The Forbidden World

Chapter 1799: Visiting (2 in 1)

Cangqiaojia Dojo.

Bai Jingyue, holding a cup of tea in his hand, lay leisurely on a chair, bathed in the sunlight shining through the window into the dojo.

And just less than ten meters from Shirai, a petite figure swayed around the dojo.

"Kyoko, come on, there are three laps~"

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, the running figure suddenly flicked and nearly fell. Kangqiao Kyoko with a grudge glared at this unscrupulous master, and then continued to run around the dojo.

Although she said she didn't like this kind of exercise, after so many days of training, Kangqiao Jingzi obviously felt that her physical fitness was increasing. It turned out that she could only complete one-third of Bai Jingyue's assignments and get tired. Now, it is barely possible to complete the basic task. This kind of tangible change made Kyohashi Kurabashi stick his teeth and persevere.

Finally, the last three laps were finished. At the end of the run, the relaxed Kyohashi Kurabashi fell down as soon as the whole body became soft. At this critical moment, a blue light appeared at the right side of Kurabashi Kyoko, stabilizing her figure in a standing posture. If you take a closer look, you can also see that these blue lights are constantly entering and leaving Kangqiao Kyoko's body. With the flow of blue light, Cangqiao Kyoko's somewhat disappointed complexion gradually became ruddy.

"Every time I feel this is a little weird. Master, how much do you add to this hair rope?"

The counterattack that broke out when attacked by her father, Kurahashi Yuji, was not mentioned here, and here shows the ability to prevent blue light from falling down and repair the body. Kurakashi Kyoko does not need to consider the damage to the body every time. The blue light emitted by the hair rope will eliminate all fatigue and possible dark injuries. In addition, the hair rope also has the ability to adjust the body temperature that only the wearer can perceive. Obviously after a lot of exercise, but Kurabashi Kyoko does not feel hot at all, and his body has maintained a refreshing normal temperature, it can be said No need to worry about climate change in the future. According to Bai Jingyue, it seems that there is also the ability to form a protective cover on the body surface to isolate rain and snow. Not only rain and snow, but some low-strength attacks on Kangqiao Kyoko can even be directly immune.

Even though I haven’t learned much about Yin-Yang art yet, Kangqiao Kyoko is also the eldest daughter of the Cangqiao family. I still know a little about the difficulty of putting so many different functions in a small hair rope. Because of this, Her sense of identity with Master Bai Jingyue is getting deeper and deeper. A little bit of grudges against Bai Jingyue when she just heard the content of the exercise, and then disappeared, leaving only a little gratitude and joy. It would be better if Bai Jingyue did not deliberately make a gesture of enjoying life while she was exercising.

After the body was almost able to move, Kurabashi Kyoko slowly walked to another chair beside Shirai and sat down, reaching for the juice on the low table. Although there is blue light treatment after each exercise, but still a glass of ice water to relax.

Looking up and drinking a glass of juice, Kyobashi Kyoko tilted his head and looked at Shiraitsu lying on the chair. He asked curiously, "Master, you said that what I need most now is exercise, but exercise There are so many ways, why use running?"

"Of course it's for easy escape."


Shocked Kyobashi Kyoko almost dropped the cup in her hand. Why didn't she think that Bai Jingyue, who was so magical in her eyes, actually said such a reason to escape?

"What's so surprised? I tell you, Kyoko, as an output, the first thing to learn is to escape. Only protect yourself to have an output. The counsel should be counseled, or even if you are in a divine outfit, you will be lost. It also becomes meaningless."

"But... there is the hair rope you gave me, Master, should I not worry about safety?"

"Naive, the power of the hair rope is ultimately limited. As far as I know, there are several ways to break the protection of the hair rope. You can use the hair rope, but you must not rely on the hair rope."

In addition to the energy problem, the hair rope has a serious shortcoming. Its revenge mechanism is only effective for direct attacks. Like the kind of terrain killing caused by changing the terrain, the hair rope cannot find the revenge target. At this time, the hair rope The only thing that can be done is to protect users. In order to avoid this situation, Kurabashi Kyoko must master enough power himself.

Kurabashi Kyoko nodded with a frown, although she knew Shirai was right, but she still felt awkward. I thought about escaping before I even started playing. I always felt a little bad.

