The Forbidden World

Chapter 1775: For the first time with Ling Xian


Ling Xian's guess made Shirai almost not hold back his smile. He just wanted to pretend to be a demon master, but he was mistaken for an onmyoji directly. Doesn't he have anything to do with the onmyoji?

But this is not to blame Ling Xian, after all, this one has lived on the moon before, she was directly picked up by Yong Lin when she came to the ground, and then she was raised in the eternal pavilion. Although she has been to the people on weekdays, because she has not done any harmful actions to humans, she has not encountered the real defense force in the people, and naturally does not know what a regular Onmyoji is. Looks-Although there is not necessarily a regular Onmyoji teacher in Fantasy Township, after so many years, the Onmyoji family and the Demon Teacher family have long been confused by various marriages, and they have long been separated from each other. .

Seeing Ling Xian's body tremble and look change because of an identity guess, Bai Jingyue couldn't help sighing. At that time, that matter had a great impact on Lingxian. If it was put in the Moon War, even the most timid moon rabbit would attack the existence of the invasion territory in the first time, rather than thinking about it here and now.

While Ling Xian was in a ideological struggle, Bai Jingyue looked at Ling Xian again.

Naturally, needless to say, Ling Xian, who was born in divine power, has a very delicate appearance, and Bai Jingyue is somewhat concerned about the clothes on Ling Xian.

The black women's small suit and red tie, plus the white short skirt that can cover the thighs, are like the school uniforms of some senior schools in Japan and Japan. Such a modern dress makes Shirai's eyes shine. Speaking of that, Ling Xian's figure is very good, and he has the talent to be a hanger. Those school uniforms that only exist in the settings and can not be promoted actually, I would like to feel that Ling Xian wears it, and Hui Ye should also be happy. Try different styles of dress for Lingxian.

Just when Shiraitsu thought about whether to contact Huiye and let her get the design drawings, Lingxian finally made a decision. After sending a cry from the soul to Shiraitsu, she madly moved towards Shirai. Moon rushed over!

Bai Jingyue evaded, evading when it seemed that Lingxian was more than ten meters away from him. What is surprising is that Ming Ming Lingxian is still some distance away from Shiraitsu, and a big pit appears so abruptly at Shiraitsu's original location! At the same time, Ling Xian's figure appeared on the edge of the pothole like a teleport.

"Disturbed sight? Controlling my emotions has no effect on me, so is it a good idea to directly change the light waves in the air? However, it is impossible to defeat me by this alone."

Perhaps it was irritated by Shiraiuki's words, and the figure shone again after howling Bell, and I wanted Shiraitsu to shut up forever!

This time Bai Jingyue did not dodge. It was not that he could not flash, but that it was no longer necessary. A white light screen appeared beside Bai Jingyue, completely blocking the advent of Ling Xian! Ling Xian's fist was attached with a force that caused the object in contact to oscillate, but the light screen surrounding Shirai's body didn't even have a splash!

Bai Jingyue didn't attack, but just stood inside the light screen to let Ling Xian attack, while watching Ling Xian with a disdainful look, as if mocking Ling Xian, no matter what she used to do, she was just dying.

Even if she lost her mind, Ling Xian still felt the contempt in Bai Jingyue’s eyes, and her mad will brought greater madness. Ling Xian had completely forgotten that Hui Ye said that she couldn’t use her full power. After thinking about it, she went deep into her heart and dug it out!

The air started to become sticky, and some strange things were happening. The original world of blue sky and green bamboo suddenly became blurred. The dark red silhouette gradually filled the field of view, and there was also a loud noise in the ear, and the earth began to tremble and collapse. Broken, as if the whole world is collapsing!

"It's a bit like it now, but there is no rational control, and no powerful force makes sense."

It was just a contact, and Shiraitsuki resolved the current state of Suzuki.

It is a good idea to drive yourself crazy with the ability to control your emotions, and then let the crazy self control the ability, but it is only good. Ling Xian, who is crazy, is indeed very powerful, and even uses the ability to completely destroy a small space, but the madness will only bring destruction. If Bai Jingyue doesn’t care, this is the trick that Ling Xian uses now. Will destroy their own existence together!

Yong Lin finally found a durable drug tester. How could Shiraimo sit down and watch Ling Xian ruin like this? So Bai Jingyue shot when the whole area was about to be twisted to the limit.

A burst of white light was born from the void, and dozens of lines interweave back and forth in the space that is about to return to chaos, and a gossip pattern is drawn in the blink of an eye! At that moment, a force spreading everything around it spread out. The dark red area was instantly broken, and all abnormal waves were forced to return to their original appearance!

Seeing the effect of this trick, Bai Jingyue nodded in satisfaction, and it was quite useful to study the seal array produced by the gossip.

After confirming the results of the battle, Shiraizuki wandered in front of Lingxian, pinched the ear of Lingxian, and awakened Lingxian who was paralyzed from the coma because of the rough cracking of the move.

Because the crazy brain wave was suppressed, Ling Xian also recovered her reason. The first thing she did when she woke up was to look around and see Bai Jingyue who was still standing. Ling Xian looked pale, even Bai Jingyue was still pinching her ears. I forgot everything.

Did she fail?

Even the crazy she failed, so what can stop humans from approaching the eternal pavilion? Thinking of this, Ling Xian guilty of guilt.

"No guilt, you have done your duty well."

In order to protect the eternal pavilion and take the initiative to let yourself fall into the madness of unknown consequences, this alone is enough to be recognized by Bai Jingyue. Since it is recognized, Bai Jingyue does not need to continue to install it.

Ling Xian hadn't responded for a while, she stared blankly at Bai Jingyue and made a lovely exclamation.

Bai Jingyue Then explained: "I'm not the Onmyoji you think, I was just joking with you before."


Ling Xian couldn't believe it. After all, when Shiraitsu issued the attack statement before, it was really scary and gave her a feeling that death was coming.

"Have your princess ever told you Baijingzhai?"

"White Well House? Are you saying...the same one who is also in the bamboo forest?"

How could Lingxian never heard of Baijingzhai, and her princess ran to Baijingzhai with two ends.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Bai Jingyue. The owner of Bai Jingzhai is also the husband of your princess."


Ling Xian tilted her head and looked at Bai Jingyue, a little ignorant.


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