The Forbidden World

Chapter 1790: I know you

Bai Jingyue sat on the sofa in the reception room of the Yin-Yang Hall, holding a biography taken from the bookshelf, turning page by page, and picking up the tea prepared by the staff for himself from time to time. As if he was really invited to be a guest.

Tianhai Dashan was a little right. Bai Jingyue wasn't really brought back by him, but Bai Jingyue had to come by. As for the reason, it is actually similar to that of a few decades ago. I came to find the residence of the Ghost Slayer, but this time is different from the last time. This time, Shiraitsu only looked at the Jinggong Temple.

To Jingjing Temple family, Shiraitsu is also a little speechless. Although several ghost-cutting families have transferred to the main residence for hundreds of years, it is the only one that changes frequently like the Jingongsi family.

The other families basically determine that a big house is their home residence, and the family continues, and they are sent abroad. Unless they encounter special circumstances, they will not rush to move their home location.

What about the Jinggongsi family? They are the homeowners and the homeowners move with them. Like many modern families, they moved out to buy a house once they were married, and when the head of the family moved, the house of the owner naturally moved to the house where the new owner currently lives. Over the course of several decades, the position of the head of the house has changed several times. The house has been changed several times. In the case of the establishment of the Boli enchantment, and the monitoring of Yayun Zi's monitoring of the present world has been greatly reduced, Baijingyue still lost the Jingu Temple. The location of the family's current home can only come to the Yin Yang Hall to find files as they did decades ago.

In order to let the Yin Yang Hall honestly hand over the current position of the Jinggongsi family to himself, Shiraitsu deliberately leaked some information to let the Yin Yang Hall know his [real] identity. As long as this identity is true, then many things will happen Okay.

Those doubts were also deliberately left by Bai Jingyue. These Onmyoji teachers will find ways to clarify the doubts, and they will come to him for proof if they can't get a self-consistent result countless times, and it doesn't matter how to prove it. As long as those people walked in front of him, the result was already doomed.

In fact, the development of things as Bai Jingyue thought, after some controversy, Yin Yang Hall finally decided to ask him for some information.

When Bai Jingyue was preparing tea again, the door of the reception room was opened, and the three strongest three of the current Yin-Yang Halls, Cangqiao Yuansi, Tianhai Dashan and Gongdi Panfu, came in a triangular position. Outside the door, I don’t know how many Yin-Yang masters are preparing for battle. If Bai Jingyue wants to do something, he will immediately be suppressed by the Yin-Yang Hall!

Seeing what Shiraitsu enjoys, Cangqiao Yuanji didn't know what to say for a while. Anyway, Bai Jingyue is a character from the same era as Tuyumen Yeguang. Should he go up and say hello first?

Just when Cangqiao Yuanji was thinking about how to open this inquiry, Shiraitsu put down the teacup, looked up and down at Cangqiaoyuanji, and then said a sentence that made all the onmyojis in the neighborhood almost spray rice: "You are Cangqiao's little guy? It looks like Cangqiaohai."

Cangqiao Yuanji's mouth twitched. Anyway, he is also a man who has a family and has children. He was called a little guy. The anger in his heart was rubbing up, but the sound of Cangqiaohai in Shiraitsu mouth made him suddenly speechless. .

Anyone who is familiar with the family tree of Cangqiao knows that Cangqiaohai is his grandfather, and Bai Jingyue suddenly moved out of such a great god, what can he do? Even if there was another fire in his heart, he had to pay junior salute to Bai Jingyue and asked carefully: "I don't know what the relationship between your Excellency and my grandfather?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just knowing. I originally planned to let Cangqiaohai prove my identity. Anyway, he was also the Yinyang and Liuliao, wasn't it? Then I remembered that Yinyangliao has been renamed Yinyang Hall and Cangqiaohai. The guy should die too old, so I can only find Xiao Meidai. Although I have only seen one side, I think Xiao Meidai should not have forgotten me."

Kurashiwaji staggered and almost stopped.

The name change of Yin and Yang Liao said by Bai Jingyue and the death of Cangqiaohai are all known to those present, but it is a bit weird to say this from the mouth of Baijing Yue. A person who looks similar to his nephew said in front of me that I know your grandfather, but unfortunately your grandfather is dead, so I can only say that I know your mother. This feeling is really difficult for others to realize.

The most important thing is that Kurashiwaji knows that Shiraitsu probably did not lie.

Many people know that the name of Yin-Yang Lao is changed. Many people know that Cang Qiaohai is his grandfather, but when Cang Qiao-hai became the Yin-Yang Lao-Liang, few people knew about it after the name changed to Yin-Yang Hall. At that time, Tuyumen luminous night pressured the entire day, who remembers the original Yin Yang Liao Lao? Bai Jingyue knew this, indicating that Bai Jingyue had definitely passed in and out of Yin Yang Lao, and Bai Jingyue's initial intention to let Cangqiaohai prove his identity showed that the relationship between Baijingyue and Cangqiaohai was definitely not just like Baijingyue said. Just know.

The response of Cangqiao Yuansi made Shiraitsu very satisfied.

He had long known that Cangqiao Yuansi was here to interrogate him. He also knew the encroachment masters and various preset enchantments around him, but it didn't matter, he had already killed the other party. The identity of the elders has been confirmed, do you dare to deal with the elders? Do you know your grandpa who has died? The Yin-Yang Hall is not a piece of iron. The position of the Yin-Yang Hall is occupied by the Cangqiao family. Does anyone else really complain? Once any organization develops and grows, there is absolutely a kind of politician and guest, whether right or wrong, regardless of whether it is beneficial.

Kurashiwajiji is indeed very big If Shiraitsu only knows Kurashimi Miyoshi, he will not feel too much trouble. After all, Kurahashi Miyoshi was married into Kurabashi’s family from outside. The bridge family is still in his position. But the matter of his grandfather ?????? yin and yang side of the hall not to mention small-minded consultations, the rules of the family home crowd tube old enough to trouble him up.

In desperation, he sent a signal to let those around him withdraw the destructive techniques. Kurashiwaji sat down with Tianhai Dashan and Gongdi Panfu and planned to talk to Shirai.

"That... Senior, you see, a lot of things have happened in these years, we have lost a lot of classics, so can you ask the senior to introduce yourself again? In this way, you don't have to worry about what will happen in the future."

The expression is sincere, gentle, and reasonable. In general, no one will refuse, but Bai Jingyue has not responded, which makes the three sitting nervous. Does this question ask a question?

The three of them never thought that Bai Jingyue didn't answer, not because he didn't want to answer, but because he didn't think how to answer.

There are so many ways to pretend to beep, which one should he use better?

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