The Forbidden World

Chapter 1879: protagonist

"Why let an ordinary policewoman join us?"

When Walter set up a room for Silas, in the office of the chief of the Hellsing agency, Edward asked Shirai well his question.

"The previous battle has fully demonstrated that the next war is not a territory that ordinary people can dabble in. She stays in the Hellsing institution and will definitely die."

Intergula and Camilla also looked at Shiraitsu in confusion. After learning that Bai Jingyue had recruited Silas, the two of them tried Silas by various means and found that she was at best an ordinary policeman with ordinary training and a little melee combat ability.

Her strength may not be as good as those of the soldiers. Even the battle-hardened soldiers can't stop the vampire's army. What use can an ordinary policewoman in Silas do?

Bai Jingyue didn't directly answer Edward's question. He stared at Edward for a while and asked in Edward's unknown eyes: "Edward, do you know what the protagonist is?"

"The protagonist? Mu··baijing. Are you talking about the protagonists in non-influential biographies?"

"The protagonist is the core point of the world's will to formulate the script. Even if it is a story of multiple protagonists, there will definitely be an absolute core point as the context of the script. Do you know Edward, I originally thought that you who replaced this position are the core? Writing."

Edward was at a loss, he could understand everything Bai Jingyue said, but he still didn't understand Bai Jingyue's meaning.

What is the will of the world? What does the script mean? There are many protagonists and cores, what does that mean?

Bai Jingyue patted Edward's shoulder and sighed.

"I have observed that the halo on your body is about the same size, only yours is slightly larger, so I think you are the protagonist."

Bai Jingyue didn't care if other people could understand or not, and he still kept secrets enough to shake other people's world views and let out his grievances.

"I slipped into the Hellsing institution because of you. After all, something will happen near the protagonist. It will be boring for a while. It should be interesting next to you. As a result, I didn't find out until yesterday that you were not the protagonist."

Yes, that's why Shiraitsu vented. He actually admitted the wrong protagonist!

As a traverser who knows most of the plot, he was put together by the will of the world in identifying the protagonist. If he did not explore Silas out of curiosity, he would probably pass by the protagonist who the world will actually make in this big event!

"Shirai, you mean, Silas is important?"

Edward is still arranging Shiraizuki's words, and Intergula over there has already understood the meaning of Shiraizuki.

"More important than Edward?"

"Very important. Even if she is confined under the Hellsing institution, we must control her in our hands."

Bai Jingyue's answer surprised everyone present. As for the policewoman who has a natural personality, is it so important?

Bai Jingyue's reactions were seen by several people, but he didn't explain much. It's irrelevant for a few secrets to leak out, but the secrets concerning the nature of the world are not something these people can spy on.

Silas is the protagonist, which means that the new script created by the will of the world is based on Silas. The attribution of Silas may directly affect the victory of this game between him and the will of the world.

For this confrontation with the will of the world, Bai Jingyue attaches great importance to it, so even if he takes some illegal means, he must ensure his victory.

The imprisonment of Silas is one of them.

"Of course, I don't want to use this method if I can, so I recruited Silas."

"But... in this case, our manpower is not enough."

Silas is so important, so it must be sent to protect, and hellsing is one of the few powerful people who can ensure that Silas will not be robbed or injured by the enemy.

"It's not necessary. What you worry about is nothing more than Silas' safety. So why do you think about how to protect her instead of giving her the power to protect herself?"


As soon as Bai Jingyue finished, Edward said a method, but this method was rejected by Bai Jingyue.

"Magic is not something that you can learn and use casually. You have been working with the people of the necessary evil church for so long, don't you know?"

Looking at Edward's embarrassing face, Shirai suddenly remembered that although the Hellsing organization had cooperated with many forces before, many forces were also wary of each other. Maybe they are all friends in life, but the weakness of ability is related to life. How could it be so easy to inform each other?

"Don't think about magic anyway."

"So do you get a first hold?"

Camilla proposed the second method.

There are two high-level vampires, each of which is a leader in the new generation. The vampires who were born in the first embrace can have not low strength even if they have just been transformed.

However, Bai Jingyue still refused.

"The vampires you produced during the first embrace, the upper limit is too low, it is a waste of Silas' talents. Alright, Silas, don’t worry, give it to me, give me a few days, I can let her I have enough strength to protect myself. By the way, who of you knows where Alice is? I have something to do with her."

"Sister Alice is in the basement dormitory, the third room from the left."

Walter, who had already arranged for Silas's accommodation to return, heard what Shiraitsu asked and told him what he knew. Shiraitsu nodded and pushed the door away.

Before bringing the door to Shiraoi turned around and left the next course of action for everyone: "The next battle will still be as scattered as this one. Before the other party will expose its own troops, I will try to make troubles in various parts of the UK as much as possible, and explore our current ability to deal with sudden incidents and the speed of troop dispatch. Don’t keep your hands in this regard, otherwise it will be easy to see the problem, and then civilian casualties will be too large. We only need to show This is enough if the strength is insufficient. There is no problem with the performance of individual soldiers."

After making sure everyone listened, Shiraiuki took the door and walked towards Alice's room.

As he walked to the door, Shiraizuki was about to knock on the door, and suddenly froze in place.

To be honest, Bai Jingyue didn't know how to face Alice. In the past, he always treated Alice as a rival with a bad heart towards Paqiuli, and his methods of action and language were often offensive.

The result was not long ago, Pa Qiuli let him find a way to attack Alice. Although he believes that the chance of success is not big, but since he agreed to Pa Qiuli, he will try. When chasing a girl, this attitude of resistance must be thrown away. In this way, the way he gets along with Alice will completely change!

Frowning at the door in front of him for a while, Shiraitsu closed his eyes. He tried his best to throw away his prejudice, memories and appearance of Alice at first sight.

Moments later, Shirai opened his eyes and knocked on the door calmly.

He had already figured out how to treat Alice. This kind of thing can't come in a hurry, let's start by becoming an ordinary friend.

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