The Forbidden World

Chapter 1872: start

The sea churned turbulently and slapped against the black rocks.

The precipitous cliff stands in the middle of the sea. At the top of the cliff, a tower of some ages stands firmly in the violent wind.

This is the headquarters of the once black church and the headquarters of the necessary evil church today.

Although after the conversion to the British Puritan, the British Puritan re-established a new headquarters in London, but it has not been abandoned here.

The first step of the plan is to weaken the defensive forces on the bright side of London. It’s a good excuse for Ingula and the Demon Hunter Association to break into the sanctuary, allowing the British Puritanism to rightly withdraw the necessary evil church main force from the Hellsing institution to the base outside London, and [fear] conflicts with the people Having to leave the Demon Hunter Association in London, he secretly came to this more hidden base.

In this way, London reasonably reduced its own defensive power and divided the remaining forces into pure three parties, one is the vampire family that the enemy will never provoke first, the other is the British Puritan, which has strength, and the other is strength. Hellsing institution that was seriously damaged.

Hellsing is the bait that everyone prepared for the remnants of the Third Reich!

"Master Ezio, will the enemy be fooled?"

Standing behind Ezio, Desmond looked worried.

The opponent is not an ordinary person, but a madman who is familiar with various means of warfare. With this simple temptation, will the enemy really be hooked?

"Don't worry, the other party will definitely win."

Ezio's tone was very certain, and he didn't seem to worry about the scheme's failure at all.

"The other party finds out about the turmoil in London and will investigate it no matter what. The smart people are more confident in the data from the survey than some of their unreliable intuitions. As long as they investigate, they will find that it is true that we trespassed into the British Puritan Sanctuary. The British Puritan dissatisfaction with us is true, and the people of London are excited to build the headquarters of the Demon Hunters Association. At this point, they are not completely sure, and they will definitely make some other temptations, such as sending vampires everywhere to create chaos everywhere. Then they will find that the Demon Hunter Association has indeed withdrawn from London. What do you think the other party would think at this time?"

"We devil hunters are good at turning things into zeros, and we can stay in London even without a headquarters. It is impossible to disappear completely, so the other party will think it is our strategy?"

Ezio nodded, affirming Desmond's guess.

"Yes. The other party is likely to think that this is a trick. We will either hide in the site of the British Puritanism or the site of the Hellsing institution. Considering the trouble between us and the British Puritanism, the other party will think that we may be hiding in the Hellsing institution. Higher sex. If the opponent really holds heavy soldiers like Marshal Mu En said, he will naturally send a unit to test the Hellsing organization at any cost."

The follow-up has no need to explain Ezio. Everyone was already prepared at the Hellsing institution, and as soon as the other party came, they [discovered] that the Hellsing institution that had lost British Puritan support was so weak.

I personally tested that the four major forces disappeared one by one, and in this case a group of war madmen could not hold back.

As long as the opponent's whole army presses on, their plan will succeed.

"Furthermore, we have prepared a lot of records. No matter what happens, it doesn't matter."

Desmond yelled and understood.

The conversation between the two had just ended, and suddenly Clay's shout came from a short distance. The two turned around and found that Clay and the head of the necessary evil church came together.

"Teacher, Desmond, do you know what I saw!? Claw marks of tens of meters! I have observed it, it is a real claw mark! It is hard to imagine what kind of monster it is!"

There was a little consternation on Desmond's face, but Ezio did not panic at all, and said calmly: "That should be a demon. There should also be records in the association's archives. However, I did not expect that this base was actually Have you been captured?"

Lar who arrived here sighed when he heard Ezio's question.

"The other party has an ark that can be transported at will. So it invaded here at one time, but with the help of Marshal Mu En and many exorcists, it did not cause much casualties. We deliberately did not repair the battlefield. In order to let future generations understand, we What kind of enemy we were fighting and won. Whatever we encountered, we should not give up hope."

"You guys are really admirable."

Ezio's praise at the moment was sincere. He knew exactly what the consequences would be if the base was raided into the hinterland by the enemy. Under such circumstances, being able to keep calm and launch counterattacks and win, both soldiers and logistics personnel are amazing.

"It's a thing of the past without talking about it. So, are you satisfied with this place?"

Ezio laughed loudly and heartily: "I'm very satisfied. Although I only looked at the rough, but whether it is accommodation or training, weapons or equipment, they are much better than us. With your help, our strength will be improved by leaps and bounds. Not to mention, you still have such a good place to practice."

"Practice place?"

Lal was puzzled. Although the training ground in the base is built according to the highest current specifications, it should not be so praised by Ezio.

"That's it. We, the devil hunters, have the ability to use it from high places. We haven't found a suitable place to practice Are you referring to the cliff?"

Lal glanced at where Ezio was now standing, and couldn't help but feel a little stunned. Then he suddenly remembered the description of an assassin group in the intelligence that should have been destroyed. It was a miracle team, with the name of a brother and a sharp blade, and he was particularly good at a technique that fell from the sky.

"Is it..."

Knowing that Lal guessed it out, Ezio did not speak, he waved at the two apprentices, and then jumped back!

Clay and Desmond shrugged and waited for the opening, but also leaned down!

Only then did Lar's follow-up guess blurt out: "Leap of Faith!?"

The three people disappeared in this way, and Lal shook his head helplessly. He could hardly understand what these people were thinking when they jumped off the cliff. Is it really the so-called blessing of faith?

He was unbelievable before, but when he thought of the previous conversation with Komyi in the sanctuary, Lal couldn't help but sigh.

In this world, there is too much beyond their understanding. How long will it take for humans to solve these mysteries?

In other words, assassins can have a leap of faith. These devout believers should also have some special abilities? Thinking of this, Lal hurried back, intending to inform the science class to conduct relevant research.

Before going back, Lal did not forget to call a [person] to inform the [person] that it was time to start the second phase of the plan.

ps: Go out at night, the next two are more likely to be in the early morning.

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