Seeing Kurahashi Kyoko's thoughts, Bai Jingyue seemed to helplessly sigh and said, "If you think it's not good to run away, then I'll say it differently. When the enemy feels that you can't fight but you want to run away, do you want to pursue? What should you do if you can’t run away at this time? No matter how high the attack is, it’s useless to catch up with others, so you need to exercise your ability to kill others!”

Kurabashi Kyoko rolled his eyes. Replacing exercise escape ability with exercise chasing and killing ability, Bai Jingyue's mouth is really powerful. Obviously it is simply running. But having said that, just running, can it really enhance the overall physical fitness? Or does she rely mainly on her legs in the future?

Although Kurabashi Kyoko had doubts in her mind, she still did what Bai Jingyue had ordered. After all, Bai Jingyue made such a powerful hairline for her, wouldn't she deliberately entertain her?

Of course Bai Jingyue will not entertain her. Shiraitsu is very serious about teaching Kurabashi Kyoko.

Since I want to borrow the stargazing ability of Kurabashi Kyoko in the future, of course, Shiraitsu must train Kurabashi Kyoko well, not to mention the degree of changing fate, at least the degree of accurate observation of fate. For this reason, Baijingyue has a good plan Ever.

The stargazing ability of this world was almost clear when Shiraizuki met Kurashimi Miyoshi. It is an ability to resonate with the world with spiritual power and read information from the world to observe the future. This ability The intensity of is strongly influenced by mental power.

Kurabashi Kyoko is still in the growing stage, and is theoretically the most suitable time to exercise his mental strength. However, Shiraitsu has other arrangements for Kurabashi Kyoko's mental exercise. The awakening of the stargazing ability is the same. Nowadays, Kangqiao Kyoko’s mental power is not even the amount of the basic stargazing ability. Even if the awakening ability is useless, it may also cause a burden on the body. Hashikyoko cultivates other aspects.

What kind of ability does a qualified swordsman need?

As the name implies, of course swords and witches.

In the words of Wu, taking into account the different characteristics of the world, Shiraitsu intends to teach the restraint, attachment and release of Kurako Kyoko's spiritual power. That's right, it was those things that he asked Aoqi Qingzi to teach Ge Wei. It's a pity that Ge Wei soon retired to Fantasy Township with Inuyasha after he succeeded in learning. The things he taught were basically useless, which made him feel a little pity, so he planned to do it again.

As for the sword, don’t worry. Let’s lay the foundation first. Cangqiao Kyoko hasn’t laid the foundation right now. Consider what those things do Only after Kurabashi Kyoko polished his body could he teach some over-spec fighting skills. Among the methods of polishing the body, running is the easiest and fastest method, especially after Shiraitsu adds those abilities to the hair rope.

In addition to treating the fatigue and dark wounds of Kyobashi Kyoko, the blue light set by Shiraizuki can also adjust the physical condition of Kyobashi Kyoko and evenly distribute his physical fitness. This kind of conceptual physical quality transfer function, Bai Jingyue, was developed very early, and only recently has its perfection ratio been put into use. This method allows Kurahashi Kyoko to exercise the whole body only by exercising the legs, and can also avoid A generalized muscle condition that may occur during exercise.

Although Shiraitsu does not have any special thoughts about Kurabashi Kyoko, he does not want to cultivate a skinny girl! In the same situation, a girl with long legs and a soft body is definitely more eye-catching than a girl with full-body muscles. If you can choose, Shiraitsu believes that most men will choose the former as their apprentice.


Perhaps because of a lot of acquaintances, Kangqiao Kyoko directly opened the conversation box, intending to ask in the end: "Is your Yin Yang technique very strong? How strong is it? Is it stronger than Lord Yeguang?"


Bai Jingyue didn't know how to answer Kangqiao Kyoko for a while, because he actually couldn't do a yin and yang technique, and he always fools people with his own ice ability and the control of spiritual power exercised by the world of death. Onmyoji, he is the bottom of many onmyoji teachers. He couldn't tell the truth, if he really said that, the image of the superior he created before was completely destroyed.

