The Forbidden World

Chapter 1888: revenge

"The moon is so beautiful tonight, monsters."

The priest, holding a double-edged blade, approached Shiraizuki step by step, and he was stunned just halfway through.

Obviously, the woman was hit by the knife he had blessed, but it stood up like no one else. Look carefully at the blades that fell to the ground. There was no drop of blood on it!

How can this be? He knows the strength of his attack, even those high-level vampires who are hit without any defense have to be hit hard, and it turns out to be useless to this woman?

"How is this going?"

Silas, who stood up, looked blankly at the priest with a gloomy face. He didn't know that she seemed to have hit the priest the most as if nothing had happened.

Bai Jingyue secretly laughed for a while and then stopped Silas behind him. It is enough for Silas to see the world. If confronted head-on, the priest who is full of power is not something Silas can fight. Not to mention, the Bible that does not know how much of the amplification and healing effect is hidden is not something Silas can do.

Here, let him handle it.

"The 13th Section of the Vatican, the secret service [(Judah the Betrayal)]. The church is still doing these things as always."

What happened to Shiraitsu unexpectedly happened. After listening to Sakai’s sarcasm, the priest actually started to tremble!

"This voice... this voice... I will never forget this voice! Yes, it is you! A boyish appearance! The devil's half-silver hair! It's you! Betrayer! Mu En!"


Bai Jingyue was really ignorant. What the **** is this? Why are there acquaintances everywhere? Can you have a good time?

In other words, he remembered that this priest was a reformer. This tone and this tragic look. This priest would not be a survivor of the jihad a hundred years ago?

"I will never forget that scene, the scene where the evil spear pierced my main chamber! Mu En, I finally found you, and we finally found you!"

Roaring frantically, the priest made an unexplained howling, seeming to vent or to talk. A moment later, the priest returned to calm, but in those pupils, the flames of revenge were burning.

"Since you are a traitor, I can't do it alone."

The priest took out a simple-looking book and spread it on his hand to open it directly. I saw countless golden pages rushing out and surrounded the priest, obscuring Shirai's sight.

"Wait in a place of sin, fear in the darkness, and confess to my lord! Pray to my lord! Soon, we will come back and kill you!"

With a sound of broken glass, the priest disappeared from Bai Jingyue's sight, looking at the broken window on the side, Bai Jingyue laughed dumbly.

Doesn't this kind of blind eye despise him too much? If it weren't for something else, Shirai will definitely not put this person back. Escape from him, at least a high-level escape method.

"Forget it, let you go back and wait for the Avengers for a hundred years."

Standing on the edge of the window sill, Bai Jingyue looked at the figure of the priest, and his eyes gradually turned into nothingness. It seemed to be looking at a figure through the priest.

"I am waiting for your revenge. You have spent a hundred years of time regrouping and always giving you a chance to perform? Bet on everything you have in this world, prepare your army, perfect your weapons and polish Come to my revenge with your sword! I will give you a chance to touch me at least."

Silas looked puzzled at Bai Jingyue suddenly, and shouted doubtfully Bai Jingyue: "Long... Officer?"

"Don't care, it's just to say hello to the old man. I thought this was a two-man battle for hegemony, and now it seems that the Three Kingdoms are standing tall and more and more interesting."

Bai Jingyue is not talking about London, the remnants of the Third Reich and the Roman Church, but refers to Bai Jingyue, the will of the world and the Lord who has always intended to invade this world.

The former is at most a war under control, while the latter is the game that determines the future of the entire world!

Even Bai Jingyue couldn't help but be serious now. It’s cool to pretend to beep, but you must not pretend to be a stupid beep. The opponents are the will of the world and Jehovah. He also has to pay the most basic respect.

"Silas, go back. The plan needs to be revised."

"Plan? What plan?"

"Don't you know? No one of them told you?"

Bai Jingyue was a little speechless. Silas is now a full member of the hellsing organization. He didn't even know the most critical plan of the hellsing organization? What are the people in the family doing?

"It's okay if you don't know. Anyway, you plan to revise it. You will come over this meeting and you will know by then."

Bai Jingyue wants to revise the plan temporarily, this decision makes both Intergula and Walt stunned. It has been several months since the plan was customized, and now that [Transitional Pillars] is about to be completed, and when the remnants of the Third Reich will be intolerable, amend the plan?

"The situation has changed a little. Do you know who is the priest sent to Bedolik this time?"

"It is the trump card of the 13th section [Betrayer] of the Vatican Secret Service in Rome. Paladin Alexander Anderson. The origin, race, and age are all unknown. I only know that he is an expert in combating monsters."

"That is of course. If the group of people could live to the present day, they would all be experts in fighting monsters."

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone stunned. Does Bai Jingyue know the origin of Father Anderson?

"I don't know the exact origin, but I know an important piece of information. If I am not mistaken, this priest Anderson was a survivor of the jihad of that year. After that war, some kind of transformation was carried out to live to the present. "

Intergula's face was a bit ugly: "How do you know? Shouldn't..."

"Well, that should be the case. The guy recognized me within a few minutes of meeting, and threatened to take revenge. I guess this time the Roman Church will not be as simple as the Ninth Crusade as we thought. This is definitely a rhythm that doesn't stop me from falling out of So, the situation is that you have been completely exposed, we have to temporarily modify the plan for the mess that you caused, right? marshal!?"

Facing the emotional Intergula, Shiraizuki laughed and took two steps back.

"Don’t worry, the situation is not as bad as you think. The Roman Church basically ran out of their homes a hundred years ago. Even if they came out of the nest, it was difficult to fight against so many forces in London at the same time. They must use the remnants of the Third Empire. of."

Once the remnants of the Third Reich knew about such a huge variable, Shiraitsuki, they would immediately suspend the plan, because the current Roman Church absolutely has no ability to independently avenge, so they dare not divulge Shiraitsuki's existence.

Give up revenge? Don't joke, he is the one who killed their lord here. If they counseled, would they still be worthy of their faith? Moreover, they want to counsel, and the existence behind them will not counsel.

"In this case, it's just that we need to face a larger number of Roman church troops, and we plan to adjust it a little bit."

Subsequently, Shirai said his plan.

"You adjust it a little bit?"

In the final decisive battle, they were researched and obtained for a long time. As a result, Shiraitsu will be changed as soon as he comes up. However, Shiraitsu is the commander-in-chief of this war. Even if Intergula is unhappy, he secretly contacts the parties to start a discussion.

As for Bai Jingyue, he went to the basement after making his own suggestion.

Regarding the hands, he has a lot to discuss with Alice.

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