The Forbidden World

Chapter 1863: Sell

"You quit now and explain clearly, maybe you can also be exempted from guilt, otherwise you should know the rules of the church."

Intergula's silence gradually made the old man lose his patience.

Secretly support the Hessing family in charge of Hellsing, in order to probe the intelligence of the vampire side in the Hellsing institution. This is a secret order issued and implemented by Archbishop Komyi. The British Puritanism used this plan to secretly control the Hessing family's previous owners Hellsing institution.

But this is not the reason why the head of the Hessian family can be arrogant in Komyi’s sanctuary.

With a wink, the members of the surrounding evil church gradually surrounded Intergula and prepared to use imprisoned magic. Just as the old man was about to order the arrest of Intergula, Intergula spit out a smoke ring and said, "I came here this time to ask for something to prove."

"whats the matter?"

The old man raised his hand to temporarily suspend the arrest, intending to first ask clearly why Ingula is doing this kind of thing. Anyway, Ingula is now a turtle in the urn. Arresting this kind of thing can be done after asking the intelligence.

"One thing that may be related to the survival of the church."

Intergula said something a bit heavy, but it is not totally unreasonable. After all, once it is confirmed that Shiraiuki is true, all of their major forces in London will have to reinvent the three views, and for the church, Reshaping the three views can easily lead to the collapse of faith.

Feeling the sincerity in Intergula's words, the old man frowned, and began to recall whether the church had done anything that would cause the church to collapse in these years, but he didn't think about it no matter how he thought about it. Moreover, even if there is such a thing, it is not necessary for Intergula to come here to verify?

This is the sanctuary of Archbishop Komyi, the most revered person of their British Puritanism! Is the greatest messenger of the gods!

The impatient old man made the final announcement: "No matter what you ask for evidence, leave here first, I promise to answer all your questions at that time, but if you do not want to leave, we have to offend Archbishop Kom Yi. "

"You can't answer my question."

It seemed that some kind of concern had been cast aside, and Intergula's voice gradually became louder, and she turned to face the old man, her eyes gleaming.

Such a firm look made the old man doubt again. Intergula didn't seem to be confused by some method. What did Intergula, who was so determined, discovered?

Before the old man came up with the answer to the question, a deliberate footstep came suddenly behind him. The old man turned back and frowned.

"Egeo, you don't go hunting for vampires, what are you doing here?"

"It's daytime now, where do I go hunting for vampires? Besides, there are more important things that need me."

While talking to the old man, Ezio walked towards the sanctuary. The people at the door wanted to block Ezio. As a result, Ezio turned around and walked into the sanctuary.

"Take advantage of Archbishop Komyi's sanctuary, Ezio, you Demon Hunter Association, do you want to fight the British Puritan?"

"How come, the vampire hasn't killed yet, how can I be an enemy with you? But this matter is too important, I have to witness it with my own eyes."

Ezio came to Intergula and stood, looking up at the portrait of Komyi: "Little girl of the Hessins, you know, some things are not just for fun."

Intergola glanced at Ezio without saying anything, which made Ezio shrug helplessly.

The old man felt something was wrong. Egio is not an ordinary demon hunter, but a leader of the Demon Hunter Association stationed here for forty years. His arrival shows that the matter is really serious, and this matter seems to be related to Archbishop Komyi?

If this is the case, then it may really shake the foundation of the entire British Puritanism.

"Intergula, go back and talk about something else. It's inappropriate to have outsiders."

The old man wanted to deal with the matter privately with Intergula, but Intergula seemed to be hard-hearted, ignoring the old man at all, but smoking cigarettes himself.

Finally, the old man's patience was polished, and he raised his hand, ready to order it, and it was at this time that Ingura suddenly looked up! The moment when the cigarette butts were thrown away, it seemed to be venting and generally shouting into the sky: "Archbishop Komyi! Marshal Mu En let us call you in the name of Ms. Li Nali!"

The shout of Intergula shocked the unprepared old man and the members of the necessary evil church around him. Walter and the demon hunters who were prepared in advance looked around and seemed to want to find a hidden one. Figure.

However, nothing appeared.

Intergula froze. Is this wrong? Shouldn’t something happen? She even took out the name of Marshal Mu En. If Archbishop Komyi was really there, why didn't it appear?

Or did she say she was fooled?

Everyone else was lost in thought.

Ezio is considering Li Nali's question. He knew Li Nali, but he really didn’t know that Li Nali had a relationship with Archbishop Komyi, as well as the legendary Marshal Mu En. This legendary character really appeared, and also asked Intergula to come to Komyi. ?

Ezio's eyes glanced at Walter, and saw Walt nodding slightly, suddenly stunned.

Actually appeared! ?

Ezio couldn't help but think back to his previous reports. The man and the woman who were nearby when hunting the vampire, the girl was Li Nali's little So the man is the legendary Marshal Mu En?

The old man and other people in the necessary evil church were all stunned.

When they first heard the name of Marshal Mu En, they were really excited.

In their eyes, the positions of Marshal Mu En and Archbishop Komyi are indistinguishable. One is the leader of the church and the other is the guardian of the church. The guardian of the church said such highly suggestive words, so that they could not help but flutter. Is Archbishop Kom Yi really not dead?

However, the silent scene gradually sank the hearts of all of them.

Intergula took a deep breath and shouted again, but this time it was not as loud as it was before—even she didn't believe it herself.

Feeling the questioning eyes behind him, Intergula gritted his teeth and shouted hard again.

The third shout echoed in the sanctuary, and when everyone thought it was a farce, some old voices came from the top of the sky.

"Enough is enough. Just back from the graveyard, I heard you shouting."

In the eyes of everyone, a ghost appeared through the wall. The familiar voice, the familiar dress, the familiar look, etc., what is this swollen nose?

Aware of the doubts in the eyes of everyone, Xu Ying reached out and brushed his face, and the familiar appearance finally appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the complex situation in the sanctuary, Lenovo's previous words called by Intergula, Komyi sighed helplessly: "So, Marshal Mu En sold me again, right?"

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