The Forbidden World

Chapter 1759: Bell fairy (2 in 1)

"Hui Ye, Yong Lin, are you here too?"

Hearing Bai Jingyue's voice, Huiye instantly changed from being a coquettish state to a princess state, and responded elegantly: "The concubine learned about this event from the former Yuzao Master, and he and Yonglin took Xiao Qinxin and God is coming together."

On Hui Ye’s left hand, the pink-haired girl wearing a mask silently eating ice cream is Xiao Qin Xin who was raised by Hui Ye as her daughter, while on Hui Ye’s right hand, she is holding a mirror and sitting on the seat. Do not do it, just silently watching Qin Xin's magic.

As for Yong Lin, after hearing Bai Jingyue's voice, she turned her head slightly and moved her gaze away.

Bai Jingyue looked a little strange.

"Is there only you four? What about Emperor Hachiman and Kagura?"

"Kagura left Fantasy Township very early and went to the Western Kingdom to find the dog demon. Emperor Hatabashi was left behind by us to watch the house with Ling Xian."

"Ling Xian?"

Of course Bai Jingyue knows who Ling Xian is, but other people around him don't know. Now the atmosphere here is in an awkward state, Bai Jingyue has to find a way to find a common topic for both sides, let Hui Ye and Pa Qiuli side Communicate.

"Ling Xian is a gifted moon rabbit. Some time ago, when the craftsman picked her out, she picked her up and brought her back."

"Moon Rabbit?"

Sure enough, she heard that Yuetu, a race that she had never really encountered, was intrigued by Pa Qiuli. She didn't care about the embarrassment here. She ran directly and talked to Huiye who should have a great relationship with Shirai stand up.

Before seeing the interaction between Bai Jingyue and Pa Qiuli, Yong Lin and Hui Ye had already understood the identity of Pa Qiuli, and naturally they would not refuse to take the complicated relationship between Yong Ting and Bai Jing Zhai, Pa Qiuli And they are actually a family.

Li Nali is also very interested in Moon Rabbit, but unlike Pa Qiuli's curiosity for studying new species, Li Nali is simply a Chinese who is curious about the legendary Moon Rabbit. So she didn't intervene, so she sat and listened to the discussion between Paqiuli and Huiye.

Alice is unimpressed, but not uninterested. Aside from the man Shiraoi, anyone who is interested in Pa Qiuli, Alice will be very interested, but now, she is more concerned about another thing.

What is the matter, Pa Qiuli will conceal the gap between her and her?

Bai Jingyue didn't know what Alice was thinking. After seeing Alice silent, he came to another table and sat next to Yong Lin.

"Yong Lin, thank you."

With the ability of Huiye and Yonglin, if he didn't want others to discover, even he could do nothing. Hui Ye and Yong Lin were obviously already sitting on the table, and covered their whereabouts with the power of enchantment and imprisonment. The previous voice of Hui Ye towards Yong Lin was just embarrassed in this situation. When the time rang, it was apparently that the two had deliberately lifted the border in order to clear Bai Jingyue.

"If you want to thank, you will always come to stay with the princess forever. The princess misses you very much."

Yong Lin's voice was a little uncomfortable, and it seemed that she was indignant for Bai Jingyue's perennial non-return, and Bai Jingyue's mouth slightly raised.

"Yong Lin, are you willing to accept me?"

"What the **** are you talking about! I'm talking about a princess!"

Bai Jingyue shook his head gently: "Don't you not know, Hui Ye meets me every day in the net made by Yui. And there is one thing, don't you know that you are not addicted to the game?"

"what's up?"

"For some specific groups, the partner really is not as important as the game."

Bai Jingyue actually changed the concept. People who feel that their partner is not important for games are mostly people who cannot find a partner. But it is undeniable that there are really some people who feel that their partners are not important for games.

Of course, Huiye is not such a person, but in Huiye’s mind, the game should not have much to do with his Shiraiki, plus the ability to meet in the game every day, even if Huiye thinks he can think more?

Yong Lin said this, I'm afraid it didn't mean something!

It seemed to be said by Bai Jingyue, Yong Lin's unsteady face suddenly flashed a little blush, she stared fiercely at Bai Jingyue, and then returned to a gesture of not saying a word.

