The Forbidden World

Chapter 1820: survivor

Six huge ice walls appeared out of thin air, as if a coffin enveloped the mixture, and the turbulent flames surged around, but as the ice coffin gradually formed, the beating flame gradually stopped, and then suddenly stained with a pale .

Before waiting for Kanana to take a closer look, these flames were completely blocked by the ice coffin along with the mixture. After a mournful wailing, the mixture gradually disappeared. The ice coffin is broken, where is there a mixed figure? There are only some invisible ice cubes.

"This is solved?"

"Well, it's solved. Those ordinary mixtures were taken care of by me in the previous snow storm, and now the root cause is also killed by me. As long as the Tianhe family is fine, the crisis here can be officially declared over. With the strength of excellent work, it should be no problem. However, the disaster caused by the hybrid is over, and what we have to do is not over."

"Master Baijing, what do you mean?"

"I used to cover the town with a snow storm and extinguish the mixture while extinguishing the fire. However, there are a lot of survivors. Some of these survivors are hiding in unburned rooms, and they can come out after confirming safety. But there are still some people who are crushed by the collapsed house and need us to help. When you organize the search and rescue personnel, you must know the news of the survivors. Many people will be willing to help?"

Not to mention the people who are immersed in the grief of losing their loved ones, even after admonishing Shan Naluo that he heard the news of the survivors, he couldn't help but feel a lot of excitement: "Adult, do you remember the specific location of those survivors? ?"

"I can only tell you the approximate location. Go find someone to get a local map, and I will mark it for you."

Jian Shannai nodded, then hurried towards the crowd, and began to form a search and rescue team while searching the map.

Here Shiraizuki summoned Kurabashi Kyoko and Jinggongji Jiucheng.

"Kyoko, those people needed urgent treatment after they were rescued. Now, the hospital has been burned down. It is impossible to get to the hospital. You go to the crowd behind and ask who is the doctor and let them build a temporary hospital. As for the equipment, let the people of the search and rescue team take a trip to the hospital."

Kurabashi Kyoko did not move. She looked at Shiraitsu with an unbelievable look, her eyes full of shock and doubt.

"Master... You just made Blizzard, and that huge ice coffin, did you make it?"

"Don't be too surprised. If the progress is smooth, you can learn later when you can learn the full version. You will learn later. As for now, is it important to save people?"

Hearing the first half of Shiraizuki's words, Kurabashi Kyoko couldn't contain her emotions, and she felt a little excited when she thought of the ability to change the celestial phenomena from her own hands. This joy and excitement stopped suddenly after Shirai said the second half of his sentence.

Kurabashi Kyoko noticed a bit of dissatisfaction in Bai Jingyue's rhetorical question, but now when life is dead, she asks that these things are indeed out of date. After embarrassingly bowing his head to admit his mistake, Kyobashi Kyoko followed Bai Jingyue's instructions and went to the crowd to find a doctor.

After both Jianshan Naluo and Kurabashi Kyoko left, only Shiraizuki and Jinggongjiu Huicheng were left on the square plowed by the power of Shirai and the mixture. After realizing this, Jinggongjijiu Huicheng subconsciously wanted to stay away from Baijingyue, but was imprisoned by Baijingyue with his strength.

After being scared by Shiraiuki once in the forest before, a shimmer of shadow had been lingering in the heart of Jingu Temple, and at this moment Shirazui's mandatory imprisonment made this shadow suddenly spread.

"You! What are you doing!?"

"Fortunately, I set up soundproof barriers in advance, otherwise I will really kill you this time, and I am not going to treat you, what are you shouting about?

"Who knows what your freaks will do to make you mad?"

"Talk to you about business, give me seriousness, and then I'll be really mad and disturbed."

Bai Jingyue's warning was very effective. Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng suddenly stopped struggling, just like Bai Jingyue waiting for Bai Jingyue to speak. This made Shirai Yue brow slightly.

Has this reaction gone too far? Wasn’t it scared Jiuhuijijiu Jingcheng Temple before? He remembered that there was a disease called Stockholm Syndrome... No, no, no, it was just that he thought too much? He seems to have done nothing other than persecute her except to scare her?

Thinking of the act of finally letting Jinggong Temple Jiuhui Cheng scare herself, and deliberately not answering her words, Bai Jingyue has some difficulty in keeping calm. Shouldn't Jinggongji Jiu Huicheng scare herself?

Thinking of this possibility, Bai Jingyue's tone suddenly softened: "It is not only ordinary people who are crushed under the collapsed houses that need treatment, but also several onmyoji who were seriously injured and now lying on the defense line. Take some people over there and bring them down-if you don’t cure, the ones who would have survived will die."


Jinggong Temple Jiuhui Cheng lowered his head and responded silently, and then walked away silently. This look made Shiraitsu more and more disturbed in his heart, but he doesn’t know what to do now, after all, he just knows the Stockholm syndrome What exactly does the thing how it was formed and how to avoid it, he didn't study it at all.

In desperation, Bai Jingyue had to leave this question behind her head and concentrate on dealing with the issue of saving people.

About ten minutes passed, a temporary search and rescue team was completed, and the people began to rescue those who were struggling under the ruins under the leadership of Shiraizuki and Jianshan Naruo. After a while, the reinforcements of the Yinyang Hall and the Disaster Response Room Arrived. They were shocked by the paleness that covered the entire town, and then joined the search and rescue team.

All doubts must be put aside in this situation. Rescuing talents is the most important thing.

"Aren't you going to rest?"

Bai Jingyue looked at Isano Naruo, who still insisted on the front line of search and rescue, and said seriously: "Your injury is not light at all. If you go on like this, I guess you have to retreat to the second line. Now that the support has arrived, search and rescue is coming to an end. , Go and get well wounded."

"Retreat to the second line, let me retreat to the second line. It is my inability to cause this town to be so seriously injured. I am uneasy not to see all the survivors rescued."

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Bai Jingyue shook his head and turned to prepare for the matter of leaving Kangqiao Jingzi to discuss leaving. As a result, Bai Jingyue suddenly stopped and looked away to a ruin beside him.

"Senior Shirai?"

Jian Shan Naluo came to see Shiraizuki's abnormal shape, then looked at the completely collapsed ruins in front of him, and asked in a puzzled way: "Is there anything wrong with this ruin?"

"Yes, of course there are problems."

Bai Jingyue couldn't help but laughed self-deprecatingly: "I actually looked away. Quickly call out, there is also a survivor here!" &1t;/()

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