The Forbidden World

Chapter 1826: UP Lord Huiye

"This is...your home?"

After glancing around, Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng looked at Bai Jingyue in unbelief.

Modern home decoration, this Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng can understand, after all, the Jinggong Temple family she lived in before is also a modern decoration. The science and technology of the academy city is much ahead of the outside world. If a classic building suddenly appears in such a city, she will be surprised. The problem is the shoe cabinet at the entrance.

Such things as shoe cabinets are basically available in every home, but she has only seen such exaggerated shoe cabinets in front of her school.

That is a common shoe cabinet for many people. Although the luxurious decoration makes the shoe cabinet here not as simple and ugly as in the school, there is an unknown style, but there is no doubt that this is the same as the school shoes. The cabinet is the same thing.

Although there is no detailed number, just a glance, but there are at least more than twenty small squares with labels, which means that there are at least more than twenty people living in this house. If you take a closer look, those names are partial Feminine name. If one or two is enough, all names are like this, indicating that this should not be a coincidence.

This made Huicheng, the Jingu Temple doubtful: This is really Shiraitsu's home, isn't it a girl's dormitory?

"Of course it is my home. I don't believe you look closely at the upper left corner of the shoe cabinet, and my name. There is a nameplate on the top of the shoe cabinet."

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng looked at the upper left corner of the shoe cabinet. A round moon was engraved on the wooden cabinet door. Above the full moon, the three characters of Baijingyue carved by Yang were very obvious. Looking sideways, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng saw the nameplate that Bai Jingyue said, hanging on the top of the shoe cabinet, and the three characters of Baijingzhai carved in clear black engraved the identity of the owner of this mansion.

"But why...who are they?"

"Some are friends who live here temporarily, some are partners in the same industry, some are my daughters, others are my wives."

The Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng said by Bai Jingyue was dumbfounded. Bai Jingyue put his wife in other positions, which shows that the more than 20 names in front of him are mostly Bai Jingyue's wife. Although it has long been known from Jishen Qiusha that Shiraitsuki is a color embryo, is the number too large?

Not only Jiu Jing Temple Huicheng, but also Kurabashi Kyoko was caught in shock and entanglement. Although there are still many marriages in some large families, the maximum number of marriages is three to four. The figure displayed in front of her at the moment is really too scary.

"Ah, husband, are you back?"

The sudden sound from the staircase leading to the second floor interrupted the thinking of Jinggong Temple Jiucheng and Jingqiao Kurabashi. They looked at the woman whose skin was white like snow, black hair like a waterfall, like a pearl of the night. Go down the stairs.

The woman's dress is very simple, it is a long black dress, but they can still feel a luxurious breath from this woman, just like the princess in the story.

"Well, I'm back, but it's only temporary. I have to leave after a while. There are things to do in the West."

It is said that the woman looked sideways at the Jinggongjijiu Huicheng and Kurabashi Kyoko of Shirai, and expressed doubts with a slightly surprised tone: "You actually brought people directly to your home, is this to learn the light source? They all have concubines."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Bai Jingyue was a little flustered, and Kyobashi Kyoko said it was okay, as long as it was explained later, the current state of Jiu Huicheng in Jingu Temple was not good, and he could not afford it for the time being. To be honest, if Huicheng Temple Jiucheng really took a fancy to him, then he wouldn't avoid it like now, but if he couldn't be separated from him because of a disease, then forget it, this feeling, but Not love.

"Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng is Qiu Sha's and Pa Qiuli's friends, because some things fall into reincarnation, I just took her over. As for Jingzi, she is my apprentice."

After listening to Bai Jingyue's explanation, the woman showed a ridiculous smile and said in a weird tone: "Apprentice~ I hope you will still think so after ten years~"

As she said, the woman glanced at Kyobashi Kyoko in the corner of her eyes, just in line with Kyobashi Kyoko's line of sight. The kind of gaze that seemed to see through all made Kangqiao Kyoko's heart pounding and could not help but look away.

Seeing this scene, the woman's mouth twirled with a subtle arc, and then stopped the urgency of the speech. Too much beep may be counterproductive. Only by such a less intense stimulation can a certain seed thrive and finally change. Into a beautiful drama.

"Okay, don't disturb you anymore, the concubine still has something to do."

Then the woman came to the shoe cabinet and raised her hand to open a cabinet door that also had the moon sign, and took out a pair of delicate clogs from the cabinet door.

Jin Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng carefully observed the top of the full moon mark, where the woman's name-Penglai Shanhui Ye was engraved.

"Are you going out? I remember you are helping the Yiyi company to promote the game, right? Finished?"

Hui Ye shook his head and said in a rather helpless tone: "The game evaluation has been completed, but the live demo has not been played yet. Alas, why did the concubine go live in the first place, and feel at ease as a video publisher. "

Over the years, with the help of Shiraitsuki's proposal and the kimono ~ ~ a lot of things that will be fired in the future will be released in advance, and the most famous and crazy spread in other countries is the barrage video The website, under the suggestion of Shirai, this website is named after Misaka's ability characteristics, full name bilipili, abbreviated as b station.

Huiye is the top player in the game section of this barrage website.

In the past, Huiye only helped the game company founded by Yuiyi to promote the game, and then posted the process of playing the game into a video. Later, I felt that it was so fun and insisted.

As for the live broadcast of Hui Ye's complaint, it was a function that the website only made in recent years.

As the top gangster in the game partition, of course, you should try it after the new things come out on the website, and help promote it by the way. At first, Hui Ye thinks it is very good. Every time after making some ultra-high-tech operations, those The barrage that people worshipped her made her feel very interesting. You don't need to meet people, you can communicate through the Internet, which is really suitable for her squat at home.

However, she soon discovered a serious problem.

That's time.

Her ability allows her to arbitrarily travel between forever and Xu Shi. When doing video, she can do all the things that should be done between Xu Shi and the rest of the time can move freely, but the live broadcast is not good. She couldn't include everyone who watched her live broadcast into a must-have, which meant that she couldn't be lazy with her ability while broadcasting.

This is very bad news for a salted fish, but she is still a virtuous up master, never a pigeon.

"You, obviously enjoy it."

Bai Jingyue has already seen Huiye long ago. After all, if it's not because of likes, who can really restrict the princess of the moon? ()

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