Bai Jingyue is not in a hurry to press, the mouth has been loosened, and it is not so easy to close it again, and sooner or later Yonglin will let go.

Listening to Pa Qiuli and Hui Ye discussing the habits of Moon Rabbit, Bai Jingyue turned to Yong Lin and asked: "Moon Rabbit should be all soldiers of the Moon Capital, so that Lingxian is the deserter of Moon Rabbit , When will you also accept deserters?"

Yong Lin, who had made up her mind not to talk to Bai Jingyue, was asked by Bai Jingyue, and she unconsciously was about to speak. Just when the first word was about to come out, she suddenly realized what she was doing and quickly shut up.

Bai Jingyue didn't say anything after seeing it, but just continued: "If you don't want to say it, it's not a big deal anyway."

Yong Lin sighed.

The thing about Lingxian is of course not a big deal, the problem is her previous reaction. As a veteran **** who lived to the present in a mythological era, she should be able to control every part of her body very well, but she has just appeared in the body subconsciously, which shows that her subconscious has accepted Shiraizuki.

Things in those days had become a bad debt, and I couldn't explain it. She and Bai Jingyue had been so angry for so many years. In fact, it was almost enough. Today, Bai Jingyue has not been accepted. A large part of it is because of Hui Ye in her heart. Guilt.

However, neither Baijingyue nor Huiye seemed to care much about this, and even Huiye was actively promoting her relationship with Baijingyue.

Shouldn't the abnormal state between her and Shiraitsu end?

Otherwise, start with normal communication.

"Ling Xian is a very talented moon rabbit, she can control the wavelength of everything-if the concept of wavelength is in the properties of matter."

In other words, Lingxian can control the wavelengths of brain waves, light waves, and sound waves, but not the wavelength of stones, because there is no concept of wavelength in the properties of stones.

Bai Jingyue wanted to know about this. If he gave the stone a wave concept, could Seng Xian control it.

Of course, these are all things to explore in the future, so let's listen carefully to Yong Lin's introduction now.

"As a month-old rabbit, this ability is so powerful that it is difficult for Lingxian to control it. Even she will be affected by her ability. When she is stimulated, her emotions will run wild, and it is easy to make some usual What she wouldn’t do. This time she escaped from the moon because she witnessed a large number of deaths from her companions, and her emotions of fear were over-amplified. If she grows to the point where she can control her abilities, she can be immune to this Side effects."

Bai Jingyue raised a brow.

"Grow up to the point of controlling your own ability? This ability exceeds her control limit without directly harming her, and it is effective for all wavelengths of matter. How does this sound so familiar?"

Powerful ability causes a runaway, similar to rules and unreasonable.

"Diverse generations of gods? I remember that the Moon Rabbit clan has no birth gods? There are no other generations of gods of the first generation?"

Not to mention that there are many gods in this world, but most of them are produced by the first generation of gods. The true gods who have the ability to resist the sky and can directly fight against the gods are mostly first generation gods.

The difficulty of making the first generation of gods is very big.

Rih Ben Takahara claims to be eight million gods, how many are left behind? Those who have names and surnames, in addition to the ghosts slaying twelve families, there is also a Dongfeng Valley. As for the gods who have no names and no surnames, there is no need to say.

One of the three gods of Gaotianyuan met on the night of the moon, thousands of years later, he created three gods, and Dracula, the **** of vampires who had obtained part of the power of Yuzao, had two direct descendants.

It takes not only divine power but also a great deal of faith to create the goddess. It consumes the source of the gods, and moon rabbits that do not even have gods can have godliness!

"The Moon Rabbit clan has no gods, it does not mean that the Moon Rabbit clan will not have a goddess. Ling Xian, she is not a generational goddess, but a first-generation godson, and her strength is not because the body of the generational godson cannot bear. , But because her source of power is too complicated."

Yong Lin's words reminded Shirai well of something, and he asked tentatively, "Is it the moon war?"

The gods of the moon face live in the moon capital and keep themselves clean by enchantment, even if everyone takes a little to create a goddess, there will not be the situation that Yong Lin said is mixed up to runaway. The only possibility is that the bell fairy The blood in the body comes not only from the gods on the moon, but also from some terrestrial creatures.

Not counting the words of those humans more than a decade ago, divine creatures on the ground invaded the moon only once.

