The Forbidden World

Chapter 1784: Tense situation

Tokyo, Japan's present capital, is the world's famous economic city, but it is also the most disaster-ridden city in the world.

Because of the actions of a great Onmyoji, Tokyo has become the most frequent area of ​​Japanese and Japanese spiritual disasters. Almost every day, large or small spiritual disasters occur because of the large number of Onmyoji teachers stationed around Tokyo. These spiritual disasters are usually It was contained before it caused casualties, but some material losses actually existed.

Onmyoji teachers wanted to stop the phenomenon of spiritual disaster by combing the earth's veins. However, the earth's veins in Tokyo and even the whole of Japan and Japan are in a state of convulsions. Sometimes it is normal and abnormal. There is no place to start when normal and abnormal. They need to deal with spiritual disasters, how do they sort it out?

In addition to spiritual disasters, there are monsters.

Compared with other regions, Tokyo’s monsters have a lot of peace, but they still can’t change the nature of their monsters. Monsters need fear to survive, so it’s inevitable for monsters to attack humans, even the slavery group that is based on chivalry .

Due to the contract, the monsters of the Nuliang group rarely attacked human settlements, but those who had no feet and the tourists who went to the mountains would always disappear somehow after breaking into the Nuliang group’s site.

For the Nuliang group, this is already a great concession. They can be said to attack humans with the minimum requirement to maintain survival. Their leader even married a yin-yang school with a wife. The human yin and yang teacher trained, and gave birth to a heir with a quarter of the monster blood, is full of sincerity.

But humans don't think so.

They only saw the fact that the Nuliang group attacked humans, and believed that the Nuliang group wanted to destroy the secret contract signed by the demon hall. As for the human Onmyoji? Forget it, this is not a marriage, the girl eloped with the leader of the Nuliang group, and they have long been excluded from humanity.

Due to this difference in cognition, the relationship between Onmyoji and Nuliang group is getting worse and worse, even if there is a middle house between the demon hall and the half demon behind it, the conflict between the Nuliang group and Onmyoji Intensified.

Some little monsters who wanted to take refuge in the Nuliang group were killed by the Onmyoji, whether they were bloodthirsty or not, and the Nuliang group set off hundreds of ghost nights in Tokyo!

Face to face with the ghosts at night, no matter whether it is the Yinyang Hall or the super disaster countermeasure room, they had to retreat. Although the slaves in the Nuliang group did not cause any casualties, this kind of behavior is for everyone who has the responsibility of eradicating monsters and protecting human beings. What a shame!

Now between Yin-Yang Hall and Nuliang Group, the last restraint is still retained. The Yin-Yang Hall will never deal with the monsters in the Nuliang group, and the Nuliang group will not attack the Yin-Yang master and the Yin-Yang master protection area.

Because they know that there must be no war between them!

Although the residence of the Nuliang group is secret, but in the human age, the location of the Nuliang group has never changed, and it is still easy to find. Although the strength of the Nuliang group is strong, it has been decades since the establishment of the new human system. The powerful Onmyoji have emerged in an endless stream. Although the Twelve Gods will not be able to withstand the previous Great Onmyoji, at least one of them It is still possible, plus the demon families and the few surviving ghost families in the super disaster countermeasure room, it is absolutely no problem to gather the strength of the whole country to fight the destruction of a slave group. Humans have this confidence.

The problem is after?

As one of the few monster organizations that currently live in seclusion in human cities and maintain a certain relationship with human officials, the Nuliang group can be said to be a benchmark for those monsters who never attacked humans and only lived in their own seclusion.

If human beings really gather all the forces to annihilate the slaves, then they must face the counterattack of the entire Japanese monster. Then they will face more than just those monsters who have made trouble a long time ago. All the monsters that have been hiding for many years and the half monsters that are temporarily united with humans because of the monster hall will participate. It will be a war between monsters and humans that will affect the entire Japanese and Ben! It is a more brutal war than the war in Kyoto recorded in the classics!

No one can afford this consequence.

Obviously the sword has been put in front of it, but no one dared to pull the sword and cut people. With the cooperation of the Nuliang group and the Yin and Yang Hall, Tokyo maintained a strange calm, but this rare calm was accidental. Suddenly broke!

The leader of the Nuliang group, Nuliang Liban, and his first wife, Yamatou Otome, and eldest daughter Nuliang Lusheng, suddenly disappeared in a small forest!

The missing leader is definitely a top priority for the monsters in the form of groups! In this case, all the so-called covenants were thrown aside, and they now have only one idea, that is to find out their leader!

Everyone was sent out, whether it was the group leader, the captain of the combat unit, or the little monsters who died in mixed eating, etc., all gathered in Tokyo, and began to pull the net centering on the location where the Nuliang carp was missing. search!

The human side is completely ignorant, what is the Nuliang group doing? war? Not like it!

After dealing with monsters for so long, the onmyoji teachers also know some secrets of monsters. Although the ghosts are powerful at night, it requires monsters to gather together and have a first tie team that can overwhelm everyone. Nocturnal travel has the power to make Onmyoji teachers retreat when they encounter it. Although the Nuliang group in front of them is all over Tokyo, it is just a group of guerrillas scattered and brave. If they humans take action at this moment, only the Onmyoji who are now gathered in Tokyo can fight the Remnant Group!

But they dare not. If they did, the Nu Liang team wouldn’t say what happened, and a war that would spread throughout Japan and Japan would inevitably start! The top priority is not to fight the Nuliang group, but to figure out what the Nuliang group is doing. For this reason, they sent a lot of people to try to negotiate with the monsters of the Nuliang group, and the reaction of the Nuliang group sinks human hearts.

Those little monsters who hid during the week when they encountered the Onmyoji actually faced off with the Onmyoji who went to inquire at the moment.

It's no wonder, after all, that the leader of the Nuliang group is inexplicably missing, and the human suspicion is not the biggest, and can be ranked in the top three. If it is not the old leader of the Nuliang group, Nuliang slides out. Those in the Nuliang group have long looked at humans. The unpleasant monster has long led people to counterattack humanity.

Although I don't know what happened, the abnormality of the Nuliang group made people feel a little uneasy. Normally, neither monsters nor humans want to fight again, but if they are strongly stimulated, it is hard to say.

In order to prevent the worst outcome, the human side has also started martial law, and all the onmyojis have begun to act, monitoring all the monsters observed in Tokyo. They won't do it first, but they want to ensure that if there is any change in the Ruo Nuliang group, they can remove all the monsters in the first time!

Seeing that the situation is getting worse, the person in charge of the demon hall in Tokyo has begun to run around, trying to understand the situation. And when all parties acted for the disappearance of Nuliang carp companion, a figure suddenly appeared in the small wood where Nuliang carp companion disappeared.

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