The Forbidden World

Chapter 1752: tour

Under the leadership of Shirai, the people quickly walked out of the apartment building full of space traps and stood at the door of the apartment building. Baijingyue reluctantly grabbed Pa Qiuli's free hand and persuaded: After the Daba Star Festival is over, and all the spies have left the academy city, I will open it up for you to study. Can you forget these things for a few days, and I have done a lot of work here Would you like to take a look at your school city?"


   Speaking of the last, Shiraiuki actually squeezed out a bit of crying, which made Pa Qiuli nodded with a smile.


   After persuading Pa Qiuli, Shirai looked at other people. If he remembered correctly, the people who came here with Pa Qiuli this time were not all shopping.


   "That, Master Shirai."


   has grown into a lady, Gigrindi clasped her clothes corner with her hands, her eyes have been drifting towards the scene behind Shirai.


   "I want to study the technology that has been growing faster and faster in recent decades, but I don't know where to start, I hope that adults can help me find a qualified teacher."


   "Science and technology..."


   Sakurai's heart sighed slightly. After all, Gigrindi went this way.


As he once guessed, Gigrindi was a talented witch. She only successfully crossed the barriers of witch and magician in only a few decades, but Gigrindi is also a A talented scientist, she instinctively craves more knowledge and wants to use it to create more new things.


   One day, Gigrindi will study science and learn the truth about the fact that he was imprisoned in that village.


   has prepared for this well Shirai, but I did not expect that this day would come so fast!


   "Are you going to study science and have you asked your master?"


   "Well! Teacher Pa Qiuli also agrees with my ideas!"


  Gigerindi's answer made Shiraiuki look at Paqiuli in his arms, and Paqiuli nodded slightly.


   Patricia knows the real situation of Giglindi, and Paqiuli agrees with Gigrindi to study magic, which means that she thinks it is time for Giglindi to face the truth.


   "Since that is the case, I will help you find a teacher."


   Bai Jingyue thought for a while, then took out a crystal from her arms and handed it to Giglindi.


"this is?"


   "Did you see the words on the crystal?"


  Jigrindi picked up the crystal and looked at it, and found that there was a piece of paper on one side of the crystal with the words written on it. The two words written in ink were very clear, so Gigrindi could not help but read it.




"Yes, it's the hospital. That person works in the hospital of the seventh school district, nicknamed Underworld Chasing Soul, whose real name is Aresta Crowley, you only need to report my name to him. Wait a moment, you As long as you crush this crystal, you can reach the hospital in an instant. Until then, you can feel free to..."


   Clicked, Shiraizuki's words were interrupted.


After hurriedly wanting to gain new knowledge, Gigrindi, after learning that she could reach the hospital as long as she crushed the crystal, directly crushed the crystal, so that Bai Jingyue's follow-up words to persuade her to rest did not have time to speak.


   "What are you doing so urgently..."


   After shaking his head, Bai Jingyue looked at the remaining people, mainly concentrated on Ailian. Sure enough, the second person who proposed to leave was Eileen.


   "Sister Lola needs me to help, I won't be with you anymore."


   "Do you know where Lola is now?"


   As the director of the seminary, Lola is now running back and forth between the various competition venues. For the first time, Ailian who came to the academy city is easily lost if there is no guidance.


   "Sister Lola gave me a spell to take me to her."


  After confirming that the spell in Ailian's hands worked, Shiraiuki decisively released it. Anyway, Elaine is hundreds of years old, and there should be no omissions.


  Mr. Shirai's surprise was that the little devil also chose to leave.


   "That, Master Paqiuli, I haven't seen Lord Lola for a long time, and now Lord Lola is also short of people, so I will go to Lord Lola first."


  After the talk, the little devil took Elaine and walked away. Elaine was afraid that his strength would hurt the little demon, so he did not resist, and he disappeared at the crossroads with the little demon.


   "What are you doing so urgently?"


   Even if the little devil really misses Lola, is it not so urgent? This academy city can be said to be his base camp, and there is no need to worry about being attacked in this place.


   Bai Jingyue was puzzled looking at the direction of the devil's departure, so that he didn't see the black breath almost coming out of Alice behind him.


  Since leaving the apartment building, Shiraoi has been holding Paqiuli's hand, letting the anger in Alice's eyes plummet straight up, almost turning into a real flame! The little devil did not dare to mix the emotional problems between Shiraiuki and decided to leave with Ailian immediately.


   After the little demon left, Shirairai did not immediately set off with the rest, but looked at Alice again, hoping that Alice could choose to leave in a fun way.


   But he still thought too much.


   Faced with Shirai’s stare, Alice did not shy away, just staring at Shiraitsu without saying a word.


  Shirai is not good enough to let Alice roll directly. Anyway, Alice is a friend of Pa Qiuli.


   In desperation, Shirai had to ignore Alice as much as possible, and then stretched out his hand to Li Nali standing beside Alas! ? "


   "Ah, what, don't stand silly, come here, you don't know the way, what to do if you lose it."


   This is of course an excuse. A person as big as Li Nali is so easy to lose. But for Li Nali, this excuse is indeed a stimulant.


   The moment she gently put her hand on Shiraitsu's hand, the tension that had been lingering in her mind since she arrived at the academy city has vanished.


   "So, let's get started!"


  Under the leadership of Shirai, several people began to visit the city.


   A dozen-story building stands on both sides of the street, with neon billboards flashing everywhere, countless devices with no name running on the street, and the buzzing sound of the machine running.


   The airship drifted slowly across the huge airship, and the schedule of the Daba Star Festival could be clearly seen on it. The crowd on the ground keeps on going. From time to time, abilities can be seen to use various abilities in order to hurry.


  All this opened the eyes of the three people who spent hundreds of years in the Red Devils Hall.


   After dangling on the street for about half an hour, Pa Qiuli said to Shiraitsu: "You said before that the Daba Star Festival is a sports festival in which abilities use abilities to compete. Can you show us?"


   "Of course, let me see... The last game was a stick game, and the stadium was not far away."



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