The Forbidden World

Chapter 1841: Visualization device

"Explain concretely, where have you been now?"

After placing Jingya Kurabashi in another empty room for rest, Shiraitsu came to the place where Giglietti was conducting experiments.

Gigrindi was very unhappy about Shirai's approach to her experimental bench, but she also understood that although Shiraitsu seemed to speak well on the surface, it was when these people did not touch the bottom line. Once they touched the bottom line, Shirai Moon becomes very scary.

She had lived in the Red Devil's House before, and it was very clear that Bai Jingyue beheaded the resurrected Jehovah.

At the instruction of Aresta, Gigrindi directly left the research room and left it to Shirai and Yaresta.

Yaresta operated for a while on the side equipment. After a while, a slightly exposed metal suit appeared with a humble helmet in front of Shirai.

"This is what we have done now."

Bai Jingyue glanced at the dress, and then looked away. With Bai Jingyue's ability, I can see the essence of this suit at a glance, but it is just an enlargement device. The real focus is not on this suit that looks like a single-person armor, but on the side of the suit, and this suit Helmet with connecting device.

"This helmet, I call it the manifestation device. It can strengthen the thickness of the heart barrier and reveal it."

In theory, everyone can use the at force field, because there is always a defense of the heart from person to person, but the ordinary person’s heart is too weak to simply realize the defense of the heart, and this The device can help people accomplish this without affecting the heart of others.

"At present, the volunteers who have participated in the experiment have been able to create a palm-sized hexagonal at force field, and with the help of that armor, the at force field can be diffused and controlled to a certain extent. At present, we have completed the simple The ball's all-round defense and the single target within a certain range are imprisoned, and what Gigrindi just experimented with is to change the at force field into attack mode.

Bai Jingyue's mouth twitched for a while.

At force field attack mode, these two people really dare to play around. According to Arista, this device requires a user, and the one who just used this device is obviously Giglietti himself.

How strong is the at-force field created by the heart with a rule-level magic into an attack? At the very least, this is also a rule-level attack. If this level of attack is out of control, the small-scale explosion seen by Kurabashi Kyoko really is a relatively light consequence.

"Okay, I understand the situation. What about the shortcomings? You have already experimented to this extent. You haven't announced it yet, which means there are still fatal shortcomings in this device?"

"Well, there are still a few problems that cannot be solved."

Yaresta took out a report from the table and handed it to Shirai, one by one, explaining to Shirai: "The first problem is the strength problem. Because the original thin heart is stretched, it is necessary to strengthen the strength. It is much weaker. Although the heart can be arranged in the range of the diffusion device at will, the flexibility is higher than the at force field, but this strength is no longer an absolute field. Is it more suitable for the random field?"

Seeming to be amused by what he said, Aresta shook his head with a smile, and then began to say the second question: "The second problem is the gender difference. The inner difference caused by gender is more serious than we thought. Men’s hearts are usually a little mad, and the consumption of using this device is much greater than that of women. However, because the control method is close to video games, men are superior to women in precise control of at position. Women’s words are easier to excite , The wall of the heart generated is also stronger, but it is slightly weaker in fine control, and it can’t keep up with the consumption."

"A lot of consumption?"

"This is the third problem. Because of the nature of the at force field, the use of this device is very mentally consuming. The mental energy of an ordinary person is estimated to last only about one minute. The volunteers we are looking for are lv3 or even lv4. Yes, but that's it. It can only support a battle of more than ten minutes to twenty minutes. It can't be supported for a long time. If it is hard to support, it may be life-threatening."

Life-threatening, this problem is more serious.

The main strength of the academy city is the abilities. The abilities use the most power and consume physical strength. Unless those abilities that are very problematic in themselves, there is generally no danger to life. With the existing strength of the academy city, there is no need to use such a device whose strength is not over specification and may be life-threatening.

"It feels very tasteless. Although it is very comprehensive, it can defend and catch people, but it has too many side effects."

"So I recently changed my research focus and began to study the role of the random field in other aspects. As for the project of converting the at force field into an attack, I handed it all over to Gigrindi. If it is valuable, then consider reducing some other functions. Armed with a single soldier, then those who are not capable of adaptability can also be used as combat power."

Of course, just think about it.

Even if it is valuable, it does not make sense to the current academy city. There is Shiraizuki who is here, telling the truth, there is no use for anyone. So if Aresta can't research something else, this display device will most likely be shelved.

Bai Jingyue thought about it, instead of letting Arresta study the things that would destroy the world and let him focus on it, so he did not stop Arresta, and ordered Arrest again. After the tower could not study how to dissolve the heart, Bai Jingyue took Cangqiao Jingzi home.

Perhaps it was because the stimulation was too great that Kyobashi Kyobashi could not leave Shiraitsu at all for a short period of time. Baijingyue had to temporarily postpone the itinerary and accompanied him to exercise for a few months.

A lot of things have happened in the past few months, the most important thing is that the fully submerged game [Mech Warrior] and the matching game helmet officially ordered by Shirai before he was ordered.

What attracted players from the beginning was, of course, the gimmick of the first completely dive game, and once they entered the game, it was impossible to get out of the pit.

This kind of mech is very attractive to most men, and some women will enter the pit for various reasons. In the land of the academy city, once a woman enters the pit, it means that at least half of the classes enter the pit. Soon, this old-fashioned game has completely swept the academy city. The person concerned is naturally no exception.

After confirming that the person has entered the pit, Shirai Matsu no longer pays much attention. After all, he has something to do on this side. After repeatedly inquiring to ensure that Kurabashi Kyoko can accept the fact that Shiraiki will leave for a period of time, Shiraiki He and Li Nali, who had been waiting for a long time, embarked on a journey to the West.

ps1: Regarding the fact that the at force field is converted into a random field device, I admire [Anti-Qilu No. 9], I mentioned a personalized at force field, he guessed it, although our specific ideas are somewhat different~ Because I didn't consider civil use, only personalized arming. Because I couldn't spoil the story, I didn't discuss it with him.

For details, please refer to the latest update of the Essential Book Review on November 5, 2017.

ps2: I don’t plan to write a date war (not in this book), so this information is currently useless. It was originally used as an egg. After being guessed, I thought about whether to tear the manuscript. Later I thought about it. Forget it, because I will use this content later (not this book).

ps3: I recommend a good friend’s book. I’ve pushed his book many times. I don’t mention the quality. Because everyone has everyone’s opinion, I personally feel that it is quite good. In terms of update speed, he dumped me. Several streets.

"E-sports Pioneer", an online game whose spirit is linked to the virtual world. The virtual world in this online game is not original, but existing popular online games, including dnf, lol, cf, PUBG, and

Glory (knock on the blackboard, the point is not the glory of the king).

Yes, this is also a full-time master fan. After a few years after the plot is connected to the full-time master, the protagonist is the retired member of the Xingxin team, who has won the world championship (currently glory is only a background board, but there are many original professional players Appeared, I bought Tangrou shares.jpg).

ps4: There are a lot of ps in this chapter, but it is about to open a new volume. By the way, do the next volume trailer: in hundreds of years, London has become the most dense area of ​​vampires, and the final puzzle finally surfaced. , It's time to end this.

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