The Forbidden World

Chapter 1720: British Puritanism

The jihad is over.

The church staff quickly confirmed this fact after calming down.

Noah's ark collapsed, all demons died, and the collective disappearance of the Noah family is undoubtedly a victory for mankind, but the people present did not have the joy of winning the holy war.

They will never forget the scene where the man stabs their Lord with a spear.

So far the crucifixion of Jehovah has not been completely resolved, and nightmarish scenes echoed in their minds repeatedly.

After confirming the Lord's fall, I don't know how many believers want to commit suicide, and some people have even taken action. If no one stood up and said that the gods are immortal and that this defeat is just an incomplete embodiment of power, then today is the day when the church is falling apart—all high-level suicide organizations cannot be seen in any way.

At the suggestion of the person who stood up, the crowd decided to continue to maintain the church, on the one hand, in order to one day greet the Lord's return, on the one hand, in preparation for the next jihad.

The enemy of this jihad is Mu En, the marshal of the original Black Order who no longer knows where to disappear.

Of course, while preparing for the jihad, they are also tasked with protecting human beings. Although there are no demons, humans are still in danger. Vampires, werewolves, and witches, all kinds of aliens are hidden in the human world. They It is necessary to protect the garden of the Lord during the time the Lord is sleeping.

Especially those guys who escaped from the Vatican.

In order to study **** aliens more effectively, they arrested a lot of aliens locked in the underground of the Vatican. The destruction caused by this battle was too great. Most of the destruction in the Vatican City and the underground prison were damaged. Those aliens took advantage of the church and the demon battle.

It is necessary for them to recover those fugitives, before those aliens harm humanity.

Although the crusader fighters have lost their extraordinary powers now, they are themselves qualified fighters, coupled with the available science class enchantment devices and the raven army’s spell, it is not a problem to catch some not strong aliens. .

But the problem now is not whether they can beat it, but whether they can find it.

Churches around the world have been destroyed. Although the believers are still scattered all over the world, the churches are scattered. The churches with damaged eyes have lost the almost omnipresent intelligence ability. Nowadays, they are very difficult to contact each other, let alone Let's find out the aliens that hide themselves well.

What they need most now and the only thing they can do is to rebuild churches around the world.

Only then can they consider how to hunt down fugitives, how to eliminate aliens, and how to prepare for a holy war.

"Pious believer, where are you the warrior?"

The old man in a white robe stood behind the man who first said that the Lord was not dead, and whispered the origin of the other person. The soldier with the halberd in his hand looked back when he saw the person, and then the whole person froze. The place is gone: "Admiral Pope! I am the guard of the Black Order!"

"Black Church?"

Leo XIII frowned, somewhat embarrassed.

Both Mu En and Li Nali, who betrayed, came from the Black Church, which made him have a great prejudice to the Black Church, but it is also an indisputable fact that the other party's remarks saved the church.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to give the devout believer some awards.

It is no longer a matter of considering the Black Order. It is the top priority to restore the normal order of the church first, and his praise of this believer will be regarded by everyone as an affirmation of the previous remarks, which will significantly stabilize the people. Emotions.

As for why Li Nali, who is clearly the main creation, would be with the traitor, he could only find a way to investigate later.

Here, the church Pope Leo XIII is thinking about how to rebuild the church, but the soldiers who have just been praised there are expressing their praises to Shirai.

Yes, he is a man of Shirai, a member of the necessary evil church.

As a senior member who joined the necessary evil church from a very young age, he very much agrees with Bai Jingyue's remarks: The **** who sacrifices human blood must be a false god. The true **** should exist in the faith and silently bless mankind .

This is why after seeing Bai Jingyue killing the gods, he still pays respect to Bai Jingyue. In his mind, Bai Jingyue’s behavior is not to kill the gods, but to kill a man who wants to rule mankind with power. False god.

This nearly collapsed church is nothing more than an inferior church that believes in false gods. If jihad is not imminent, they are not suitable for civil war. The necessary evil church has long abandoned Catholicism and established a new sect.

As for why he, as a member of the necessary evil church, would speak the words of stabilizing the old church, that is because Shiraitsu made him say that.

He also had doubts about why a false god's church should be maintained. Shirai's explanation is that the false god's fault has nothing to do with the believers of the church. The believers are only blinded by people. In any case, the church has been responsible for protecting humanity for more than a thousand years, and now the necessary evil church has not been able to replace the power of the church to protect humanity.

The existence of the church is still necessary.

After silently expressing praise to Shiraiai, the soldier joined the queue to rebuild the Vatican.

As Bai Jingyue said, the necessary evil church is not ready yet. They still need a little time. Before they can complete all the preparations, they must also obey the instructions of the church.

What preparation?

Of course, preparations for the establishment of a new sect. As long as Komyi contacts the necessary evil church members in the science class, they can prepare for the establishment of the new sect. They all thought about the name of the Protestantism. That was the name set at the beginning of the establishment of the necessary evil church-British Puritanism!

At the moment, Leo XIII is still in charge of reconstruction work, and he never expected that the church would soon usher in a far-reaching split.

In the future, the first archbishop of the British Puritanism, Comy, was sitting in his office chair, and stared at a subordinate in the science class.

"What you said is true?"

"It's true for Slaughtering false gods, liberating mankind, and building new churches of faith is the real purpose of our necessary evil church."

Coomy held his forehead, but still did not respond.

Although it is said to kill a false god, but everyone knows what the name Jehovah represents, is it really a target that can be killed?

"Are you sure that Marshal Mu En can do it?"

"Yes, in fact, he has done it. Half a minute ago, there was news from the Vatican that Marshal Mu En rebelled and killed the incarnation of the Lord. This represents our victory."

"I can't do it anymore, right?"

Hearing this, the figure opposite Komie smiled.

"Sir, Mr. President, the moment you contacted us, did you decide your choice? We are only shadows standing beside human beings. This is our necessary evil church."

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