The Forbidden World

Chapter 1691: New Year's Eve 13


With Di Qi's call, countless black butterflies emerged from his body, and butterflies with cannibal teeth rushed towards Allian from all directions.

The clown of Allian’s Holy God stretched out several white threads around him, like a star ring defending those butterflies, while Allian himself used the holy black left and white right hands to fight Diqi himself .

The cross-shaped white light appeared on Diqi's arm, just like a physical shield, colliding with Alian.

Aaron tried to tear this layer of light shield, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not shake the light shield. It was Di Qi, and he had the room to chat with Aaron.

"Poor eyed younger brother, he met Rod, hoping that he wouldn't even break his heart."

Yalian ignored Diqi's words, but watched Diqi step on the feet of the air as if stepping on the entity.

"Are you interested in this? You should understand by now, each of us Noah has his own abilities, and this is my Diqi Mick's ability, [choose]. I can choose what I pass freely Objects, at the same time, I can also choose the objects I refuse to pass through. Everything in the world! I have the right to choose!"

Speaking upright, Di Qi sighed suddenly.

"But your holiness is exceptional, because..."

The following words are not spoken, because Allianz has launched an attack again.

Aaron used the robe that came with God's Clown as a shield and his hands as weapons, while Diqi used the light shield that floated on his hands and the butterfly-shaped devil Tis that was handed over to him by the Millennium Earl. The two men fought fiercely on the tower.

The battle lasted for dozens of minutes, and the two hit the tower from the outside, and then from the tower to the inside of the tower. In the end, Diqi felt impatient.

He threw away the smoke in his hand, looked at Yalian, who had just destroyed a circle of butterflies with his cloak, and said with a smile: "The whole body is wrapped like armor. This is not like a white clown, but rather like a white devil, a devil. You know, holiness can be destroyed, by the Millennium Earl, and the Noah family. Let me break your left arm!"

The light was once again lit in Diqi's hands, which was different from the white light before. This time the light was purple! The two purple spheres gradually became larger and finally merged into one, becoming a huge energy body that wrapped Diqi's entire body!

From the appearance, it is clear that this gradually approaching energy body contains much more energy than Diqi used in the previous battle. According to Diqi, this is enough power to destroy the holiness of Allian!

However, Allian didn't escape, and he faced the attack that might destroy the holy, he chose to face up!

"You can't stop it, this is absolute power! The so-called gods are parasitic on your exorcist, and now I want to liberate you, boy!"

With Di Qi's wanton and arrogant words, several cracks appeared on Yalian's arm. Eventually, Yalian still did not block the blow, and the whole person hit the load-bearing column in the tower.

The sturdy load-bearing column is covered with cracks under this collision, as if it will break at the next moment. Fortunately, the structure of the tower has multiple load-bearing columns, otherwise this collision alone is enough to collapse the entire tower!

Di Qi flew in from outside and landed in front of Yalian, looking at Yalian's left hand with some curiosity.

"It hasn't been a success, it's quite hard to fight, but it will be over next time, don't resist anymore."

Faced with the approaching Diqi, Yalian stuck in the pillar and raised his left hand, almost to pieces, to his body without flinching.

"I won't even break my heart... I won't... I won't run away!"

Yalian gently wiped the blood at the corner of her mouth and looked up at Diqi: "Diqi Mick, you seem to have some misunderstandings about the exorcist. You think that as long as the holiness is destroyed, the exorcist will become Ordinary people, ordinary people without any ability, but the real opponents that are worthy of your fear are these humans!" ddd

Light, which began to appear in Yalian's left hand, to be precise, was a cross embedded in Yalian's left arm.

"Although the power is given by holiness, but the power is controlled by the exorcist as a human heart! As long as my heart and holiness are combined, as long as the body as an instrument remains, as long as I am an exorcist , As long as what I cherish and still exist in this world, you cannot destroy my [Clown of God]!"

With the more and more heated voice, the wave released by Yalian's left hand became more and more powerful, and even Diqi felt a sense of death in a moment!

And after Allian said the last sentence, Allian's left arm was completely recovered, as if there had been no damage!

"Diqi Mick, you look down upon humans too much!"

It seemed that this sentence stimulated Di Qi, he covered his face and laughed wildly, then raised his hand to point to Yalian.

Diqi's ability is to choose, choose to contact or not to contact, and at this moment, he is frantically rejecting the air in front of him. The effect of this is that the air cannon that is enough to destroy half of the towers hit Yalian!

This time, Yalian was not blown away, but was wrapped in the atmosphere controlled by Diqi. The thick air formed a round ball, tearing everything around. The outer wall of the tower was dug a big hole of tens of meters high! And in the center of this air sphere, a black spherical space is taking shape!

Yalian, who is at the center, feels the pain of breathing. At the same time, the whole person seems to be torn from the inside to the If it is not holy and comprehensive protection, he will die in this space the first time.

"Human beings have no choice but to wait for death. I just think this kind of weak is cute. Where is it scary? Imp, I like you a lot, don't let me hate you."

Bai Jingyue shook his head when he heard Di Qi's sentence at high altitude, and seemed to express regret: "Your Noah family, IQ and strength are good, but everyone has mental illness."

The earl of the millennium twitched, and the feeling of being scolded in front of a race was really uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

Not just because Shiraitsu is powerful, but that is the case.

The memory of Noah and the memory of the host body have always been in conflict. Every Noah has a potential personality split.

This is the case with Diqi. On the surface, he is refuting the fact that Allian said that he is afraid of mankind. However, in fact, he was just ashamed and angry when Allen said that he was worried. Diqi has always had a fear of mankind, not to other human beings, but to the white self that belongs to human beings.

He has always felt that the black self and the white self are the happiest, but in fact he will be afraid, the white self is afraid of disappearing, and the black self is afraid of being occupied by the white self.

And Allian poked the pain in his heart.

"Aren't you going to save that person?"

Faced with a sudden question from the Earl of the Thousand Years, Bai Jingyue shook his head: "Save? Why should he be saved? He doesn't need me to save it. Look at the Earl of Thousand Years, the next scene is a historic one."

Bai Jingyue does not worry about the death of Allian.

He said nothing about the high synchronous rate of holiness, and Neya in his body would not let Yalian die so easily.

Everything is inevitable.

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