The Forbidden World

Chapter 1816: Play well

In front, Jian Shan Naluo flashed to clean up the surging mixture, and Shiraiuki discussed the previous battle with Kurabashi Kyoko in the back: "Kyoko, how do you feel about removing the evil spirits for the first time?"

"It feels weird"

Kurabashi Kyoko frowned slightly, as though disgusted, but not as serious.

"It's disgusting, but I'm a little bit happy inside."

"Nausea is because the hybrid will disturb spiritual power. This kind of disturbance will be very disgusting for people like you who directly use spiritual power. Don't worry too much."

Bai Jingyue is lying, and the side of the Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng confirmed this for the first time.

The smell of this mixture is indeed very disgusting, but that kind of disgust is at most the level of nausea that smells unpleasant. The nausea felt by Kurabashi Kyoko is not this kind of thing, but in modern times. People who grew up in this environment felt sick when they first killed their own kind.

However, it would be a good thing to be able to cross this threshold in this way, so Jiucheng Temple Jiuhuicheng did not say it, but quietly watched Shiraitsu and Kurabashi Kyoko continue to communicate.

"If you are happy, there may be many reasons. The joy of learning to apply, the joy of living up to expectations, the joy of protecting mankind, the joy of defeating the enemy, which one do you think you are?"

"Is it all a bit?"

Kurahashi Kyoko looked at Shiraitsu in confusion, and some did not understand the difference between these reasons.

"You don't have to be confused, you have everything, you have everything. The reasons for human joy are diverse."

After reorganizing Kangqiao Kyoko's hair that was messed up due to fighting, and feeling that Kangqiao Kyoko's mood had stabilized, Shiraitsu skipped this question: "So, now let's talk about your feelings about fighting, your own Fight, any comments?"

"Play well?"

Kurabashi Kyoko is very sure that she did not do her best. After all, this is her first fight, but at her current level, she really can’t find out where her problems are, since she hasn’t made the mistakes she knows. , Then it should be a good fight?

Seeing Kurahashi Kyoko's thoughts, Bai Jingyue nodded with a smile, and then shook his head slightly: "It's no problem for you to give yourself this evaluation, but if you only evaluate it by yourself, there is no progress at all, so you must listen to it. Listen to other people’s evaluation. If I evaluate you, you can barely pass it. After all, you really succeeded in defeating the hybrid. You did listen to some of the things I said before, and you are not lazy. There are still a lot of choices."

After glancing at the battle over there, and confirming that there is no problem on the side of Isao Naoraku, Shiraitsu begins to analyze Kurabashi Kyoko a little bit.

"It’s a good thing to observe opponents and make plans before battle, but you need to know that battle is not turn-based, not every time you have enough time to observe opponents, the mixture happens to be slower than your observation speed, if it’s him If you ran before you before observing, how would you make a battle plan?"

Kurabashi Kyoko couldn't answer, she was very confident that she wouldn't really have an accident, so she would observe her opponent in peace, but the reason was based on the fact that Shiraitsu was behind her. If Shiraiuki is not here, her previous behavior is indeed a bit stupid.

"Second point, you still believe in your eyes too much. How do you know that the weakness you see is really the weakness of the other party? Indeed, the mixture lost to you because of a physical defect, but that is because of the mixture. He hasn’t reached level b yet. Once he reaches level b, he can connect all parts of his body with the help of demon power. The so-called physical defects will not be established. Moreover, in most cases, the weaknesses will not be exposed, and some will be hidden in the body. Some of the internal defects are hidden in some secret little habits and exposed, and many are traps that the other party intentionally left you to see."

The corner of Kangqiao Kyoko's mouth slightly raised, a little wronged. Bai Jingyue did teach how to perceive the opponent's energy distribution, but during this time she was studying the instantaneous opening, and she had no time to control the others.

The result seemed to be through Kurabashi Kyoko's thoughts, and Shirai's next topic was chatting instantaneously.

"The most important point is that not every thing will develop as you planned. You avoided the first blow and then walked behind the opponent using the instantaneous drive I taught you? Why should you wait for the opponent to attack intentionally? Time to dodge? Is it time and space locked?"

"Ah? Master, what is space-time lock?"

Bai Jingyue's body suddenly stiffened, and for a while, she didn't know how to answer. He blamed Yui. He hadn't shipped the last few draws, and he was a bit sick.

"In short, life is not a game, there is no invincible frame for evasion, how can you ensure that you can escape the attack?"

"Because of instant opening"

"Instantly open is just a physical increase rather than invincible!"

If it is a genuine instant opening, the moment you use it will release a lot of spiritual pressure, and it is also an invincible frame to some extent, but Kurahashi Kyoko is not using a genuine instant opening. After all, she is only eight years old. Genius, how can it be possible to learn this level of skill in just over ten days?

Kurabashi Kyoko learns the simplified version of Kaikai which was modified by Shiraitsu and others. Compared with the real-time instant opening, the simple version of instant opening does not need to be able to use ghost road. It can be used as long as it can control spiritual power. The threshold is low, the launch is fast, the consumption is small, and the time is controllable. It is very suitable for those who like fine combat.

But after all, the simplified version is not an improved version. The simplified version's instant opening is much lower than the genuine instant opening, and the body's bonus is much lower. Naturally, the invincible frames are no longer used. Kurabashi Kyoko used instant opening to avoid attacks. Fortunately, it was only level c. If it met level b, now Kurabashi Kyoko has been filmed as a cake.

"The attacking interval of the opponent is a good But this idea needs strength support, this time you are lucky, but not necessarily next time. So this habit must be changed before you can win me. Off!"


Kurahashi Kyoko's answer was already crying, and she felt very satisfied with the battle was criticized by Shirai Tsui for nothing, and her heart was very frustrated.

At this moment, Shirai's last blow came.

"I teach you to observe opponents and design opponents. That is to use your own eyesight and experience to conduct instant observation and temporary planning when fighting with equal or even stronger opponents. If you do not observe weaknesses, you will create weaknesses yourself. Take control of the rhythm and finally go to victory. Looking at your current performance, it's still far away."

Just when Kurabashi Kyoko started to shed tears in his eyes, Shiraitsu suddenly rubbed Kurabashi Kyoko's forehead: "Maybe I'm too strict, after all, this is your first fight, if you compare it with others , Yes, you played well."


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