The Forbidden World

Chapter 1861: significance

Regarding the church, Bai Jingyue only skipped a few sentences with Pa Qiuli and skipped it. After all, the strength of the church is really weak, and the focus is next.

"The third enemy is a local low-level vampire."

Mentioning this, Bai Jingyue couldn't help but sigh.

"Local low-level vampires are hunted by high-level vampires as abandoned things. There will certainly be complaints. Although this part of vampires is not strong, they are also genuine vampires. There are more and more vampires than high-level vampires. It’s not a small trouble, but it’s not the point of the problem.”

These vampires, even with the help of the Third Reich to obtain a large number of modern weapon blessings, are not a concern for the Red Devils Pavilion, but the focus is not on how to deal with these low-level vampires, but how to find them.

Perennial encirclement makes these vampires very good at hiding and escaping lives. If Bai Jingyue wants to wipe out these low-level vampires in one fell swoop, they must find ways to lead them out and bring them together.

This is not so easy, because these low-level vampires know how dangerous London is, even if they are full of hate for high-level vampires, they will definitely not die if not necessary. It is almost impossible to drive these low-level vampires who are greedy for life and death out of hiding places, unless they are all forced to a dead end.

It is this problem that Sakurai is currently troubled with. What method can be used to drive all the low-level vampires in Britain to a dead end?

He certainly can't shoot directly. If he wants to shoot, he won't push these vampires to the end, but will kill them directly. If it is only to reduce the number of vampires, then he will be fine. However, he needs to use the disorder caused by these vampires in London to distribute a bait to the remnants of the Third Reich, and must not deal with these vampires before then.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Jingyue sighed: "It's really impossible. I'll first find a way to induce the remnants of the Third Reich, and solve them before dealing with these low-level vampires."

"How to induce?"

"Just hide strength."

Bai Jingyue explained: "The third empire has actually begun to act. I met a spy today. Since the other party sent a scout, the war will not be far away, as long as we do not show too much exaggerated strength to scare people away. . As for a more specific plan, it has not been determined yet, and we need to look at the development of London in the next few days."

When leaving Hellsing, Shiraizuki’s message to Intergula and Dracula will inevitably lead to a shock in London. If Baijingyue did not guess wrong, now Intergula is hunting with Walter’s news. The people of the Devil's Association, confront Komye? The vampire family should also experience a major earthquake after receiving his message.

What will happen to these forces in London Shiraoi is unclear, but no matter what changes occur, Shirai is just for the remnants of the Third Reich.

The remnants of the Third Reich may not know exactly what happened, but they must not miss such a good fighter, and they will inevitably fan the flames. After the remnants of the Third Empire, Bai Jingyue could see the move.

Normal dramas will surely be seen by the current leaders of the Third Reich. After all, the remnants of the Third Reich are crazy, not fools, but this play is different. Only Bai Jingyue behind the scenes knows that this drama is a drama. For the forces trapped in it, this is the real chaos and the enemy camp chaos. This is arguably the best chance for the remnants of the Third Empire to enter. They are absolutely Will be tempted.

One side continues to test, and the other side keeps hiding. As long as the third empire can't resist the inner agitation of the whole army, this war will instantly win or lose.

"Your plan is really cumbersome."

Pa Qiuli does not study this aspect deeply, but also thinks that there should be a better way. Seeing what to do and what to do is too low-level, shouldn't Shiraitsu make all plans in advance? Anyway, there is something wrong with the plan, and Shirai can also use force to correct it. Why is this time so counseling?

Bai Jingyue shook his head helplessly, and then continued to stare at the sky.

In fact, Shiraitsu did not tell the truth to Pa Qiuli.

They actually have a fourth enemy, the most troublesome and the most difficult to deal with. This enemy has many titles, and Shiraiuki likes to call him-[World Will].

It’s not that Shiraitsu and the will of the world are overthrown. Neither Shiraitsu nor the will of the world wants to fight each other. They are both off-topics. The battle between the two off-topics is likely to break the whole world, so now There has always been a contradiction between the two.

But now I don’t know what’s going on, and the world’s will will blow!

Originally, Shiraitsu did not need such trouble. He made great progress after the war with Jehovah. Now he can directly penetrate the bottom of the world to read information, such as the treatment of low-level vampires and the treatment of the remnants of the Third Empire. In fact, it is a very simple If it were not for the time and space well of the Nippon Kagome family, the timeline of the East was closely integrated with that of five hundred years ago. Undo and then wantonly. It's a pity that even Shiraitsu doesn't dare to easily challenge such a timeline conflict.

The plan of the East cannot be undone, so Shiraitsu originally planned to deal with the problem at the point of violence in the West. As a result, the determination of the world’s will to maintain the script this time exceeded his imagination. come out!

The protagonist is like a wedge of fate.

Every protagonist is bound to be entangled with a lot of power of fate. Creating a protagonist is a huge consumption for the world, and the will of the world is crazy to make so many protagonists, indicating that he attaches great importance to what is happening here. It is important to maintain basic control of this area at all costs!

Of course, with Shirai's current ability, these protagonists can of course be replaced, or simply ignore these protagonists and solve everything directly, but this is not a question of whether it can be done, but a question of whether it can be done.

At least for now, Shiraizuki doesn't want to completely break with the will of the world.

So Sakurai took a step back and continued the plan on the west side, and made some adjustments.

This is actually a trivial matter. What makes Shiraiuki care most is why the world will take this script so seriously? What is the significance of maintaining the so-called plot to the will of the world?

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