The Forbidden World

Chapter 1859: Dedication

After returning to the Red Devil Hall, Li Nali stretched out a stretch.

Although it is said that the academy city is also her home, but there is a husband's house, and this Red Devil Hall is her current family. Back to her mother's house, Li Nali's mood is always to relax.

After pondering the feelings of her family, Li Nali turned to look at Shiraitsu: "Yue, are you going to talk to Remi now to talk about that plan?"

"of course not."

Bai Jingyue waved her hand.

"Now it's just daytime, Remy Qiang's tiredness is not suitable for talking about such an important matter. Besides, I only have a prototype of this plan, and I need to make some changes according to the next situation in London. Besides, now, I plan to go to the library to see Paqiuli."

"Huh~ Look for Sister Pa Qiuli~"

Li Nali leaned beside Bai Jingyue, with a smile on her lips: "So I haven't met you along the way? I have to go to sister Pa Qiuli during the day, you are so hungry~"

Facing Li Nali's ridicule, Bai Jingyue lamented, a puzzled expression: "I just went to meet with Pa Qiuli, why do you think of such a crooked place? Where did the pure little girl go? Now."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's emotions, Li Nali was completely unimpressed: "It is difficult for a child to think of purity if you are a teacher who teaches one hundred and eighty postures."

This sentence made Shiraiuki unhappy.

"Dirty? What is dirty?"

Bai Jingyue's posture was promoted as if he were upright, and he only heard him say eloquently: "Can a man's affairs be tainted? That's called a man's true color!"

Li Nali was speechless, even the word male was used, and she didn't know how to refute Bai Jingyue. It is definitely wrong to say that it is reasonable, but it is plausible. At least for Bai Jingyue, the color embryo, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the use of this word. Li Nali, who has been on the thief ship, can only shrug her shoulders to admit defeat.

"Forget it, I won't tell you this. I'm going to bed. I haven't come back in so many years. Furan must find me to play at night.

After speaking, Li Nali no longer ignored Shiraitsu and went straight to her room.

Bai Jingyue said he was going to find Pa Qiuli, but how could it be so separate from Li Nali? After escorting Li Nali back to her room and covering Li Nali with her futon, Bai Jingyue came down the stairs to the underground library.

Pushing open the door of the library, Qian Ying's actions suddenly stiffened in her eyes, perhaps due to excessive surprise. The figure took out the magic book and began to recite magic without thinking about it.

Oh, maybe not a surprise, but an anger. After all, when the magicians of Lola, Elaine, and Gigrindi all went to the academy city, Qianying finally enjoyed a period of time with the person she admired. The world, as a result, the arrival of Shiraitsu broke all this beautiful.

The magic took shape, and the special fireball technique for senior team members hung over Shirai Moon. Qianying gritted her teeth and stared at Shirai Moon: "What are you doing here?"

The complaining question made Bai Jingyue a little counseling. He waved his hands again and again: "Don't do that, you use words and tone, people who don't know think I abandoned you, if your mother knows, this is a big deal. of."

If Qianying's mother thinks that Shirairai has abandoned Qianying, the world is 100% shattered and there will be no accidents. For this daughter, Shen Qi will definitely swell.

That's right, this shadow is not someone else, it is Alice.

Early in the morning, Alice came to the library to find a book to share with Pa Qiuli. As a result, just picking the book and welcoming Shiraizuki directly, her mood at the moment was really very complicated, just like there was more on the head It looks like a hat, but she doesn't have that relationship with Paqiuli at all. She can't even wear this hat.

At the thought of this, the fireball in Alice's hand was a little bigger. Seeing that the fireball was about to fall, Paqiuli's interrogation suddenly came from a distance: "What happened to Alice? Is there an intruder?"

Paqiuli's voice made Alice regain her composure. She withdrew the fireball in her hand, and then answered Paqiuli with a pretense: "It's okay, I thought I had encountered an intruder, so I released the magic, and now confirmed... No! Yes! Enter! Invade! Those!"

The last few words Alice couldn't keep calm at all. It was like gnashing his teeth and wishing to peel off Shiraitsuki, and Shiraiuki was helpless. He couldn't let this happen. Maybe he can think of the best of both worlds in the future. Well, the best of both worlds.

Pa Qiuli, who was holding the book floating, saw the scene in front of her, and then recalled the strange tone change of Alice before. Where could you still guess what was going on? The problem is that anyone can persuade Alice, her party can't! So Pa Qiuli had to suppress her thoughts and flew into Shirai's arms, pretending to be the same as usual, and after saying hello to Shirai, he took the book and went to the desk to start browsing.

Seeing this, Alice temporarily let go of her grievances and found the book and came to the desk. However, no matter how calm she was, she couldn't concentrate on reading. Paqiuli and Bai Jingyue flirted with love from time to time to see Alice's brain hurt!

After a few hours, Alice couldn't help it, and after talking to Pa Qiuli, she left the library, leaving space for Shirai and Pa Qiuli.

"You're angry with Alice again."

"No way, Alice wants to pry me in the corner. I can't bear it. You and Alice are friends, and I can't use brutal means, only this."

Bai Jingyue said he was not wrong with this kind of thing.

"Originally, she gave up, and her feelings towards you are gradually hidden, but in recent years I am not with you, and there seems to be a resurgence of momentum. I can't always fulfill you?"

"Is it okay if it is completed?"


Bai Jingyue stood up in shock, looking at Pa Qiuli in disbelief.

Did Alice succeed? impossible! Alice has no crime tools!

Seeing Bai Jingyue scared like this, Pa Qiuli laughed loudly, and her eyebrows curved like a crescent.

"Relax, Alice didn't succeed. But this is not the way to go? Do you want to repeat what you did before? I think Meiqin and Kuroko get along well."

Paqiuli's proposal surprised Shirai, and then he waved his hand.

"Impossible, Alice is not the same as Kuroko, and I also have to Alice..."

"Alice is beautiful?"

Pa Qiuli interrupted Bai Jingyue's words and asked directly, seeing Pa Qiuli's serious look, and Bai Jingyue didn't fool around, nodded: "It's pretty, I look at the world~www.NovelMTL. com~ Alice's appearance is also at the forefront."

"Are you lustful?"

"Of course, there may be men who are uncomfortable, but I am not. But I am now..."

Bai Jingyue wants to say that he has converged a lot, but Pa Qiuli doesn't listen at all: "Are you good at chasing girls?"

"Uh...should it be awesome?"

This question is really difficult to answer Shiraitsu. The girl Shiraitsu really chased seems to be a Satian tear. The other girls are basically a total of life and death or years of accumulation, and then they come to fruition. But if you look at this number, should Shiraitsu be powerful?

"You have this idea and this ability, why not solve this problem?"

"Paqiuli, this can't be considered that way."

Bai Jingyue couldn't laugh or cry, he really didn't expect to be persuaded by his woman to chase the girl with this sophistry.

Pa Qiuli didn't speak, so she quietly looked at Bai Jingyue and waited for Bai Jingyue's reply. Bai Jingyue was looked a little sighed and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, I'll try to chase Alice. But looking at Alice like that, shouldn't it be possible?"

Bai Jingyue really didn't expect to have a day to obey the girl, and life was really unexpected, and Pa Qiuli, who made all this, showed a smile after Bai Jingyue promised.

She didn't let Shiraiuki chase Alice for no reason, don't forget, one of her titles is a big library that doesn't move!

She also knows some of the magic taught to Elaine.

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