The Forbidden World

Chapter 1683: Stop

Yalian's sudden burst of seeds became the balance of victory and defeat. Diqi could not solve Yalian quickly, so it was difficult to support others, and he could only watch other people's disadvantages grow.

Noah's trip was okay, although their situation was at a disadvantage, but there was no life threatening for a while, it was just a little embarrassed.

However, there was a very critical moment on Noah's side.

Li Nali, who had kicked the rhythm, rolled up a storm beside Noah of Fury, and the wind screamed and ripped Noah’s body like a thousand blades, cutting Noah's skin a little bit.

The golden thunder burst, spreading all around, the surging energy cracked the earth, and there was a burnt smell in the air. The Noah's counterattack turned the surrounding area into a place of death, but all this was in vain!

No matter how angry Noah vented his power, he could not grasp the faster and faster Li Nali. Instead, he unleashed his power uncontrollably and exposed himself to a huge flaw!

The first foot hit the lower back.

Seizing the gap between Noah’s release of strength, Li Nali came to the back of Noah’s feet and was a foot. The screaming sound that broke through the sound barrier stirred the eardrum, while kicking with speed and power made Noah’s The body instantly dents a small piece!

The pain hurt Noah's body, and he turned back furiously with a punch! The golden thunder shines, but this punch has no effect except to plow a score of tens of meters in the ground!

Li Nali has shifted position and prepared for the next blow. At the moment when Noah Noah turned back to counterattack, Li Nali came to the side of Noah Noah, facing Noah’s knee. One foot!

The sound of broken bones is so clear that everyone is stunned. Such a one-sided battle is really incredible. The exorcist has an absolute upper hand in one-on-one. Is Li Nali too strong or angry? Asia Pacific is weak?

Regardless of how others feel, Li Nali's attack has just begun! After backing away from Noah's punch, Li Nali jumped in place and came to the sky above Noah.

For others, flying into the air is a fool's act as a target, and for Li Nali, whether it is the earth or the sky, or even the sea, it is her stage of galloping!

Along with a whirlwind, Li Nali's figure instantly moved to the other side of Noah Noah's body. The knee injury prevented Noah Noah from turning freely, which gave Li Nali a little room to slow down his attack.

Under normal circumstances, this time should maintain a high-speed attack and maintain the suppression of Noah Noah, so as to slowly weaken the life of Noah Noah, and finally cause a kill, but after playing with Noah Noah, Li Na Li realized that this method would not work.

Not saying no, but the situation does not allow.

Li Nali, whose body has been strengthened many times, is very clear about the vitality of Noah’s strong body. If it is to be suppressed step by step to make him weak enough to kill, it takes too much time. At the moment, they are on the battlefield! It's in a scuffle fighting every minute!

Although Yalian was supported by the holiness of transformation, no one knew how long Yalian could last. Like Diqi, who was eager to solve Yalian, Li Nali was now eager to kill Noah.

To this end, she must use a very powerful attack to completely destroy Noah's defense!

Today, she has only two high-attack moves.

One is to leap high into the air and use self-acceleration and gravity acceleration to make yourself fall like a meteorite. This move has extreme destructive power, but its shortcomings are also extreme.

After accelerating to a certain level, she can't adjust her trajectory. The opponent can attack her and use energy to weaken her attack. If the opponent is fast enough, she can even avoid her attack. Once she Her attack was avoided, her attack was useless, and at this time, the opponent could easily attack her who lost her speed. This is a very risky move.

Another move is the chaotic cloak and footwork she used to suppress the Earl of Millennium.

This attack is endless, and the atmosphere driven by each foot forms a solid cage around the target. Once the other party is swept into the attack range, it will basically be unable to escape, and the stronger and stronger power will thoroughly oppose the other party. defense.

The disadvantage of this trick is that the start is too slow. In high-end battles, it is easy to be forcibly broken by the opponent.

At the moment, Li Nali created this gap.

The swinging kick kicked towards Noah's intact right arm, and Noah's subconsciously counterattacked, but lost some strength because of the injury on his left foot's knee.

The Thunder protected the right hand of Noah Noah, so that Li Nali didn't make merit in this blow, but Li Nali didn't need to make merit, all she needed was the strength of Noah Noah's counterattack!

The body whirls and the cycle has been established, followed by a continuous attack!

A foot is faster than a foot, a blow is stronger than a blow! But within ten seconds, Noah of Fury felt that the crisis of death was imminent!

The raging thunder surged towards Li Nali, but it was no longer useful. At this moment, Li Nali’s accumulated power was too huge, just to bring up the atmosphere, and defeat the thunder known as God’s Wrath!

The sound of a broken arm became the horn of the end of this battle! The intensity of Li Nali's attack has finally exceeded the limit of Noah's body!

The next blow was the one that Li Nali completely defeated Noah of Fury!

"Isn't this Didn't I say that? Don't use this trick during scuffles."

Li Nali's ear suddenly sounded Bai Jingyue's voice. When Li Nali hadn't responded yet, she climbed her waist with one hand and gently interrupted her combo.

Just when Li Nali subconsciously wanted to struggle, a purple crescent crossed her eyes, and that position was exactly the position she had just passed.

This is another shortcoming of this attack and the most fatal one! After entering the loop, the initiator of the attack cannot control his body, which means that the attacker cannot escape the external attack!

Once an external attack can break the defense formed by the atmosphere carried by the attacker, it can easily hit the attacker's body, and the attack of the Millennium Earl can undoubtedly do this.

The Millennium Earl who rescued Noah from Fury looked at Bai Jingyue holding Li Nali, his eyes narrowed slightly.

A moment later, the Millennium Earl gave up his plan to continue fighting.

Even if Bai Jingyue did not fully recover, it was enough to hold him for a while, and as long as he was dragged down, Li Nali, who was not injured there, could kill Noah in his current state.

Not to mention, Shiraitsu never collapsed. The Earl of millennium is well aware that the strength revealed by Shiraiei is entirely according to his own preferences, and judging by Shiraitsu’s current attitude, as long as he dares to continue the battle, Shiraiuki will dare to defeat him.

Anyway, Bai Jingyue could fool the past with holy power, and he, unable to accept Noah, was just killed.

"Mun, my generation is looking forward to drinking a cup of tea with you."

After dropping this sentence, the Millennium Count opened the black ark door, and then sank into the shadow with Noah of Fury. The other three Noahs had wanted to fight, but one by one was thrown into the door by the Millennium Earl.

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