The Forbidden World

Chapter 1832: The practice begins

Suddenly the communication was hung up, which made Shiraitsu very worried. Did Yui understand what he meant.

But thinking about the experience of Yui in the past few thousand years of making games, Shiraitsu rested his mind. This game will definitely be a good game with a warm heart!

"Laughing so happy, what good things happened?"

Aoi Saki, who noticed Shirai's behavior, also slowed down, and whispered around Shirai's shoulder. Bai Jingyue did not conceal the idea, and told himself to make a game with Yui.

"How come I suddenly thought of making such a game?"

Aoqi Aoqi had also played that mech game before, but she was really not interested in it. If she remembered right, there was no one at home other than Shinoda Asada who played that game.

"Do you know that shrine in the 12th school district?"

"Well, Fujino has already told us."

Aoqi Aozi responded casually. There may be gods about to wake up in the academy city. Such a big event will definitely inform them, but that's all. To be honest, these people are actually looking forward to a troublesome god. Are they addicted to the games made by the kimono, wouldn't they panic because of leisure? If it is not because it is a school garden city, the revival of the gods may cause damage to the school garden city. They will not even go to the surveillance, but wait for the gods to wake up quietly, and then have a good fight.

"The gods in that shrine are considered acquaintances and are not suitable for direct martial arts, so I plan to come back and talk to them."

Aoqi Qingzi's face with unbelief: "Using games? When they were asleep, shouldn't they have games yet? Will they talk to you because of this?"

"Will they talk to me about the game? I don't know, but I know that their only descendant will be willing to talk to me. The game really corrupts people's hearts."

"Huh, it sounds like you haven't been corrupted."

"It is said that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? This suffering can only be resisted by me."

Bai Jingyue's sorrowful and merciful appearance made Aoi Sakiko really look down. She quickly speeded up to keep up with the big troops in front.

After Aoki Aoki left, Shiraoi took out the communication crystal again, this time contacting Ya Yunzi. There is currently a shrine in Fantasy Township, and it seems that some are too monotonous. If there is one more shrine, it should make Fantasy Township a lot more lively.

As time passed, the sky became darker, and the gradually lit lights on both sides of the street took over the entire academy city.

Kurabashi Kyoko looked at the crowded buildings, his eyes showing a little longing.

Bai Jingyue, who returned to the crowd after contacting Yakumo Zi, just saw this scene. He smiled kindly and took up the small hand of Kangqiao Jingzi: "Want to go and see?"

Kurabashi Kyoko nodded.

When she was at Cangqiao's house in the past, she was not allowed to go out at night, so she always had a curiosity about the world after the arrival of the night. Today, the beautiful night view of the academy city makes her very eager to wander.

"Let your teacher Aoi Saki take you next time. As for today, you must go home. In order to welcome you, we have prepared a grand banquet. You must not miss it."

Kurabashi Kyoko was immediately attracted by the banquet in Shirai's mouth. The banquets she experienced from childhood to old were filled with various compliments to her father, Kurahashi Yuki, of course Shirai Yue could not be one of them, so she was very interested in the banquets held by Shirai Yue. What is the difference between those experienced?

Of course it is very different.

One is a banquet for the benefit of exchanges, Kurabashi Kyoko can only attend as a subsidiary of Cangqiao Yuanji, and the other is a family banquet, Kurabashi Kyoko is a well-deserved protagonist of this banquet, how can the two be Than?

At the moment of entering Shirai's house, seeing many young ladies who didn't know walking around, laughing and chatting about homely moments, Kurabashi Kyoko felt that a place deep in his heart was touched, when Shirai and other people stood Together, when she said welcome to her in unison, her unprecedented sense of identity broke her defenses, and tears dripped from the corners of her eyes.

As for the other protagonist of the banquet, Jiu Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng? She has been short-circuited by the truth told by Ji Shenqiu Shaxu. Now she is full of thoughts that the Jinggongsi family is finished. How can you manage the banquet?

After saying hello to Jishen Qiusha and Shirai, he pulled the shrine of Jigu Temple Jiuhuicheng into his room and began to tell the story of Fantasy Township, while others were enjoying the wonderful banquet.

The happy time always seemed short-lived. At the end of the banquet, when Bai Jingyue sent Kurabashi Kyoko to his room to leave, Kurabashi Kyoko reluctantly pulled Bai Jingyue: "Master, will there be a banquet tomorrow?"

Gently remove the hair band on the head of Kurahashi Kyoko, hug Kurakashi Kyoko onto the bed, and lay the bedding for it, or Shirai Tsui nodded gently: "As long as you want, you can have a banquet every day. Come on, go to sleep quickly, and tomorrow morning, you will have to practice seriously."

Bai Jingyue's words finally reminded Kyoko Kurabashi of her purpose of coming here. She shyly covered her blushing face with her life and murmured good night.

"good night."

Bai Jingyue responded, turned off the lights, and then left the bedroom, feeling Shirai's Kyoko pulled down his life and exposed his eyes.

Looking at the closed door and thinking about what happened today, Kurabashi Kyoko couldn't help but look forward to the life in the next few years, must it be very exciting? With a little anticipation, Cangqiao Kyoko slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, reality is always so cruel.

When Kurabashi Kyoko was still dreaming about a better life, Shirai Tsui's rough movements awakened her from her sleep.

Looking at the time displayed on the alarm clock I just bought yesterday, Kurabashi Kyoko looked incredulously at Shiraitsu, it was only four o'clock!


"Four o'clock is already liver, ah no, it's time to practice. Several of your teachers are waiting for you, hurry up."

What Bai Jingyue said was a little unclear, but several teachers were waiting for her. Kangqiao Kyoko understood, she quickly put on a set of sportswear, and then followed Bai Jingyue to an empty room.

In the middle of the room, the two teachers who were introduced to her by Aoi Sakizaki and Mao Zhihualie were among them. Besides them, there was a beautiful girl with glasses holding a long bow and yawning.

Kurabashi Kyoko didn't respond for a while, didn't he say that four o'clock was the time for spiritual practice? Why does the person who looks like her bow and arrow teacher also look awake?

"Cough, don't care about the details, then the practice will begin today. My master is also incompetent, so I apologize for giving you a little thing."

Bai Jingyue reached out and handed a cherry-colored gemstone to Kurabashi Kyoko.

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