The Forbidden World

Chapter 1898: drama

After initially deciding how to get Shenqi's plan, Shirai and Alice were relieved. In order to vent the tension they had just accumulated, the two went out of the cafe and continued shopping, until it was close to midnight, Shirai was like thinking of something. Similarly, holding Alice and walking towards another lane.


   Looking at the alleyway in the main street although it was dim but not prosperous, Alice was puzzled: "Here is it?"


"This is the real Chinatown. The road outside is for everyone, and the localization of Chinatown has been deliberately changed, and this laneway is the Chinatown facing the Chinese people. The things inside are the most authentic. Yes. Whether it’s food or drama."


   walked through the two lanes again, a small square that was not big appeared in front of them, and the congested crowd made Alice at a loss.


"here is?"


"follow me."


   Holding Alice's hand, Shiraoi quietly wrapped herself and Alice's body with strength, and then shuttled back and forth among the crowd, and finally came to a high platform that could see the central scene of the crowd.


   "That's it. Everyone comes to see the puppet show in Chinatown's most famous puppet show troupe."


   "Puppet show?"


   Alice was a little puzzled. Of course she knows what a puppet show is, but no matter where you go, it's better than going to a puppet show? She admits that the Chinese puppet show has a long history, but can the puppet show be real? On the control of puppets, she dumped these people in several realms!


   "Alice, what was your first dream, haven't you forgotten yet?"


   "Well...I want to make life like my mother."


   "So I brought you here."


Bai Jingyue held Alice in her arms, completely separating her from the people around her, and sniffing the fragrance from the tip of her nose. Bai Jingyue whispered: "If you want to make life, you must first understand life. You have no mistake in analyzing human beings. But the starting point is too high. You have to understand that what you make is not a new human being, but a new life based on the body of a puppet."


  To put it simply, Shiraiuki thinks that Alice is a little too far away.


   Even Bai Jingyue with analytical power has not been able to create humans so far. How can Alice be just a magician? Maybe she can make exactly the same body as humans, just like Cang Qi oranges can make dolls that no one can see, but it is not a new life, just a more advanced doll.


   "If you want to make a puppet life, the first thing to do is to analyze what a puppet's life is. The Chinese puppet show has a strong charm. I think you should be able to get some inspiration from it."


   There are both puppet shows in the West and East, but the artistic expressions of the two are different, and the content displayed is different. Either way, it can only partially show what is the life of a doll.


   Alice has always been in contact with Western puppet shows. She only has a rough understanding of the Eastern puppet shows. She has never watched it on the spot. This is a lack.


   and Shiraiuki specially brought Alice to the best Chinese puppet theater team in the whole UK, just to make up for what Alice missed.


   Alice would like to refute Shiraitsu, but in Shiraitsu's arms, she only feels that the whole person has softened. How can she resist Shiraiki? He had no choice but to paralyze in Shirai's arms and watch the puppet show not far away according to Shirai's request.


   At the beginning, Alice watched with some scrutiny, but when she looked at her, something changed.


   Looks like there is something inside that she didn't notice in the past.


  After Alice became enchanted, Shiraiuki breathed a sigh of relief.


  To tell the truth, many of the things he said before were actually fooling Alice.


  Huaxia puppet show is indeed helpful to Alice, but the help is definitely not as great as Shirai said. How can it be so simple to make life? Even if Alice really learned something from this puppet show, it was only one step closer to the goal.


   Sakai said these words, the main goal is actually to make Alice give up research on how to create a human soul.


Although her magic is based on the Seven-Sin Sect, the human soul is not only composed of sin. The complexity of the human soul is not even understood by Bai Jingyue. Alice’s continued research in this area is only time-consuming, not as good as before. Study the life of a puppet through puppet shows in various regions.


   At least this road is a practical road.


  Huaxia puppet show was performed in front of Shirai and Alice. At the same time, another drama opened on the Atlantic Ocean.


   A woman with an ancient flintlock in her arms, wearing round-frame glasses, approached the British aircraft carrier USS Eagle in a gunship helicopter. However, such a suspicious target approached, but the USS Eagle did not respond at all.


   After landing, the woman stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier with a gun, and her black hair fluttered under the moonlight.


   "In this way, it will be in my hands, there is no difference between messy, my bullets will not be merciless."


   "Welcome to my ship!"


   Behind the woman, three low-level vampires greeted her.


   "As you wish, my men and I joined illenniu."


  The woman did not look back, but asked the other party in a strange tone: "How about the new captain, who betrayed the body obtained by the motherland and killed the body of the vampire obtained by her companion?"


I didn't expect the woman to ask this question so The person in the captain's suit is not looking good, and just then, the woman continued: "Ah, yes. Give full play to the undead. Strength, how does it feel to eat the blood of the chief and his subordinates? The new captain?"


   The new captain in the woman's mouth did not answer. Although he was betrayed, it was always unpleasant to say such things. Just when the new captain didn’t know what the woman was selling, the woman suddenly turned back and smiled: "Very good, how beautiful! illenniu welcomes you very much! Really great credit! Without you, you wouldn’t Success! Acting President is also very happy!"


   A series of compliments made the new captain and his subordinates look better. Just when they thought the handover was completed, the woman suddenly raised the flintlock in her hand and aimed at the new captain's head!


   "If it's okay, hurry up and give it to me! British guy!"


  'S greasy face and the unabashed murderous intention made the new captain instantly understand that he and his men were not recognized by these people from the beginning! From the beginning, they were nothing but disposable pieces! ) Book friends, pay attention!

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