The Forbidden World

Chapter 1867: Descendants

The atmosphere of the banquet is very depressing.

Everyone sat around a long horizontal table, while tasting the dishes on the long table, while silently observing Remilia and Shiraitsu sitting at the ends of the long table.

Just a moment ago, the long table was empty, and just after they were seated, a wink kung fu dish was spread over the long table. If it wasn’t for the maid at the edge of the long table to speak slowly, they don’t even know who did it.

Everyone couldn't help feeling tight.

Regardless of whether this is a powerful illusion or a high-permission space class ability, or any other more terrifying power, they do not have any method of cracking, which means that the other party can use the same method to detect When they arrive, send the knife to their heart.

This is just a maid!

Coupled with the guard who should be stronger than the maid in theory and the mighty vampire king, although the Red Devil Hall has fewer people, its strength cannot be underestimated.

This is not the point of the problem.

You know, they spent a lot of time at the door. If this banquet is a normal banquet, these dishes should have been prepared in advance and moved to the table early, but the dishes in front of them are put on the table after they are seated, and this way of shocking is used. .

Obviously one side of the Red Devils Pavilion is deliberate, in order to show their strength and make everyone understand the strength gap between each other. This also means that this banquet has a special purpose.

Everyone was not panicked. After all, the Red Devils Pavilion, which hasn’t greeted outsiders for many years, suddenly sent out invitations to all forces, which is very problematic in itself. They came here to learn the purpose of the Red Devils Pavilion.

However, the following behavior needs to be more cautious.

About half an hour later, as the dishes on the table became fewer and fewer, the dinner gradually came to an end, and everyone's original spirits reunited.

The prelude to the demonstration is over, should it be the main course next?

Sure enough, it was another instant. After the entire table was cleaned up, Remilia and Shiraitsu sat on both ends of the long table.

Remilia suspended in the air, the power of the king made everyone bow his head slightly, feeling the almost irresistible power, everyone finally understood that even if the figure is petite, this is also the real vampire king!

A red mist spread out from behind Remilia, then spread like wings, and gradually changed into a blood-red chair, just under Remilia.

Picking up the wine glass, gently shaking the bright red liquid inside, Remilia sitting on the throne is bathed in the bright red moon, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised: "I am the owner of the Red Devil Hall, the king of vampires, Remilia Ska Lett. I invite you this time for a major event related to London."

The people looked up at Remilia intently, guessing what Remilia said was the big thing in their minds, and a breath comparable to Remilia suddenly rose behind everyone!

Everyone turned around and found that Shiraitsu was standing at the height like Remilia at the moment. The difference is that Shiraitsu was not flying, but standing on an iceberg that didn't know when to rise!

"My name is Bai Jingyue. I used the name Mu En before and became the marshal of the Black Order. Although there are some boastful suspicions, should you all know this name?"

How could it not be known?

Not to mention the historical records, London has been so turbulent these days, just because of the sentence that Shirai said in the Hellsing office a few days ago. Without his few words, it will be at least a few hundred years before London develops to this situation!

"Just know it. So first, introduce yourself first. After all, the things to be discussed later require everyone to participate, and then it will be too troublesome to introduce slowly. Here is Remilia's home field, and the vampire side comes first. Right."

Suddenly named by Sakurai, Elder Warfield and Elder Mengsk both looked stiff. Although they belong to the goodwill and the opposition, their senses are the same for Bai Jingyue.

That is uncomfortable.

Their senses of Remilia are different, but for Dracula, they only have worship in their hearts.

It was not a joke that Dracula could successfully guide the magical power in the killing stone. At that time, Dracula was like a **** to the vampire family. Dracula gave them eternal life, and Dracula gave them strength. Dracula gave them hope!

And Bai Jingyue, killed Dracula.

This resentment will never be eliminated.

However, the relationship between their current king and Shiraizuki is very good. According to Shiraitsu, Remilia's throne was won by Shiraitsu. What did they do?

Feeling Remilia's slightly scrutinized gaze, the two stood up helplessly and introduced themselves.

Hearing the names of Horace Warfield and Akturs Mengsk reported by the two people, Shiraitsu almost failed to maintain his serious expression.

What is this stuff?

Why did all the characters come out? Is the will of the world really drawing wind?

In the past, he encountered a similar name and thought it was a coincidence, but now, it seems that the world's will began to make the protagonist a long time ago. It seemed that it was not very successful hundreds of years ago. Those characters were empty of the protagonist's name and no protagonist. At least Shiraoi did not see the protagonist's halo from those people.

now what? These two people who can only be regarded as important characters in the interstellar world actually also have the protagonist aura! Although there is no dazzling halo on the Demon Hunter trio and Edward, this is also the protagonist halo!

Even the supporting character has a protagonist World Will How many protagonists are made?

The puzzled Bai Jingyue launched the power of analysis and swept the people present. It was found that except for the three people representing the British Puritanism, everyone else had a protagonist aura.

This is only what Shirai saw, the whole of London, plus the Roman church and the remnants of the Third Empire that have not yet arrived...

Just thinking of Shiraitsu felt big.

Fortunately, Hellsing's original work is a group portrait to some extent. Every important character is portrayed, and every important character may die. In this kind of script, the protagonist's halo effect is not so ruthless, and he will not offend the world's will too much if he plays a dead hand. If you change to an arrogant script, wouldn't so many protagonists become a porridge?

Having a headache, Bai Jingyue decided to let the church party introduce a second one after the four of the vampires introduced themselves, and let him take a break.

As a result, the self-introduction of the leader led the Shiraitsu stunned.

"What do you call your name?"

"Dear Marshal Mu En, my name is Lal Wingham."

"Who is Liba Wingham?"

The old man frowned, then seemed to think of something, and bowed to Shiraiuki: "It's my father."

Lipa Wingham, squad leader of the first class of the Black Order Science Class.

Yes, this guy doesn't have a protagonist aura, but he can't move more than the protagonist. This is the heir of an old comrade!

Bai Jingyue looked at the other two figures who followed the old man, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

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