The Forbidden World

Chapter 1882: ability

"You...what did you do!?"

Intergula couldn't keep calm, what did she just see? Space crack!

Although I have known for a long time that Shiraii is very strong, and I often hear others praising Shiraiki's strength, these legends are far less shocking than the scene before me! Just now, in front of her, Bai Jingyue even tore apart the space with only one hand, and looked relaxed! Is this really something humans can do?

"Don't I say that? I want to open a channel. Maybe the way looks shocking, but in fact it's the same thing."

Bai Jingyue really hasn't fooled Intergula in this regard. According to Shiraizuki now, forcibly breaking the space to connect the two areas to create a simple space channel is a brute force without any difficulty. Instead, he finally waved his hands to smooth out the cracks in the space. The technical content is higher.

However, Intergula and Walter couldn't understand this, and they hadn't even touched the barriers of the rules, let alone the realm of people who play with the rules, so in their view, Shirai did A very terrible thing, and then said indifferently that it was very simple.

Simple wool!

If it wasn’t Shirai’s identity, Intergula would definitely smash Shirai’s face with something, and this kind of pretending to beep was too much!

Taking a deep breath, Intergula calmed herself down, and then began to look at the device that Shiraizuki had torn out of the space and took it out.

This is a very classic mechanical creation. From the point of view of various sockets, it needs electricity to be used, and the whole structure like a bed illustrates its use.

"Is this a medical device?"

"How did you think of a medical device? Because it looks like a bed?"

Bai Jingyue couldn't help but laugh twice: "I admit that it is indeed a bit like a nursing equipment for critical patients, but in fact it has nothing to do with medical treatment."

Walking to the side of the device, Shiraitsu picked up what appeared to be a helmet.

"This is an ability development device to awaken superpowers."

"Ability development device!? I remember it wasn't something in the academy city?"

Intergula looked strangely at Shirai. As a member of the Necessary Evil Church, Intergula is very clear about the cooperation between the Necessary Evil Church and the academy city. However, even if it is a collaborator of the necessary evil church, it is impossible to obtain the capacity development device from the school city. The school city does not allow it, and their necessary evil church does not have this ability.

As a result, Shiraizuki suddenly tore through the space, and then took out from the space the academy urban capacity development device that many people dreamed of. Something that happened was beyond the scope of Intergula's understanding.

Fortunately, similar things have already been seen, and Intergula is now barely resistant. She calmly asks Shiraitsu: "Is it okay? We have so many enemies now, and they also provoke the school garden city? No one can figure out the power so far, if they shot..."

"Oh? Didn't Comey tell you?"

Bai Jingyue's sudden rhetorical question made Intergula dare not speak at all. Is there any secret news involved?

"I didn't expect that Kom Eyre kept this secret. I guess he probably compiled a reason for antagonizing the Roman Church and so on. You continue to ally with the academy city?"

Intergola nodded blankly. She felt that there was nothing to be afraid of anymore. If she heard something secretly, she would not be shocked when she heard more.

Seeing the look of Intergula, Shiraitsu felt a little boring. The audience did not respond when pretending to beep. It was so embarrassing. Fortunately, Walter on the side was not numb to this extent. He looked at Walter who was cold and sweating happily. , Said: "The academy city is actually my property! Or why do you think that the necessary evil church should be allied with the academy city that is so far away from the Roman church?"

Not to mention that Walter, who had not been numb, was also awakened by the news that Intergula, who was already numb.

The academy city is not an ordinary extraordinary force, but the most powerful force in the world in terms of science and technology! Even the necessary evil church that once had frequent black technology can only barely keep up with the pace of the academy city in one or two ways, and it is such a terrifying force. Bai Jingyue said this is his industry?

Bai Jingyue, who was very satisfied with the two people’s reaction, continued: "I lived in the Gakuen City when the Gakuen City was first established. When I came back this time, I just brought Li Nali to worship Komye. I just discovered that something was going wrong here. , So I plan to help the Red Devils House and the British Puritanism."

"By the way..."

Intergula did not know what to say. Spreading all over London, it's about the survival of the vampires and the stability of the whole world. Is it just incidental in Shirai's eyes? She really wanted to ask, what was really important in Shirai's eyes, but at the thought of Shirai's previous record, Intergula extinguished her inquiry.

What's the use even if you know it? It's just an increase in trouble. That is an area that she may not even be involved in in the future. For her, the most important thing now is to follow the plan well and resolve the crisis London is facing now.

"Okay, I see. So Marshal Mu En, what are you doing with this? Are you going to give us the ability to develop?"

"Think too How is it possible."

Bai Jingyue directly rejected Intergula's conjecture.

"I really want to give you some strength, but the requirements for superpower awakening are very strict. First of all, don't think about learning new magic. The two are essentially in conflict."

Bai Jingyue does not need to say any other reason. This alone is enough to exclude 90% of the human power in London.

Everyone who has a necessary evil church will be so good at magic with one or two hands. How could Ingola as a member of the necessary evil church be exceptional? Although I learned a few tricks, I learned what I learned.

Needless to say, the devil hunter. In order to hunt down creatures in the dark, it can be described as unscrupulous. How can they not touch such convenient and effective things as new magic? One of the main combat power is one, all have learned a part of the new magic.

As for the vampire, Bai Jingyue did not say, and there was no need to say.

Vampires cannot have super powers.

Superpower is the power of the spirit to influence reality. The development of superpower is actually the essence of developing people. The nature of human beings is diverse. What about the nature of vampires? The essence of a vampire is a vampire.

Among the girls around Shiraizuki who accept the ability development, only the non-human Ji Jiqiu Sha, Ji Shen Qiu Sha has super powers, but her super powers are not super powers at all, can only be said to be a kind of leakage of her essence!

Therefore, vampires are also excluded from the list of device users.

As a result, only one of Shirai’s goals remains.

"Silas Victoria?"

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