Wrong... If he uses his explanation to eliminate the disaster, it seems that he can really count the Yin and Yang skills as the best in the world? After all, in this world, no one should be better at excluding [the disaster] than him.

Well, from today on, he is Shigeruyoshi, a super powerful kind!

Having figured it out, Bai Jingyue greeted the eyes that Kurabashi Kyoko was expecting, and solemnly said: "No one in my Yin Yang art world can match it, let alone the luminous light, even Abe Qingming is not my opponent!"

"Humph, bragging!"

Kurabashi Kyoko shook his head, and his long hair pierced Bai Jingyue's face. Bai Jingyue said it was too exaggerated. She didn't believe it at all. If she said that it was stronger than the night light, she might accept it. It is pure bragging in her opinion than being stronger than Abe.

If Tuyumen Yeguang is the founder of modern Yin-Yang technique, then Abe Qingming is the founder of ancient Yin-Yang technique, and the two are the two most important people in the history of Japanese Yin-Yang. Bai Jingyue said he is better than the two. Personally stronger, Kyohashi Kurabashi didn't believe it.

Bai Jingyue could only sigh quietly.

"Alas, no one believed the truth this year."

After about ten minutes of chatting like this, Kurabashi Kyoko stood up from his chair and prepared for the next stage of exercise. How can Shiraimo let Kurabashi Kyoko rest completely after running? The exercise schedule that he arranged for Kangqiao Kyoko was very full.

Taking into account the body's ability to accept, of course, it will not always be physical exercise. After physical exercise, Kurahashi Kyoko's course is controlled by spiritual force.

Bai Jingyue wants to teach Kangqiao Kyoko's spiritual power to converge, attach, and release. The prerequisite is that Kurahashi Kyoko can control the spiritual power.

Because of the split between the Onmyoji system and the priest system, the spiritual power in the eyes of the Onmyoji can only be stimulated and used by Onmyoji, unlike the priests and witches who directly use the spiritual force as a weapon, and Kurahashi Kyoko as the daughter of Cangqiao Yuansi, naturally This is also the case, and Shiraitsu's requirement for Kurabashi Kyoko is to change this habit and directly control the spiritual power in the body.

When when Kurabashi Kyoko can control the spiritual power in his body, Shirai will begin to teach Kurabashi Kyoko how to control the spiritual power that is free from the world, and the subsequent higher-level abilities.

When Kurabashi Kyoko tried to mobilize the little bit of spiritual power in his body, Shiraitsu got up and walked outside the dojo, and he felt that someone outside was approaching.

In general, in order not to disturb the teaching between Shiraitsu and Kyobashi Kyoko, the dojo is not allowed to be close. Some people come to explain what happened, and Shiraitsu must be informed. Now that Kyobashi Kyoko needs to concentrate, in order not to disturb Kyobashi Kyobashi, Shiraitsu had to go ahead and meet the visitors in advance.

After walking out of the dojo, a servant approached and said to Bai Jingyue: "My lord, the host asked me to tell you that there is already news of the Jingu Temple family. I hope you can go to the meeting room to talk in detail."

"Meeting room? OK, I know. Kyoko is still doing the homework I gave her in the dojo. Don't disturb her."


The location of the Cangqiao family meeting room had been visited before Shiraitsu, so Shiraitsu soon came to the meeting room, and after opening the door, the scene displayed in front of Shiraitsu made him frown.

In addition to there is a man in the room.

This man wears single-frame glasses, a white shirt with a purple vest, as if he was a deacon taking off his suit. The whole person gives a refined feeling, but Bai Jingyue can feel the deep hidden in this man's heart. Crazy.

It was this man who made Shirai's eyebrows frown, to be precise, the imprint of the night sparrow on this man.

The mark of the monster is usually set by the monster to hunt down prey, but the strength of the monster like the night sparrow is too weak compared to the man in front of him, even if it is marked, it is meaningless. No, it should be said that the night sparrow who appeared in front of this man will be killed by this man, and it is impossible to leave a mark at all. The only explanation is that the mark on this man was intentionally left by him. Was able to let the night sparrow find him.

If Bai Jingyue remembers correctly, the night sparrow that left this mark is the one next to Abe.

In other words, this is the mark left to be able to contact Abe!

This man is a **** of the Abe family!

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