The Forbidden World

Chapter 1847: 1 lesson

Bai Jingyue did not wait long.

The Red Devils Museum still dominates all high-end vampires in London. The vampires working at Hellsing nominally obey Hellsing's current director, but that was when the Red Devils Museum did not order.

Remilia can make these high-level vampires willingly cooperate with humans, and hunt those low-level vampires in exchange for the tranquility of high-level vampires. She can also make these high-level vampires fight back, completely occupy London and establish vampires. Country.

In this case, the vampire sent to the Hellsing institution after receiving a phone call from the self-proclaimed emissary of the Red Devils Pavilion was of course throwing away all the affairs in his hand and rushed over immediately.

Bai Jingyue carefully looked at the vampire who came out of the building. His dark brown short hair was matched with that look. It looked very handsome. Even some narcissistic Bai Jingyue had to admit that this person and him before he became a **** It's about the same. It doesn't feel strong in terms of strength, but it should be considered top-notch in the new generation of less than a hundred years old. It is not a problem to deal with those low-level vampires.

However, in this case, you want to replace Akado's position in Hellsing, is it impossible? All aspects are too far apart.

Bai Jingyue's doubts have been maintained until the vampire introduced himself: "Welcome you, Master Li Nali, under Edward Cullen, I was fortunate to see you when Hellsing was established."

"I remember you, Edward Cullen, the new generation of the Cullen family who is very strong."

When Li Nali and Edward were blowing each other's business, Shirai looked at the sky speechlessly, and he felt the world was full of malice.

Edward Cullen. This name may not be well-known in this world, but in his original world, it was popular for a long time, and even he who didn't pay much attention to the movie knew this name.

Why is this guy running here? Also replaced Akado's position?

Speaking of which, one actor replaces another actor, it is indeed justified. But the fate is OK, not enough in strength?

Just when Bai Jingyue was puzzled, I just heard Edward say to Li Nali: "Adult, please come with me. After receiving your communication, I have assembled all the vampires who are still at the headquarters. They are now downstairs ready to meet you."

Do you have enough strength to get together? Forget it, anyway, with him and the Red Devils Pavilion, the follow-up plan does not lack combat power, but I don’t know if the world’s will will play the script when the male protagonist has changed. What kind of change. It stands to reason that it is now the most suitable time to use Kurabashi Kyoko's ability, but Kurabashi Kyoko is not mature now, and he can only take one step at a time as before.

I just don’t know what this fate will look like this time.

After Li Nali walked into the Hellsing institution, Shiraizuki did not speak, and silently followed the two towards Hellsing's underground, quietly exploring the defensive facilities of this building along the way.

What surprised Bai Jingyue is that the defensive facilities here are doing well, and they are definitely useless for the existence of the rule level, but for the existence under the rules, there is no problem with the word "force".

Dark whistle distributed throughout the building, **** bats flying from time to time, organs and magic circles hidden in various strange corners, plus the magicians, guards and vampire troops living here, although in the top combat power, this Hellsing organ wants It is much weaker, but on the defense force alone, this Hellsing organ is much stronger than the original Hellsing in the fate trajectory.

At least there won't be a situation where two vampires are wiped out with a team of blood servants.

But having said that, with the help of firearms and protective clothing, the blood servants, who were originally too weak to be looked at by vampires, had the power to threaten high-level vampires after gathering a certain number. Should this be a victory of technology? ?

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why high-level vampires actively established the Hellsing organization. Those low-level vampires wantonly kill humans. It is too easy to create a large number of blood servants. Once these blood servants gather into an army, they are equipped with human weapons and equipment. It is easy to threaten them.

After passing through a deep passage, Bai Jingyue and Li Nali came to the underground hall of the Western Pavilion. A dozen high-level vampires lined up in two teams on both sides of the hall, bowing at the same time when Bai Jingyue and Li Nali arrived .

After Bai Jingyue and Li Nali were seated, Edward asked a little nervously: "Master Li Nali, I wonder if you have any mission to come here this time?"

Li Nali didn't know what to say for a while, did she come here to show her results to her men? It’s okay to talk about this by yourself. In the face of these people, some can’t make sense...

When Li Nali struggled, Shiraitsu stood up, which attracted the attention of other vampires present.

They didn't know Shiraitsuki, they just thought Shiraitsuki was an ordinary human being. They only saw Shiraiki followed by Li Nali, which made Shiraiki follow. When their leader, Edward, and Master Li Nali talk about business, what does this human want to do?

Bai Jingyue ignored these vampires' eyes with doubt and scrutiny, and came directly to Li Nali, half-kneeled holding Li Nali's hand, and used a near-fanatic tone to say: "Master Li Nali came this time I want to see if you have been corroded by this cozy working environment. When Queen Scarlett will use you in the future, will you still be able to take up the weapon in your hand?"

Bai Jingyue turned her head and looked at Edward with a very dissatisfied look: "It's nice to see that you are still loyal to Queen Scarlett's warrior. It is regrettable that even if you can afford the weapon, It's useless."

Why is it useless? Of course, strength is not enough.

Can't bear being mocked by a human face to face? But Bai Jingyue is the person brought by Li Nali. Judging from this familiar hand-in-hand action, the relationship between the two should be good. As the saying goes, the dog also depends on the owner. Under the watch of many vampires, Edward turns his attention to Li Nali, hoping Learned Li Nali's attitude.

However, after seeing Li Nali's cold expression, Edward's whole body became pale.

Why doesn't Li Nali speak? Is it because she agrees with this human word? In other words, because of dissatisfaction with them, Li Nali let this man speak for him! ?

Before he could confirm Li Nali's attitude, Bai Jingyue said again: "The vampires sent here should all be elites within the, but are you worthy of elites?"

The vampires who were saying this were outrageous, and even Edward, who had a better temper, could not help himself: "What makes you eligible to debase us so much? Humans!?"

Bai Jingyue got up and looked at Edward with disdainful eyes: "Of course it is strength."

Here, Bai Jingyue continues to provoke Edward and others, but secretly chatting with Li Nali: "Li Nali, now when acting so fast, don't hold back, don't laugh, it's a rare opportunity, I will show you how to pretend. One step, provoking as a weak identity."

ps: Because there are a lot of people asking, I will reiterate here. The current drama I wrote is Hellsing, which translates to the Royal Knights of the State Church and literally translates to the song of hell. And this article uses the ova version rather than the tv version. Station B has, although partly cut, it does not affect the subject's viewing.

ps2: I said that I would ask for leave to make up for it... I wrote so long ago how could it be possible to make up for it now, it is really a loophole, but the specific loophole involves the plot, I cannot explain it.

As for the information checked, it refers to the volumes I wrote earlier.

The people in the group should know that I often tear the outline, so it is normal to tear and make some holes. In the past, it was discovered early and dealt with before writing, so I did not ask for leave. This time I only tore it one day before writing this part of the plot (June 1). When I wrote the third chapter of this volume, I found that there was a big problem with the new outline and I could only do it again.

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