The Forbidden World

Chapter 1700: The Battle of the Ark is over

In the pure white room, the crowd dispersed to the corner of the room, then stared at Aaron and Kuros staring at the center of the room.

"I know what you want to ask, don't make that expression. For today's special case, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

"What's going on with that score?"

"As you can see, it is a score."

Kuros's understatement made Allian gritted his teeth, and he realized that it was impossible to get a reliable answer from Kuros in such a vague inquiry. But he did not dare to ask this question carefully.

The text used in this score should be one that only he and Mana can understand and use, but now it appears in the 14th Noah’s secret room that does not exist in the record.

He was an abandoned child picked up by Mana, and Mana was a wandering clown. He thought he and Mana had such a simple relationship. As a result, countless phenomena now show that this is not the case.

The meaning behind this made Alian scared a little.

However, it is useless to be afraid. Whether he goes to explore or not, the truth is there.

After taking a deep breath, Alian asked Kuros in a trembling voice: "Mana, is it related to [No. 14], right?"

"Yeah, on the 14th, there is actually a brother with blood thicker than water."

After thinking about it, Kuros still did not poke out the fact that Mana was the earl of the millennium. Compared with the fact that he was boarding with Neia, the news that Mana was the earl of the millennium made it easier for Allian to collapse.

"The only person who stayed with Noah on the 14th before betraying Noah and being killed by the Millennium Earl was Manawok."

"Mana and No. 14 are brothers"

It seemed to have been hit, and Yalian's face was pale.

"Master, did you know that already?"

"I did know for a long time. When I died on the 14th, I agreed with him to keep Mana. As long as I did this, he would one day be able to return to Mana. You and I did this. Agreement, Allianz."

Before Allianz understood the meaning of Kuros, Kuros shook his head and rejected his previous title to Allianz.

"No, number 14."

This time, except for Bai Jingyue and Li Nali, who had been informed of this news for a long time, several other people were taken aback, and then looked at Alian, who was angrily corrupted: "You said what!?"

Kuros showed no mercy, and continued to expose the fierce material: "Although it should not be awakened, but you should feel the existence of the fourteenth, Alian? Don't be stupid, you know the singer's song, that is his memory."

After slowing down, after giving Aalian some time to think, Kuros made the final determination: "You are a human being transplanted with the memory of the fourteenth in your mind, and it is also necessary for the resurrection of the fourteenth. Host. It was not you who played the piano before, but the memory of the fourteenth. What should you see?"

Aaron didn't reply, in fact, Aalian was completely stunned there at the moment, his eyes lost.

Fortunately, Kuros did not tell Aaron that Mana was the earl of the millennium, otherwise Aaron would not collapse, but collapsed.

After a master's exclusive slap teaching, the revived Yalian asked with a half-swollen mouth and said, "What time do you say transplantation?"

"Ah, I don't know. It was probably before the fourteenth died."

"Who knows that way!"

Holding back his grudge, Alien could no longer restrain his emotions and yelled at Kuros.

Seeing this faded disguised Allianz, Kuros couldn't help but think of the scene when he had just taken away Alliann. His heart softened and his tone eased.

"As far as No. 14 is concerned, it doesn't matter when or whoever it is. As long as he finds an opportunity, he accidentally chooses the person around him as a host. He wholeheartedly wants to kill the Millennium Earl by the hand of that person. You are really unlucky."

Kuros squatted slowly, holding his hands to Yalian, who had been half-kneeled.

"The transplanted memory will slowly erode the host, and one day you will become the fourteenth."

"What kind of thing are you talking about?"

The shocked Yalian bowed his head and looked irresistible.

"Then, the man whom Mana loves is who I am or who I am"

That's right, for Yalian, he will be eroded by Noah. This is not as important as his status in Mana.

In response, Kuros could not give an answer.

"From the day of the 14th death, Mana has become very strange, and I don’t know if he remembers the past, because I can only watch it from the side. It’s ironic, if you can find it A more annoying person would be the host."

Silent, wandering in the pure white room. Although I don't know what kind of affection Yalian had for Mana, everyone realized from Yalian's reaction, what despair he was facing.

In the end, it was Kuros who interrupted the silence. It is very likely that they are still fighting outside, and their stay here is not very good. After opening the door to Seoul under the guidance of Kuros, the people and Tiedonu who have just cleared the devil and don’t know what to do now Team Luo joined.

On the other side, the Millennium Earl, accompanied by Noah, looked at the dilapidated demon factory room and gritted his teeth.

"Master, failed. The incomplete transmission caused about 80% of the damage to the [production plant] Kuros Marian’s goal turned out to be this. It takes a lot of money, sweat and time to do this. of!"

The Earl of the Millennium tore the handkerchief with both hands, expressing his anger. If it were only the Devil Factory, he would not be so angry. After all, he now has enough demons. The problem is that the old Ark was actually taken away.

The most important thing for him to seize the position of God King is to become the highest authority owner of Noah's belief system. Although the old ark is also his master, after all, in the setting of the old ark, he still has one authority above him. He could not seize that authority, so he could only create a new ark, and destroy the old one in order to eliminate that authority.

However, now the old ark has not been destroyed. Apparently there is the heart of another ark that he does not know. Compared with Noah's theology, this other heart is another belief interface, and the authority of this interface is exactly the same as that of the Millennium Earl.

In other words, his plan to become the King of God was completely ruined, and what caused the plan to fail was the 14th that colluded with Kuros and attempted to assassinate him.

Love is deep, hate is cut.

Regarding how much he loves Neya, how much the Millennium Count now hates Neya, especially in the case of partial memory loss, he now hates Noah No.14.

The Earl of Millennium wanted to use all troops to raid Noah's Ark, destroy Noah's Ark completely, and then let himself ascend to the position of God King, but he remembered the plan and warning eyes that Shirai had given to him before, and he counseled Too.

At this critical moment, if he does something that interferes with the plan, Shirai may estimate that it will really rise, but he can't do anything.

After thinking about it for a long time, he whispered a few words to Seinoya.

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