Lunar War!

That brutal war that fell to many gods in the moon capital, as well as the digital rule-level monsters of the monster coalition!

Divine power and rule power are intertwined on the battlefield, the blood of the gods is mixed with the blood of the monsters, everything becomes chaotic and terrifying war!

"Well, the blood in the body of Bell Immortal contains an indescribable power of chaos. If it is not wrong, this is the remnant of the power of the rulers who died in the war. The power of faith without the master was born. The product of Ling Xian is the external form of this power, that is, the goddess of the **** represented by this power."

"The problem is that this **** does not exist at all."

The power that constitutes the blood line of Bell Immortal is the product of the fusion of those regular-level forces that died in battle at that time. In the case of chaotic sources, it is also very unstable. Perhaps this is also the appearance of Bell Immortal after more than 1,000 years. the reason.

The power of this chaos is destined to have no chance of calm. Although Lingxian has obtained an external shape, the power in the body is still chaotic, so that he often runs away.

Under the control of Lingxian's main consciousness, the force of the rage did not cause any harm, at most it caused small problems such as visual confusion, and in the battle that took place more than ten years ago, Lingxian felt fear of losing control of the force. In an instant, this force ran away completely.

Then Ling Xian came to the ground and was picked up by Yong Lin.

"But this is still very strange. With so many appearances of those rule-levels that died in the war, why was Bell Immortal born in the shape of a moon rabbit?"

"I also discovered the power of faith in her body... the power of faith of the Moon Rabbit family."

Bai Jingyue was speechless.

It is estimated that the gods on the moon did not care about the residues of these war dead. In the end, this thing should be discovered and hidden by the moon rabbits who cleaned the battlefield.

As the indigenous people of the moon, the moon rabbits are impossible to complain about the outsiders who now rule them, but they have no power to resist.

The people of the moon have gods to believe in, and they have more and more resentment in their hearts, but they dare not resist. They also want a **** who vents their distress and confesses their troubles. So they took the residue back and offered it as a **** of their Moon Rabbit family.

It is this process that gives the chaotic body a sense of order.

That is Ling Xian.

Ling Xian is a goddess, which is a collection of multi-faceted divine power, and the existence of it alone represents chaos.

Ling Xian is also a deity, a deity who has accumulated more than 1,000 years of faith in the Moon Rabbit family and finally gained self-awareness!

It is a pity that Ling Xian, who woke up from chaos, did not know these things at all~ She thought she was simply a moon rabbit! The appearance of a moon rabbit is not much different from that of other moon rabbits. At most, it is an ordinary moon rabbit with special abilities!

For a time, Shiraitsu didn't know how to evaluate Lingxian. This history is really ups and downs.

"Well, Ling Xian's departure from the moon is indeed understandable, and now she really can't control herself, but this is not the reason why Yong Lin put her in Yong Ting?"

Ling Xian's history is even more powerful than Yong Lin. Forgiving Ling Xian's escape from the moon and keeping Ling Xian as a member of Forever Pavilion are completely two concepts.

There must be other reasons for Yonglin to take Ling Xian.

"Because Emperor Hachiman is worthy of being the old guy who has lived from the age of mythology to the present, and he is no less shrewd than me.

Bai Jingyue rolled his eyes slightly. The rabbit of Emperor Hachiman is indeed an old guy, but this is relative to the existence that was born after the end of the mythological era.

If he remembers correctly, his family, and Yong Lin himself, all became active in the age of mythology.

But the point is not this, because Emperor Hachiman is smart? As a monster who is not strong, the best shrewdness of Emperor Hachiman is nothing more than avoiding misfortune.

And the evil that needs to be avoided in the Ever Pavilion is also related to Yong Lin...

"You won't be..."

Realizing that Bai Jingyue had guessed the answer, Yong Lin smiled at him for a long time: "It just happens that the pavilion lacks a drug tester who will not break."

Out of his own security considerations, Shiraitsu decided to swallow the verbal vomiting, and silently mourned the future of Lingxian for three seconds.

May heaven have no Yonglin's medicine, Amen.

No, it seemed that he had chopped up Jehovah and changed one.

May Hell have no Yonglin's medicine, A-Mi-Tuo-Buddha.

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