The Forbidden World

Chapter 1891: Bait

[Title: Magic ban all things frozen bait Chapter 1891 (first more) Author: Lunar streamer]

The Forbidden Everything Freezes the Latest Chapter 2k Novel Network Welcome to You! The domain name of this site: \"2k小说\" Good novel

Highly recommended: The film world thieves think of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peak of the five elements, the door of the heavenly realm, and the choice of the sky. .

"It really is not that easy."

Intergula smoked a cigar in frustration and told everyone what was happening at the moment.

"After repeated trials, the remnants of the Third Reich did not send people to attack us, but instead attacked the necessary evil church. Now the necessary evil church and the demon hunter's association are fighting hard."

Bai Jingyue shrugged: "That's no way. The bizarre disappearance of the Demon Hunter Association to lure the other party to attack is too obvious. How can the other party be fooled so easily? But that's all."

Intergula nodded, agreeing with Shirai's words: "Yeah, that's all."

For the incident of the necessary evil church attack, everyone present was not at all alarmed, only Silas, who was not too aware of the plan, dragged Bai Jingyue's clothes in doubt: "Sir, don't we go to rescue ?"

"Rescue? Why should we rescue? We should not know that the necessary evil church has been attacked at this moment."

Bai Jingyue pointed out that the other party used jammers and shortened the telephone line.

"The other party did this to cover the news that the necessary evil church was attacked. This shows that the other party does not understand the magic communications used inside the necessary evil church. If we go to rescue, it will reveal that we have a special way of communication. The battles before the decisive battle are actually gathering intelligence. Now that we have such a big advantage in intelligence, how can we give up in plain sight?"

The other party directly sent troops to attack the necessary evil church, indicating that the other party no longer intends to hide. No matter the success or failure of this attack, the other party will launch a general attack soon. At such a critical time, any important information needs to be kept secret, because maybe One of these intelligences affected the final outcome of the war.

"But if you go on like this, companions"

"Relax, long ago, we expected this situation today."

Knowing that the plan to lure the other party to attack the hellsing agency is too conspicuous to succeed, how could they not prepare much?

It is of course best if the other party attacks the hellsing organization as planned, but who can guarantee that the other party will definitely attack the hellsing organization? The other party's suspicion target is not just a hellsing agency. Isn't it, the other party has found the necessary evil church?

The necessary evil church headquarters was a very secret place many years ago. It is located on a cliff by the sea, which is like a dead end for ordinary people, but modern investigative methods are so developed, and such a tower on the cliff is very eye-catching. Is it good? The necessary evil churches have been evacuated here for several days and are ready to develop this place as a tourist attraction to earn operational funds.

In order to make the bait that is more beeping than the hellsing mechanism, the necessary evil church is reactivated here, and then the people of the Demon Hunter Association are stationed. This attack appears to be a beautiful attack from the remnants of the Third Empire, but in fact, the remnants of the Third Empire still bite their carefully prepared bait.

"Should the hide project have already started?"

At this time, the battle of the necessary evil church headquarters gradually entered the high.

After repeated shootings, the army of blood servants finally broke the door to the necessary evil church.

The gate of the headquarters of the necessary evil church is very strong. It was originally a gate specially built to guard against demons. However, in the past 100 years, technology has developed too quickly. Compared with modern weapons, this gate is still too old. These years Although it hasn't been repaired, it is always the gate that has fallen behind. The vampire didn’t even use heavy weapons. The bullets only made the gates dilapidated, which soon turned into a rag and collapsed.

Without the cover of the gate, many blood servants rushed in through the gate and quickly occupied the first floor hall.

At this moment, under the leadership of the Blood Servant Brigade, there was a conflict between the two black and white brothers.

It is wrong to say that the contradiction is wrong. The younger brother wants to go all the way up and wipe out all the rebellious firepower, while the younger brother wants to go down and deal with the threats that may exist in the depths.

In the end the two decided to divide their troops.

Judging from the previous confrontation, the necessary evil church and the demon hunter association are simply not vulnerable, and they do not need much vigilance at all.

What the two did not expect was that they had just separated some blood servants for a short while, and the necessary counterattack of the evil church came.

The elder brother encountered was a giant machine with a spider shape. The machine was loaded with heavy machine guns everywhere. The crazy metal barrage was like a storm of death. Can't stop the fire of large-caliber bullets.

There is no need to restrain the silver bullet of the vampire, just hit, the body of the blood servant will be shattered by a huge impact like a rag, and as soon as he meets, the blood servant brought down by his brother will die one sixth. Luke Valentine looked at the machinery that was raging not far away, and felt a bit difficult. He is a speed-enhanced vampire. At his speed, this mechanically fired ammunition cannot hurt him.

But the problem is that he can't hurt the machine.

The outer shell of the machine is a special alloy that he has never seen before. His knife scratching on this giant machine can't even break the defense. Perhaps only the joints can deal with this kind of machine, but he has just been tentative. It has been confirmed during the attack that there is a physical trigger device at the joint. As long as the joint is destroyed, the broadsword mine located near the joint will be triggered.

If it is an open area, he can still hide with speed. In this narrow area, the explosion of the broadsword mines is a bit confusing even for him.

As Luke thought about how to deal with this machine, the position where he stood suddenly collapsed! A claw stabs Luke's body from below!

Facing the crisis of death, Luke's body suddenly turned into a red light and shadow. When he appeared again, he already appeared in the back of his army.

Looking at the second giant machine crawling out of the ground, Luke's face was very ugly. These machines are indeed unable to take him, but they can easily kill the blood servants around him. After these blood servants were cleaned up, it was his turn's troops, and his brother did not have the ability to survive such a metal storm.

While Luke was worried about his brother, his younger brother, Valentine, happily entered the magic trap carefully prepared by the magicians of the necessary evil church.

The ice and flames permeated, the violent winds and thunder and lightning raged, the blood servant army one by one turned to ashes, and Yang Valentine no longer lost his previous arrogance.

He hid behind the pillar, praying that his brother would get it done quickly, and then came over to support him. 2k novel reading network

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