The Forbidden World

Chapter 1869: First talk

One or two spies, called spies, whose main goal is to steal confidential information. As long as this kind of spy is strictly guarded and does not give the other party a chance, then basically don't have to worry.

Of course, if you encounter a spy with a protagonist's halo, then nothing is useful, don't want to keep the secret, and fight head-on, honestly, the chances of winning are bigger.

A group of spies, called scouts, whose main goal is to detect the situation on the battlefield and to facilitate the upcoming battle.

A large number of scouts appear in an area, so most of the area has been selected as a battlefield. The battlefield has been set, and the war will naturally not be far away.

"Still ridiculous. This is London!"

Lal shook his head as he spoke.

London’s technological level was secretly supported by the British Puritanism. At that time, the Sea Lions’ plan of the Third Reich failed during the Second World War, and a large part of it was because Britain led the world in technological level. Even if the remaining technological level of the Third Reich is advanced, can it still break through the London border?

"Don’t forget. There is a high-level vampire there. The high-level vampire can confuse people, ordinary humans can’t bear it. They only need to confuse one or two people in a key position in the Ministry of Defense, and they can make their army Unimpeded entry into London. So what we need to consider now is not how to avoid this war, but how to win this war."

In Hellsing's original script, the betrayer was in pursuit of the so-called immortality, which turned to the remnants of the Third Reich that could turn them into vampires. However, London is now the world of vampires. As long as the senior officials work diligently for vampires, the aristocratic union will naturally transform those people into vampires before they arrive. So if the remnants of the Third Reich want to attack London, they must use other means.

Using high-level vampires to confuse ordinary people is one way.

"Then we just need to replace these people?"

Elder Warfield quickly raised objections.

Now that you know the opponent's attacking style, why should you sit and watch the opponent's invasion? As long as all these people are replaced with vampires that cannot be fooled in this way, can't the remnants of the Third Reich be kept outside the UK?

"Did you forget that the other party can create a vampire? We are not facing an army of ordinary people, but an army of a large number of low-level vampires and countless blood servants. The other party can choose to gather to form an army to invade. , But at the same time, you can choose to be scattered into countless teams to sneak in secretly. Can you stop this kind of infiltration?"

Everyone was silent.

The British customs may not have the ability to discern vampires, and can only restrict the inflow of weapons, but the vampires’ ability to cause enough chaos in London without relying on weapons. If the other party finds that it is impossible to attack London in the form of a large army, it will inevitably use the infiltration method.

At the thought of the scenes where countless vampires were suddenly in trouble across the UK, everyone could not help but chill.

"It is better to choose the first kind of head-to-head confrontation than the second kind of battle that cannot be controlled. My plan is to use London as a bait to gather the remnants of the Third Reich and then kill them all!"

The people stared at each other for a while, and then Lar said: "Marshal Mu En, you have a good idea and you can accomplish the whole thing. But the actual operation is too difficult. The other party is not a fool. How could they choose the first kind? the way?"

Bai Jingyue shook his head and said with a smile: "Indeed, they are not stupid, they will first carry out some trials, as long as they find that the strength is too strong, they will use the second offensive method, and we will be difficult to resist at that time. So we must To show weakness at the beginning, let the other party think we are vulnerable. In this case, the other party will come straight to this place. The failure of the Sea Lions plan at that time has always been a thorn in their hearts. With their madness, they will never let go A shameful opportunity."

"Marshal Mu En, do you know what it means to show weakness?"

Lal's voice was a little deep, and the human eyes present were a little bit unkind.

Demonstrating weakness in the enemy means that the Scouts of the Third Reich are making trouble in London, and it is not known how many ordinary people will die.

"Of course, this means sacrifices. But compared with these sacrifices, the remnants of the Third Reich are all over the UK, which is the bigger casualty? If you have any better solutions, I welcome your suggestions."

No one responded.

If they had a better way, they would not sit here. The main reason is that they have too little information in their hands today, and all their understanding of the enemy comes from the mouth of Shirai. How can they refute Shirai in this situation?

"If that is the case, then use my method. In the early days, all your forces contracted the line of defense, showing weakness to the enemy, leading the opposing army to London, and then decisively fighting in London."

"Marshal Mu En, can you please tell us how many troops the other party has?"

Ezio agreed to Bai Jingyue's approach. But he needs to know if there is any chance of winning this battle.

He did not hesitate for But his apprentices and his men were still young and there was no need to throw their lives here.

"I don't know the total number of enemies, I can only make an estimate. There are about one or two thousand low-level vampires. The words of blood servants are hard to say. The variables in fifty years are too great."

Everyone could not help but take a breath.

Just a few thousand low-level vampires is a very troublesome thing. In the Quartet forces, the vampire family can barely resist, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of damage, and those countless blood servants if they have a weapon, it is estimated that they can even push London.

Even if they really lead each other to London, can they really win?

"You don't have to worry too much about the outcome. The Red Devils Pavilion will be fully deployed in this battle. It doesn't make sense no matter how many people come from the other party."

"If Marshal Mu En is so confident, why would he call us? Can't the Red Devils House solve the other party?"

Lar's words were full of dissatisfaction. If the Red Devils Museum really has the ability to solve no matter how many people the opponent has, why should they be called? If they are not strong enough, they are willing to give up their lives to protect London, but obviously the Red Devils House can protect London with their own strength, and why let them face such a powerful enemy? Wouldn’t it let them die in vain?

"Of course it is because there are certain things that only you can do."

When Bai Jingyue waved his right hand, an ice mist gradually turned into a panorama of London. It is strange that there were four large pillars towering into the cloud on the panorama.

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