The Forbidden World

Chapter 1728: Go home

"Is the information accurate?"

At the edge of the forest, a middle-aged man with a burly and gritty face holding a long rod made of stainless steel, while looking into the depths of the forest, he asked his companion who also held a thick stick.

"The intelligence is accurate. Our people saw the water curtain protection barrier used by the Qiu clan. This should be the hiding place of the Qiu clan."

"What about their strength survey?"

"There is no breath of a big monster. It should be as we guessed. Their strength has been hit hard. Our family is enough to solve them. Patriarch, when will we start?"

"Calm down."

Patted the companion's shoulder, walked Mu Muyu said with a heart: "Youshui, do you know why I should deal with the Qiu family?"

Nomad walked and nodded and replied: "Because they are monsters!"

"If it's just for demon removal, then why don't I choose the stations that pass by on the road, but instead go so far to deal with the Qiu family?"

Walking around and thinking hard for a while, finally shook his head and said he didn't think of it.

This gave Youmu a sigh.

Walking around Youmu has great expectations for walking around the water. After all, the two of them are twin brothers. However, it seems that God made a joke. Walking around the water does not have the wisdom to control the progress of the family like he did. From a point of view, walking around is just a fool.

Seeing that the time for the offense had not yet arrived, Youyou Mu found a large tree, walked down the water and sat down, and then began to explain the reason why he attacked the Qi family.

"To talk about why we attacked the tribe, we must first talk about the status quo we face. After that war, the monsters have been holding their flags for a long time, enough for the monsters to form a large army again. They are not counterattacking humans now, purely Because there is no qualified monster lord, they can't unite with each other because of conflicts."

"So, does this have anything to do with us against the Qiu family?"

In the face of the question of walking and swimming, the sound of walking and walking is clanging powerfully: "Of course it does. The Qi family is from the mainland. They adopted a peaceful exchange program and they quickly integrated into the local area and established it with many local monsters. A good relationship. The family of friends with most monsters can eliminate the gap between different monsters to some extent. As long as they stand up, they can form an army to counter humanity!"

Di Youmu slightly lowered his slightly accented accent and continued to explain: "I believe that even if we face the monster alliance again, we can win, but the cost of winning is too great. If one group is removed, then the decisive battle can be avoided. We humans can fight against the monster groups one by one to minimize the loss!"

Looking at the already dark forest, Youmu looked solemn.

"Our battle is crucial! We must be cautious. We must prepare for the big monster without the big monster!"


The order to walk around Yumu quickly spread throughout the hunting team. Each of the dozens of people was holding a thick iron rod, the other hand was holding a glass bottle with black fluid, and the back was holding two meters long. Big bow.

After checking the equipment again, the crowd led quietly to the depths of the forest under the leadership of Yumu Mu.

Under the darkness of the night, the silent forest looks a little weird. The reverberations from stepping on the broken branches look like ghosts whining, which makes people easily feel uneasy. However, their family is a special demon family. Although they can't deal with soul-type enemies, they also have a lot of understanding in this regard. How can it be shaken?

They walked firmly towards the depths of the forest, and then finally touched the barrier of the Qiu family to protect themselves.

"This is what you said about the water curtain enchantment?"

Walking around, Youmu looked at the ice barrier covering a small half of the forest in front of her. Although his brother is a bit sloppy, should the water curtain and the ice curtain be clearly distinguishable?

Walking down the water to the edge of the ice barrier, bent down to pick up the grass blades on the ground, exposing a broken dagger buried underground.

"The location is right. This is the mark I made, but why it turned into ice?"

"What did you say? Turned into ice?"

Youmu's look changed greatly.

He didn't think his brother would cheat himself, if this ice curtain really turned into a water curtain, it means that the residence of the Qi family has changed dramatically!

Either, the Qiu clan has been destroyed, the entire station has been turned into such a big piece of ice, or, their actions are exposed, here is a trap specially prepared by the Qiu clan!

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

After shouting, walking to the wood and holding the stick is a pull! He drew a long sword with a cold light from his stick!

Others have the same style of learning, drawing long knives from the sticks they carry, and protecting them by walking around Yumu.

Although they rely on the body to eat, but kill the monsters, it is better to use a special forged long knife. As for why the knife and the scabbard are made into sticks, of course, it is because of the ban on knives.

The era of being able to wander around with a long knife at will is over. Even if they are ghostly servants, they must abide by the laws of the country.

The group of people in Yinyangliao have long seen them as unsightly. If they caught the handle, they would be banned from the name of the ghost, and the whole family would end in decline.

Of course, these sticks are not purely disguised. After sticking a few spells, these sticks are also very effective for smashing monsters.

In order not to waste tools, everyone who walks home will learn the second sword, one stick and one sword, and can skillfully use the long bow on the back. It is a hero in the ghost battle!

It's just that the brain is not very bright.

Di Youyou thinks that his brother is a little sloppy. The problem is that he himself has a bad brain.

After the memory of Fantasia Town disappeared, the people of other families noticed the loopholes in the memory. In order not to cause a big all chose to wait and see for the time being, only he walked around and hurriedly wanted [Save Humanity].

If it wasn’t for Bai Jingyue who received the news, they really succeeded. At the same time that they successfully wiped out the Qiu clan, they also eased the relationship between the monster and the human to some extent to the worst!

Genocide can be different from general retreat.

The monster attacked the human being and was retreated. That was the monster's self-reliance. The lack of strength to provoke the killing was justified. However, the seclusion of the monster was annihilated, which exceeded the monsters' bottom line. They will subconsciously think whether it is the next one. Their turn?

In order to save themselves, the monsters will inevitably take action. Humans will never ignore them after they are discovered, and monsters and humans will slide toward the abyss of war.

The relationship between humans and monsters that those groups of victims finally shaped will fall apart instantly!

"So, I'll stop you guys, fools."

Standing at the top of a big tree, Bai Jingyue looked down at the elite of the house and shone a ray of light in his hand.

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