The Forbidden World

Chapter 1792: Arrangement 1

In the reception room, Bai Jingyue and Cangqiao Yuanji chatted for a while, then put down the tea cup in their hands and coughed twice.

The other three immediately sat in danger, waiting for Shiraitsu to speak. Just now they have secretly received the results of the investigation of the Shirai family. The bright and bright Nara period priests commanded eight characters to make them think that they were up and down. This kind of antique-level family hasn't had many in the whole day, okay? Why did it suddenly appear?

Even the history of the Abe family is not as long as that of the Shirai family. Who knows what cards are in this antique family? In particular, the other party is still a priesthood system that is separated from the Onmyoji system. The priests can be in the same line. The ancestors of Bai Jingyue were the priests, then now? What position does the opponent have on the priest's side?

Seeing Shiraitsu this is to say the purpose of his coming here, several people quickly put down their hands and listened quietly.

"I came this time to find the residence of the Jinggongsi family."

"Jingong Temple Family?"

Cangqiao Yuanji and Tianhai Dashan met each other. If it wasn’t Shiraitsu this time, they really didn’t know that the Jinggongsi family, one of the twelve families of ghosts, actually had connections with the gods. Isn't that family liaising carefully with the West? How did you get involved with the priest again? Could it be a disguise to communicate with the West carefully?

"My ancestor borrowed a thing from the Jinggongsi clan, but now the lease term is up. I came to pay the thing. But the residence of the Shengongsi clan changes too fast. I can only come to Yinyangliao, oh no, Come here from the Yin Yang Hall to inquire about their current location."

As soon as Bai Jingyue finished speaking, a few people knew that they thought too much. The ancestor of Bai Jingyue was at least a matter of the Warring States period. At that time, the entire day and the day were messy. The existing Onmyoji system had no shadows. Where did the collusion come from?

However, the Jinggongsi family actually has treasures that the Shirai family needs to borrow. How do you think that the Jinggongsi family is now dominated by Western magic, and that it is borrowed by the clergyman family? Is this treasure something that the Jinggongsi family has not used before its transformation?

Several people silently looked at Bai Jingyue and wanted to find the treasure that should be carried on Bai Jingyue, but no matter how they looked, they couldn't find anything that could be called a treasure.

Now in this case, of course, they can’t search for Shirai, but it’s impossible for them to let go of it. At least, what should the Jinggongsi family lent to Shirai? If it doesn't work hard, it will save the country.

"The people of the Jinggongsi family seem not to be in their homes, and they don't know where they are going. Or if Senior Baijing lives first, let's check it first?"

Of course Kurashigashi is lying. He didn’t even check it. How can he know that the Jinggongsi family is not home? It is nothing more than arranging when Shirai and their information are not equal, so that the people of the Jingu Temple family can hand over treasure to Shirai under the eyes of them.

They can’t do anything against Shiraizuki, it doesn’t mean they can’t do anything to the Jinggongsi family. Now, the whole ghost-cutting service has fallen, let alone a Jinggongsi family.

Cangqiao Yuansi was careful to think about Bai Jingyue at first glance, but Bai Jingyue didn't care at all.

Regardless of what Cangqiao Yuanji plays, it’s useless to pay attention to. He will hand over the magic book to the reincarnated Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng, and once the book arrives at the Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng, the Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng It will immediately become a magical messenger, in other words, a rule-level strongman. In the case where the Abe family cannot hide, and the academy city does not expand outwards, the Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng can be said to be walking sideways on the Japanese side.

So Bai Jingyue immediately agreed to the invitation of Kurashihashi Yuji: "OK, no problem. But where do I live? Are there any good hotels near you?"

"How can Senior Senior Shirai live in the hotel? Or live in my house first. My house is nearby and there are many vacancies."

"Then disturb."

"Please also ask the senior to rest here for a while, we still have one thing to do here. When the matter here is finished, I will take the senior back with me."

"All right, go busy."

After hearing Bai Jingyue’s words, Cangqiao Yuanji did not procrastinate, and took Tianhai Dashan and Gongdi Panfu to leave. After walking through the enclave constructed by a group of Onmyoji, Cangqiao Yuansi directly asked the two people around him: "You Say, what is the credibility of what this person says?"

Even if Shiraitsu's words have many things to prove, Kurashigashiji feels suspicious. If Bai Jingyue is a priest, then he can persuade the monster to be a little unreasonable. Even if there is a so-called behind-the-scenes organization, Bai Jingyue should also be standing on the opposite side of the monster!

As a result, after the question was spoken, Tianhai Dashan hadn't spoken yet, and Gongdi Panfu explained to Bai Jingyue: "He has a high degree of credibility. The classics I said before, there are no more than ten people in Xingsu Temple, The page where the information of the Maitreya Master’s teammates is hidden is the only one I’ve seen. It is recorded in the classics that there is a half demon among the companions of the Maitreya Master, and that half demon is the leader of the current half demon The son of the king."

Many things make sense now. Many of their previous guesses are still correct. Shirai is indeed related to the Half-Demon, but Shirai is not a Half-Demon, but a priest familiar with the Half-Demon.

To be honest, if it were not for Miyachi Panfu to say this, who would have thought that the well-known mages who created the starry temple and the half demon in the half demon and the clergy of the **** family were a team?

"This person’s identity is classified as confidential, and no one can watch it except today’s attendees. Gongdi, you go to investigate the history of the Jinggongsi family and what type of abilities they had before the transition. After the investigation, inform the knot The Jieban prepares the corresponding enchantment. Although the Jinggongsi family should not betray humanity, we need to be prepared for everything that may happen."

After Miyaji Takeuchi left, Kurashiwaji turned to Tianhai Dashan and said, "We must be present when Tianhai, the Jinggongsi family and Shiraitsu hand over the treasures. At the very least, we must have the opportunity to understand the function of the treasures. Is there any way? ?"

"Tianhe Family. It seems that there has been a monster injury incident near the Tianhe Family's station. We can go together for this reason."

"Is the monster hurting people? By the way, please inform the super disaster countermeasure the water a little. Remember to avoid the Tugong family, their Bai Rui is too dangerous, and once the rage is in trouble It’s not good. By the way, is there a reason for the Jinggong Temple to go to Tianhe’s house?"

"It just happens that the Tianhe family and the Jinggongsi family have children of the right age. It's ok to get engaged."

After deciding on the plan, Cangqiao Yuanji and Tianhai Dashan went apart to make preparations. It was completely unexpected that all their conversations were heard by Bai Jingyue.

Those encircling the reception room are like nothingness in Bai Jingyue's eyes. All the small movements of Cangqiao Yuanji from the beginning to the departure of Bai Jingyue are all seen in the eyes, but Bai Jingyue did not expose the idea.

After all, people will always believe what they have investigated relative to what others are saying, right? Only after such a detailed investigation will they agree with Bai Jingyue's fictitious identity.

As for the marriage between the Jinggong Temple and the Tianhe family?

To tell the truth, if the shrine of Jiu Temple Jiu Huicheng, whose memory has not been lost, can see the little **** boy of Tianhe Youren, he writes the words in reverse.

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