The Forbidden World

Chapter 1884: Initial battle

"Don't you help Silas develop superpowers?"

Intergula looked puzzled at Shirai. The reason why she didn't send Bai Jingyue, who had been disguised as an ordinary vampire, was because Bai Jingyue was busy. Could it be that after a few hours, her ability development was over?

"It's over, it's smoother than I expected. It just happens that she is not familiar with her current strength and needs to exercise."

Intergula looked curiously behind Shiraii, but saw nothing.

"Did I not say? She is not familiar with her power now. So I sealed her temporarily to avoid unnecessary losses."

"Is this really okay?"

Intergula didn't know what super power Silas had gained, but anyway, out of control sounds bad.

Bai Jingyue looked indifferent: "It's okay. Suddenly awakening beyond the power of control. This is not the first time that we have happened. We have a good response."

This is not a world of magical forbiddenness. The shady scenes are so heavy and the science flanks are so poor that even if one side passes, the school city has no choice. The academy city here, no matter how dangerous the awakening ability, will not lose control. After all, no matter how dangerous the ability is, can Shiraizuki be a dangerous person? Those who haven't even crossed the threshold of Lv5 and Lv6, let alone the sky, can't even turn the waves.

At the moment when she realized that Silas's ability might be out of control, Shiraitsu imposed a physical ban on Silas. As long as Shiraitsu does not lift the ice seal on Silas, Silas does not say that it has caused damage to the surroundings. Can't do it at all.

Intergula didn't know that Silas had turned into a big ice cube at this moment. She saw Shirai's swearing like this, she nodded, and then handed that document to Shirai.

Watching Shiraimo leave, Intergula pressed the cigar in his mouth against the ashtray and twisted hard: "Walter, this feeling of weakness is really uncomfortable."

"That big sister, you have to become stronger, as strong as the first generation Fan Haixin, but big sister, would you?"

Intergula was silent.

She knew what Walter meant. As long as she is willing, she can immediately gain the power of not losing to the first generation of Fan Haixin, the power of the president of the first generation of demon hunters association, and become the de facto leader of the demon hunters association.

The problem is that power comes at a price.

Her power comes from the blood of Fan Haixin, and the power of Fan Haixin comes from the angel! Derived from the former Hebrew deity! From the Roman church that was beheaded the false god!

How the false gods of the Roman church treat their believers is clearly recorded in the church of necessary evil. The documents in the family and the Demon Hunter Association also show that in the last battle, the Demon Hunter Van Haixin completely became an angel, and his own personality completely disappeared.

This means that if she fully stimulates the power of the blood, she is likely to become an angel's carrier and completely lose her personality. No one knows whether the post-war consciousness can be restored, because Van Haixin directly died in Dracula's hands.

"So sister, sit down quietly, your identity is not a soldier, but the decision maker of the Hellsing organization. Fight, let the soldiers do it. Don't forget, you are now under your hands, there is the most in the world Strong warrior."

The strong man who tears the space with his hands, kills the false gods by himself, and ends an era is in the Hellsing organization. What are they worried about?

Walter's persuasion made Intgula feel a little relieved. She picked up the document and continued to analyze the intelligence, looking for something that could be used, while Shiraitsu, with the ice-bound Silas toward the reservation Hurried away.

Because of the fear of suffocating Silas, Shiraizuki deliberately lifted the ice seal on her head. Silas first complained to Bai Jingyue after the ice in the head shattered, but her complaint had not yet been spoken. It was pressed back by Shiraiuki with one hand.

"Be quiet, don't talk. Otherwise, I don't mind sealing it for a while, anyway, as long as you leave your nose, you should be bored."

Recalling the scene in which the ability development device was accidentally damaged after being awakened by the ability, and Shirasu was frozen in an instant, Silas closed his mouth wisely and listened quietly to Baijingyue's introduction to the mission.

"After a while, we are going to intercept a bunch of vampires. These vampires have destroyed a village and are rushing towards the next village. Our goal is to kill them all before they reach the next village."

Hearing that a village has been wiped out, Silas's eyes flickered, but she firmly remembered that Bai Jingyue's order was not open, because Bai Jingyue had no important things to tell her.

"To deal with vampires, there is no need to tangle so much, just hit the heart and head. If you have silver bullets, use bullets, if not, use the body. For you, the body effect should be better. Also Yes, take it easy when attacking, it is best not to use full force. If you have full strength now, it is likely to cause large-scale damage to the surrounding terrain. I don’t know how many innocent ordinary people are around. You should not want to do that. ?"

Silas nodded, indicating that he understood.

Seeing Silas understood, Shiraitsu no longer said much, speeding up, finally arrived at the interception point before the enemy reached the second village.

After arriving, Bai Jingyue lifted the ice to Silas, looking at the three-inch deep footprints on the ground, Bai Jingyue shook his head helplessly.

"How big is the person, the power can't be controlled."

Silas rolled his eyes. She hasn't had superpowers since she was a child, and she can grow while exercising. She suddenly gained extraordinary It's already nice not to step on a big crack on the ground now?

About ten minutes later, the figure flashed not far away. At first glance, there were about ten vampires. Behind these vampires, there were a group of ragged, **** servants.

"The number is correct, it should be them. This is your first battle, it's yours."

Silas walked a few steps forward, she looked at the faces of the villagers who had been turned into blood servants, and couldn't help but recall her previous experience. The villagers had lived a wonderful and peaceful life, but they were turned into slaves of vampires. The former colleagues were thrown into the village by the blood servants. The blood gradually drained, and finally became part of them.

Thinking of the face of despair before his companion died, Silas only felt angry and rushing up! She stepped **** her right foot, and the whole person rushed towards the vampires like an arrow when they broke the ground!

The vampires were still immersed in the pleasure of drinking blood, and Silas invaded nearby without reacting.

Silas didn't speak, and he took a punch at the nearest vampire!

The turbulent air waves and the huge sonic boom made all the vampires take a step back. When the situation returned to normal, where was the vampire beside Silas? There was only a pool of dead blood spots.

One punch is deadly!

Silas was also surprised to be able to blow a vampire with one punch, but she did not forget that it was the battlefield. After a short shock, she looked at the other vampires.

Today, don't even want to run!

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