The Forbidden World

Chapter 1661: New year plus 3

The empty underground passage echoed like a cannon, and from time to time, a storm of smoke and sand was lifted on the ground by the broken load-bearing column.

A roaring gust of wind raged through the passage, disturbing all the rubble that was caught in the battlefield.

At the edge of the battlefield, Shiraitsu carefully hides his trail, and observes the battle between Li Nali and the demon from a distance.

The devil holds a holy cardinal. Although he can't fully display the strength of the cardinal, it is no problem to play a cardinal with a synchronization rate of six or seventy.

The white cardinals with a synchronous rate of six or seventy are definitely the peak of level three, and will soon enter the standard of level four.

With a demon of this strength as an opponent, Li Nali can still play vividly, obviously she has already reached this strength after two years of experience.

As long as you move forward a bit, Li Nali can cross that threshold and become a quasi-marshal, or quasi-rule level.

This battle is here because of it.

In fact, Li Nali could have become a quasi-marshal, or even a marshal. She has absolutely no foundation. With the reinforcement of the large amount of belief power provided by the holiness of the heart, Li Nali alone can be enough to cause level two demons Killed, with a genuinely high-level monster level body, but she can only deal with level 3 after adding holy power!

You know, an ordinary exorcist can’t kill even level one demons without holiness!

The reason why Li Nali is not as strong as in theory is entirely because her holy synchronization rate is too low.

Generally speaking, the exorcist synchronization rate is around 70 to 80, while Li Nali's synchronization rate is estimated to be only 50%. The hatred of holiness brought about by those years has remained in Li Nali's heart, which has made Li Nali no progress for many years.

Although she did become stronger, it was her own body that made her stronger, and the resonance between her and holiness was too low. In order to allow Li Nali to go one step further, Bai Jingyue designed today's battle.

When Bai Jingyue knew this task, he knew the specific situation of this task. He knew that there was a demon who could copy the shape and power of others.

A level two demon is definitely not enough for Li Nali to fight, but a demon with the cardinal blessing is not necessarily the case.

In terms of physical quality, the two are not equal, and even Li Nali is stronger. Anyway, there is a holiness of heart behind Li Nali who continues to provide the power of faith, and the devil has just been promoted to level two soon.

However, in this battle, Li Nali will be at a disadvantage.

Because of the holy sync rate, the demon side will be stronger.

This sounds funny, and the strengths between the two should be reversed, but these can be understood.

After all, the holy consciousness in Cardinal White has been wiped out by Shiraoi, and if the user is not a demon and the body can bear it, a 100% synchronization rate is not a problem.

All in all, in order for Li Nali and the demon to fight such a game, the demon must copy the ability to Shiraitsuki and exclude Shiraitsuki at the same time.

So after debuting, Shirairai deliberately stepped on that demon under his feet, while giving the demon the ability to copy, and laid the groundwork for the subsequent sneak attack. If it was not intentional, could he be attacked by a level two demon? The Earl of Thousand Years could not attack him personally.

The devil will not be patient after copying his abilities. At that time, he can take the opportunity to get out of sight and give the battle to Li Nali and the demon.

As long as Li Nali can kill this demon strengthened by Shirai's holiness, he can officially enter the semi-regular level.

In fact, Li Nali's performance made Shiraitsu very satisfied.

Before and after the battle back and forth, it has gradually been biased towards Li Nali. Unconsciously, the synchronization rate between Li Nali and Shengjie has increased by more than a dozen.

Compared with others, the synchronization rate of more than 60% is not high, but for Li Nali, it is a figure sufficient to cause qualitative changes.

It is also enough to overwhelm the victory and defeat!

With full of anger, Li Nali rolled up the wind to blow the feathers from the demon, and then suppressed the demon with absolute high speed, peeling off the skin of the demon little by little.

If it weren't for the ability of the devil itself to be able to make skinless carbon paper, he had already been kicked into pieces by Li Nali.

As Li Nali's strength became stronger and stronger, the devil's situation became worse and worse. Soon the demon quickly hit Li Nali with a kick, which directly smashed the devil's lower body.

To be honest, when seeing this scene, Bai Jingyue felt a little guilty at the bottom of her heart, and seeing that the lower body of a person who was exactly the same as herself shattered. This psychological shadow was still a bit big.

"How could you be so strong!? The exorcist just now was killed by me all at once!"

"Brother Mu En was just attacked by you, otherwise, with your I don’t even have the qualification to touch Brother Mu En’s clothes corner! As for the kill? Don’t think it’s out of my mind, Brother Mu En will definitely not because of this The attack will die!"

Hearing Li Nali's words, Bai Jingyue deeply introspected himself. Obviously Li Nali had found something wrong. Sure enough, he was kicked directly to a few streets or something. It was too exaggerated.

On weekdays, he also played a simulated battle with Li Nali. Li Nali knew his reaction speed and ability to fight. Li Nali, who had been fighting the demon for so long, knew the specific strength of the demon attack. It was easy to analyze his time. It's easy to get tired of kicking.

Bai Jingyue even guessed that Li Nali had now seen that this was a test for her, but he just kept his face and did not intend to expose it.

Bai Jingyue was very relieved about this. Anyway, Li Nali's strength has improved, his goal has been achieved, and guessing it doesn't matter.

In other words, he now only needs to honestly watch Li Nali [revenge] for himself.

To be honest, there are some girls who avenge themselves for themselves, and it is quite sentimental. In the past, he unilaterally rescued the female partner, or fought side by side with the female partner. This kind of kneeling to avenge the female partner or something, he still First encountered.

After expressing that Shiraoi could not kneel so easily, Li Nali jumped high and traversed a beautiful arc in the night sky before falling like a meteor towards the demon!

With Li Nali's fall, the entire underground tunnel was shaking, making people wonder whether a large collapse would occur. Fortunately, the underground structure of the ancient city of Matil is much better than the above-ground structure. Although there are still some places of collapse, it is not. To the worst.

The demon was not so lucky. The demon who had lost half of his body couldn't escape Li Nali's attack, so Li Nali was kicked into an ashes.

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