The Forbidden World

Chapter 1886: Deadlock

"how do you feel?"

Turning Kar98k into two pistols full of sci-fi with blue light, Bai Jingyue asked the feeling of fighting with superpower for the first time while cleaning up the blood servants who were floating around after losing their master.

"I do not know···"

Silas sat on the ground, staring at her **** hands, although she knew she had mastered the terrifying power before, but she didn't really feel the horror of this power until the moment of the battle.

She slammed her sonic boom and flicked her blood a little harder. She hadn't forgotten that the vampire's body was torn apart in her arms until now.

"A stronger force than a vampire. Am I still a human now?"

"Of course. Before superpowers break through to Lv6, you still belong to human category."

At first glance, it seems that Silas is now a power-breaking table, but in fact, the opponents Silas is now facing are just some crude low-level vampires. Perhaps for ordinary people, these low-level vampires are unable to Enemies of resistance, but for the awakening superhero, Silas Victoria, these low-level vampires are as fragile as paper, and naturally show a crushing situation when fighting.

In fact, Silas's current strength can only be said to be good, it can be called an ace, but it is too much to want to replace Walter or Edward.

Simply fighting brute force, perhaps these two people are not opponents of Silas, but who is relying on brute force?

Walter relies on the control of the silk thread and uses the sharp wire as a weapon. Silas's current body is resistant to small-caliber bullets. Don't think about the silk thread against Walter.

As for Edward, he is a genuine high-end vampire. In addition to the speed of specialization, he has all the abilities that a normal high-end vampire should have, but it is not usually used. If there is a decisive battle between life and death, Edward can use those strange abilities to tease Silas to death.

However, for those artificially made inferior vampires with numerous defects, Silas's ability can be said to be just right.

The body strengthens Lv5, which is the ability of Silas, an ability to comprehensively enhance physical fitness. Melee is useless, firearms are useless, it is foreseeable that in future battles, Silas can use this ability to kill the Quartet in the enemy's army, and this makes Bai Jingyue more convinced of the identity of Silas' protagonist. This kind of pro-daughter treatment, who is not the protagonist?

Having said that, Silas still has to exercise, and his psychological qualities are not enough. This is why a team of vampires is confused. What should I do when faced with the vampires who form the army? There is also this power control. As a person who can’t control his own power, how can this be done?

After Bai Jingyue cleared out all the blood servants and ensured safety nearby, he reached for Silas' forehead.

Celestun, who had no precautions at all, felt that her body had been hollowed out. She stumbled across the whole body, and then looked back at Bai Jingyue confusedly: "Sir?"

"A small limit. Without threatening life, you will unblock a higher power than full control. The more power you can control, the more power you will unblock until you are completely liberated All the power so far. As of now, I guess it's about the same as the original one?"

Silas clenched his fists, then nodded.

"It’s just a prelude, and there are at least a few months before the official battle. As long as you don’t slack off, this time should be enough. Okay, let’s go back to it before the sun has risen completely, everyone in Hellsing. Are waiting for us."

"Yes, sir!"

Silas's results surprised everyone in Hellsing's organization. In less than one night, Silas changed from an ordinary person to a strong man who could kill low-level vampires, which is a bit of a challenge to everyone's psychological limit. According to Bai Jingyue, is this the protagonist? Should I say that fortunately this protagonist is on their side?

"Shiroi, you said that I am now able to convene trustworthy people through the military to awaken superpowers, okay?"

Silas knows that the chances of a powerful player are very low, but as long as there are one or two more Lv5 like Silas, then there is basically no need to worry about this war. Not to mention participating in the siege, should it be okay to protect the four pillars?

However, Bai Jingyue shook his head.

"Although Gakuen City is my industry, this does not mean that I understand all the technologies in Gakuen City. I won't use the normal capability development device. What I took was the fool-type capacity development device specially developed by Gakuen City. It is very difficult to manufacture without saying high cost. At present, the only inventory is destroyed by Silas. Don’t say that you can’t get a new one in a while, even if it is brought, you think that with the probability of Lv5 birth, you can finally make up How many Lv5s? Awake is the ability of Lv5, even the academy city is very rare. As for those with potential, do you think the enemy will give them time to grow?"

Bai Jingyue's words made Intergula dispel that crazy thought.

"Okay, now we are stalemate with the enemy like this?"

"Well, stalemate. Let them investigate if they want to probe our intelligence. The more the other party knows about us, the more negligent it will be when they finally face the Red Devils House. Just, we need a lot of time. Russ’s power control, the encouragement of low-level vampires, the lure of the Roman Church, and the manufacture of enchantment pillars are all things that need to be completed before the decisive battle. Can’t pumps silently With a cigar in his mouth, he was silent for a while.

Just last night, they paid hundreds of lives for several families in a village. Why didn't she worry? However, Bai Jingyue said that the fact is that the other party needs to probe the intelligence, and they also need time, especially the construction of the [Transitional Pillar]. If something goes wrong, it basically means a plan collapse.

Fortunately, the other vampires staying in the UK are limited, and the follow-up should not cause such a big move today. As long as they take strict precautions, losses should be minimized.

In this way, the long tug of war began.

Whenever it gets into the night, a lot of vampires will appear all over the UK, let the British Puritanism and Hellsing institutions go to the encirclement and suppression, and every day until dawn, everything will go to silence, except for more and more deaths and injuries on both sides, no one knows what happened in the night what.

Until this day, a task that was not good was put on the table case of Shirai.

"When the church was split from the Roman church, there was controversy in this area. If the mission is here, the Roman church should have an excuse to intervene. Considering that the other party may send a trump card to attack us, it is still safest for you to go."

"Okay, leave it to me. By the way, let Silas come."

"Can she?"

"For a few months, she has almost mastered her strength. It is time for her to meet the world."

Looking at the documents in his hand, Shirai's mouth slightly raised.

"The Church of Rome, it's time to enter."

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