The Forbidden World

Chapter 1686: 1st enemy

Li Nali stared blankly at Bai Jingyue, somewhat doubting her ears.

If she remembers correctly, the Millennium Count is the culprit of the devil, the ultimate enemy of their exorcist who will cause the dark three days to destroy humanity.

And Shirai just said that he is a friend of the Millennium Earl?

The shocking news even shocked Li Nali than the news that she was not human. If Bai Jingyue is the strongest fighting force on the human side, if he stands on the same front line with the Millennium Earl, is there still hope for humanity?

No, no!

Li Nali quickly reacted. If Shiraitsu really stood on the same side as the Earl of the Thousand Years, then humanity would have perished long ago. Shiraitsu only needs to put some effort in the last battle to drive the black sect. The magician troops are all eliminated, there is no need to get to the situation now, there must be something she does not know.

Li Nali, who calmed down, bit her lower lip lightly and asked Shiraitsu in a trembling voice: " will be friends with the Millennium Earl?"

Bai Jingyue shrugged and sighed: "That's a sin fate, everything will start from thirty-five years ago. Remember the origin of Kanda Yu and Kanda Lotus?"

"Sister Lian said that they are the second exorcist, but Sister Lian did not say what the second exorcist meant."

"The second exorcist is the product of an experiment conducted by the church. It transfers the brain of the exorcist who was once killed to a new artificial body, so that the exorcist and the holiness who acquired the new body can synchronize again. The experiment, Kanda Yu and Kanda Lotus are the products of this experiment. At the same time, they are also the exorcists who had been killed in battle. In the war that encircled the count of thousands of years ago, the exorcists who died in battle."

The huge amount of information made Li Nali feel a little ignorant, but she quickly grasped the key to the problem, and that was time.

What Bai Jingyue said before was the thirty-five years ago, and the war happened thirty-two years ago. Where did these three years go?

"In those three years, the Earl of Millenium was not yet a Earl of Millenia, just a human being. Why, I was surprised? But even now, the Earl of Millenium is also a human being. The Noah family are all human beings, only human beings with power. "

Li Nali has spoken in shock, the Noah family is actually human? This simply subverted their past views of the Noah family.

"The specific situation is too complicated, so I won't say it. The situation is probably that my relationship with the Millennium Earl before waking up is not bad, and this relationship has survived after the Millennium Earl woke up. This time I caught me Come here, that is, come and chat with me, and by the way, make a bet with me."

Bai Jingyue said these words with a smile, as if being caught by Noah's Ark by the Earl of Thousand Years, but Li Nali felt a sense of disobedience.

If it's really just chatting, why use this forced way?

"In the end, what bet?"

"Betting that Alian, who followed me into Noah's Ark, can they break through the line of defense set by Noah and come here. If they can successfully come here, then even if we win, the Millennium Count will open a door for us go away."

The result of losing Bai Jingyue did not say, not to mention, even if it was a guess, Li Nali can guess the outcome of the loss. You can leave if you win, then you cannot leave if you lose. A group of exorcists couldn't leave the Noah's base camp, what this means is already obvious.

At this moment, Li Nali also understood what happened to the friendship between Shiraiai and the Earl of the Millennium. This friendship made the Earl of the Millennium give a chance to bet after he caught the highest combat power of the black sect, and It is not directly killing Shiraitsu.

"All in all, that's it. Don't be too nervous. Anyway, we can't do anything at all. It's better to enjoy desserts and black tea simply. This is prepared for us by the Millennium Earl. This time, it is a pity to miss it."

With that said, Bai Jingyue took a piece of cake from the table and handed it to Li Nali.

Li Nali sighed and opened her mouth helplessly. Although they don’t have much to enjoy, as Shirai said, they can’t do anything now and can only trust their companions.

While Bai Jingyue and Li Nali were drinking tea with the Earl of the Millennium on the top floor, Yalian also heard Di Qi's narrative.

"So, that's it, young man. We are betting on the exit to the outside world, and you are betting on the lives of all of you. The keys of Rhodes' door and the three connected doors are here, and you are given, Think about it, though, you have no room for consideration."

With Di Qi's words, the earth began to crumble, everything around him was destroyed without reason, and then fell into an invisible abyss.

The falling pieces of the house on the side hit the middle of Yalian and Diqi, separating them. Yalian holding the key looked at the ruins in front of him and clenched his hands.

While the people were still thinking about what to do, the area where they were completely collapsed. The people quickly moved towards the area that had not been affected. At the edge of the broken area, the people watched the building fragments fall into the darkness. Disappeared from the abyss could not help but numb the scalp.

"What should I do? It's just a matter of time. This guy is right. It's only three hours. Counting the delay we have, there are only a little more than two hours."

The words of the rabbi made everyone make up their minds. Although they did not want to do things according to the rules set by the Noah family, they now have no other choice.

Yalian took the key to a door that was still intact and inserted the key into the door.

The moment the key was inserted into the door, the ordinary door suddenly became very fairy-tale, as if the sun and stars drawn by a child occupied the upper right corner and upper left corner of the door respectively, and the rest were Occupied by a beautiful butterfly soaring above the rainbow.

"Come on, let's see what's inside."

When the door was pushed open, a dark space appeared in front of the crowd. At their feet was a ladder for people to walk. After looking at each other, the crowd walked up the ladder alertly, and then saw a door and the previous door at the end. The door is similar in style.

Opening the door again, this time appeared in front of everyone, a space filled with various rugged boulders, traversing the sky, the rainbow and stars with a very strong fairytale color exactly like the picture on the door, three crescents high Suspended in the air, it makes people feel like they are in another world.

And where they came out, they looked like small cabins used by lonely hunters.

"There are enemies."

Kanda Yu's sudden sound made everyone stop observing the environment, and instead turned their attention to Kanda Yu's attention.

On a sheep's intestine path, the brawny man wearing a huge trench coat stood there, just like the Noah who fought Li Nali before!

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