrian’s It’s best to start after the other party has entered the London airspace. The specific time is up to you."


   took a deep breath, and Intergula held the red pill, which was the outcome of the whole war, and nodded.


   "So, let me find a jet plane. By the way, find a cheaper one. I won't land normally. I don't plan to pay for the plane."


   got up and instructed Walter to prepare for the car to the airport. Intergula smiled and said to Shiraii: "As long as you can help Britain solve this crisis, let alone a plane, what about an airport?"


An hour later, Bai Jingyue, who was sitting in the pilot's seat of the airplane, looked at the people outside through the glass window and lowered his head in a voice that was inaudible to others and said some inexplicable words: "If the plan really goes well, You might hate me or maybe."


   Although the physical quality of vampires is stronger than ordinary But who can hear Shirai's murmur if he doesn't want people to hear it? Everyone who didn’t know Bai Jingyue’s words, after watching Bai Jingyue leave by plane, quickly informed the parties to prepare for a decisive battle.


   After receiving the news, many forces began to send troops to the predetermined location, and at the same time, the undercurrent that had always been conspiracy began to act.


   This is the most powerful moment of many forces in London, and also the weakest moment of many forces in London! If you want to do something, this is the best opportunity!


   The decisive battle is coming, and the battle between Shiraitsu on the aircraft and Lieutenant Rip on the aircraft carrier will kick off the war!


   In the curtain of the dark night, looking at the sea that is constantly flying out of the window, Shirai's mouth grinned.


   "Come on, two. It's time to close." Ps: Bookmates, I am Yunyue Liuguang. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening to books, zero ads, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press for three seconds to copy) Book friends will pay attention!

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