The Forbidden World

Chapter 1824: arrangement

After appeasing Kurabashi Kyoko, Shirai finds an open space nearby and waits for the arrival of the Jinggongji family with Jinggongji Jiuhuicheng.

During the whole process, the two didn't speak a word, and Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng glanced at Bai Jingyue's eye pupil, and immediately turned her head, afraid that Bai Jingyue would look at her, but after a while, she slowly turned her head. Here, he turned his attention to Shiraitsu.

Bai Jingyue was really helpless. For the first time, he encountered this situation. Could it be a crime? Don't make trouble, Huicheng, the Jingu Temple, is only eight years old now. How can I say she wants to be an adult?

In this way, the confrontation was silent for about a long time. The Jinggong Temple justly brought a few people who believed in him, and brought some important books to meet Shiraitsu.

"Senior Shirai, how do we get in? I remember that the academy city is blocked from the outside world on weekdays."

"Follow me and just walk over."

Then Shiraitsu walked straight towards the gate of the school's tight defense. The people of the Jinggongsi family looked at each other, and some did not know what to do. The dreadfulness of the academy city is deeply rooted in people's hearts, that is, the prestige built with countless corpses in the past few decades.

At this moment, their well-behaved girl, the baby girl of the Jinggong Temple’s righteous words, suddenly broke out. She pointed at another girl beside Shirai, and mocked badly, "You are all here, but Choose to back down at this time? Not even a little girl!"

Everyone looked at Kurabashi Kyoko next to Shiraitsu, and there was a congestion. Some people became angry and angered, but they didn't wait for them to refute it. The Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng dragged his father and followed Bai Jingyue towards the gate of the academy city.

After sighing helplessly, these people had no choice but to tidy up and follow up.

"You deserve it, it's really bad."

Hearing the words of Jiu Huicheng from Jingu Temple, Jingu Temple sighed. In fact, he also wanted to be a patriarch with responsibility, prestige, strength and power. But reality is sometimes much harder than his dreams, no matter how hard he tries, he can only reach the current level.

It is difficult for the officials to break the housework, and it is even more difficult to get involved in the interests. This time someone is willing to follow up is the result of his efforts for decades. At the same time, he has consumed all his past accumulations. If, after moving into the academy city, they did not get the benefits they had imagined, or if the confusion described by Shiraitsu did not happen to the outside world, then his patriarch would have come to an end.

"Then I will give you benefits."

While other Jinggongsi family members are still being checked for any contraband, Shiraitsu made a proposal to the Jinggongsi ordination.

"The Jinggongsi family joined the academy city as an asylum seeker rather than a collaborator. I can't raise you in vain. Then handle some things for us. There is an institution in the academy city called Anbu, I think you listen Does the name know what kind of organization it is?"

The Jinggong Temple nodded innocently. Institutions in this shadow have many organizations, and the existence of such institutions in the academy has become the consensus of many organizations outside.

"There are different types of dark parts. The Protect I am in is responsible for dealing with external threats. Well, yes, as you think, it is responsible for dealing with the spies sent by each family. Those who can't deal with me are those of your family. What."

The Jinggong Temple smiled embarrassingly and didn't dare to answer the call. When Shirai saw that the Jinggong Temple didn't answer the word, he skipped the matter and continued to the topic.

"The problems of the academy city are not only external, but also internal. Although there are many situations in this academy city because of the problem of the mechanism, the shadow is everywhere, and there are dark places in the glorious place. Other secret departments are responsible for dealing with these issues. In order to facilitate the work, the secret department of the academy city often has some privileges that ordinary people do not have. If your shrine temple family becomes a secret department of the academy city, you can obtain certain law enforcement rights and some are absent. The benefit in writing is the cost of doing things for me when necessary. How?

What else? In the meeting that decided to come here, Shiraitsu showed the thoughts of the Jinggongsi family, and became a dark part of the academy city. It was simply to simplify and obscure the pot process. Others of the Jingu Temple family will be happy at first that they have mastered the privileges of the academy city. When they react to something wrong, everything is foregone.

As the shrine of the Jingu Temple, who knows all this, at the moment when he has arrived inside the city of the academy, is there still a choice to resist at this moment? He could only rejoice in his appearance, and promised Bai Jingyue's request.

"The name of your dark part, I think it's called [Jingong Temple]. The content of the responsibility is the same as you used to deal with spiritual disasters."

"Spiritual disaster?"

"Well, spiritual disaster. The monsters in the academy city are all non-dangerous people who have been investigated, so you don’t have to worry about the monsters, but the spiritual disaster depends on the geography. In the case of Tokyo’s main veins being disordered, the whole day ·There is no truly safe place will have spiritual disasters. Although the academy city has made some arrangements to kill most of the spiritual disasters before its birth, there will always be some leaks. The fish. Your task is to solve ordinary people before the spiritual disasters. Well, although you don’t necessarily have a chance to play."

The guard force of the academy city is not only the commissioners and guards, but those with high-level free abilities can handle even high-level spiritual disasters, not to mention some low-level spiritual disasters. Shiraitsu gives the Jinggongsi family In fact, in order to facilitate management, the dark part really did not expect the Jinggongsi family to help before the outside world was in chaos.

"By the way, you will remember to go to the headquarters of the constable later to get a batch of equipment."


"It's the de-souling equipment customized by the Super Disaster Response Room here. Of course, our equipment is more advanced, so you may have to get used to it first."

In order to maintain a leading technological advantage in their hands, weapons merchants usually give priority to selling inferior goods when selling weapons. This kind of thing is basically a conventional thing. What can the Jingong Temple can say? Can only laugh and not speak.

While Bai Jingyue was thinking about whether there was anything else to explain, a police officer came over and reported to Bai Jingyue: "Directors Bai Jing have all been checked and their identity cards have been issued. From today, they will be the school. The legal resident of the city."

"Well, I know."

After everyone passed the pass, Shiraitsu was too lazy to think about what else needs to be prepared for the Jinggongsi family. He was collecting the Jinggongsi family, not recruiting ancestors. Simply deal with it. For him Now, there are only two things that matter most.

One is to arrange for Kyobashi Kyoko, and the second is to arrange for Jingcheng Huiji.

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