The Forbidden World

Chapter 1648: The drama ends

The sun is shining, yet another trick that Bai Jingyue learns from.

Unlike the previous Starburst Abandoned Healing, Bai Jingyue did not make any changes to the sunshine, if you have to change it, it is to change the power of the destructive sun type into a holy power specifically for the devil. .

The dazzling light instantly covered the entire basin, everyone's eyes became pale, and the sound of the melting of something in the ear filled the eardrums of many exorcists.

Finally, the light gradually stopped. The crowd wiped their sore eyes and looked around.

There is nothing.

All the demons have disappeared, whether it is level 1 or 2 demon fish, or level 3 demon backbone, all melted in the light that shrouded everything.

"This time you are awesome, but everything is in vain."

After a sneer, the Millennium Earl, who was still [unscathed], rose into the air and flew away into the distance, while dropping a sentence that made everyone look pale.

"I will come back again. At that time, I will bring a stronger army to wipe you out!"

Bai Jingyue looked at the figure of the earl of the millennium. After the earl of the millennium completely disappeared from sight, he fell from the sky.

"Marshal Mu En, just let the Millennium Earl run away?"

"No way, I have completely lost my strength after using the move I just took. I am still reluctant to keep standing. If I chase, something will happen."

After waving his hand to dishearten Sokaro, Bai Jingyue walked to Li Nali's position. After digging the hole, Bai Jingyue picked up Li Nali, who was already unconscious.

At the moment, Li Nali's hair was scattered and her body was covered with scars. Her blood stain was shocking to see. If it weren't for Li Nali's constant ups and downs, others even thought she was dead.

However, Bai Jingyue was not worried. He knew Li Nali’s situation. Although he looked bad, most of Li Nali’s injuries were caused by falling into the pit from a high altitude. The Millennium Earl’s shot was enough for any one. The energy cluster that the ordinary exorcist died did not actually cause damage to Li Nali.

This is also reasonable, as Shirai said long ago, Li Nali, as a holy heart, is not so easy to die. At the moment when a deadly attack was on the way, Li Nali’s power of faith accumulated in his body condensed into a shield, blocking the attack of the Millennium Earl.

After taking the unconscious Li Nali out of the pit, Bai Jingyue and everyone came to the holy cave where the forged heart was placed, and then came to the still glowing sculpture.

"Is this the holiness of the heart?"

Looking at this sculpture, some exorcists suddenly raised a mixed emotion of joy and worship. If this is really the holiness of the heart, then all their sacrifices are worth today, they will get the strongest It is a pity that this great weapon has just been raised and was wiped out by Shirai.

"Unfortunately, this is just a holiness that resonates, not a holiness of the heart."

Then Bai Jingyue directly raised his hand to destroy the sculpture, and then took out a piece of something like a core from the inside.

"Go back, we lost this time."

Although the devastated army of demons ran away the Millennium Earl and completed the church's original plan, the death of a field marshal, many exorcists, and members of the expedition team around the whole made the battle completely defeated.

Their combat goal was to weaken the force of the Millennium Earl, but that was only a superficial goal. The fundamental goal was to balance the strength contrast between the Black Order and the Millennium Earl and prepare for the next decisive battle.

However, now the Black Order has suffered huge losses. Unlike the Devil of the Millennium Earl, it is very difficult to supplement the Black Order's combat power. They cannot make up for today's losses in just a few years, even within a dozen years. May not be able to make up for it back.

If the decisive battle comes within a few years, their hope of winning will become extremely slim.

In a dull atmosphere, the people began to work afterwards. The treatment of the treatment, the collection of the body, and after the treatment was completed, the people returned to the black church.

After handing over Li Nali, who had not recovered, to the head nurse, Shiraoi took the core of the sculpture to the basement of the Black Order.

On the bottom floor of the basement, in the aisle in front of Hebres, Shiraiuki and Komui who had been waiting here met.

"Marshal Mu En, how is the battle?"

"Don't you know the specific situation through the communication class half a month ago?"

"Yeah but can't believe we lost so badly?"

Komyi's hand holding the railing was a little blue, and as the head of the black sect headquarters, he was facing such a huge loss for the first time.

"Well, it's pretty miserable. But the fact is, Ieka is dead, several exorcists are dead, and the members of the exploration class are also a lot dead."

Komyi looked depressed and seemed to be worried about the Shirai Tsui stepped on Komyi's shoulder and comforted: "Despite this, we have not lost hope, have we? We have not found The holiness of the heart, the Millennium Earl has not been found, and we still have a chance to defeat."

After cheering a little bit, Komye nodded to Shiraii: "You are right, Marshal Mu En, we still have a chance to defeat. Then I will go back first, there are still many things to deal with within the sect. The church The headquarters sent a message that Shu Weng, who had left the church 30 years ago, reappeared and took his apprentice to the church again. I am going to meet them."

When walking past Shirai, Komei suddenly stopped, and then raised his hand to Shiraitsu’s shoulder. It was a heavy shot: "Marshal Mu En, if you can't protect Li Nali, please let her stay in a safe place. How is the place?"

Bai Jingyue did not dodge this shot. Li Nali's injury this time did have something to do with him. It is normal for Komyi to rebuke him as Li Nali's brother.

"Relax, Komye, Li Nali will never die, I promise in my name."

"hope so."

Pushing his glasses, Kom Yi left. Bai Jingyue turned to Hebrews.

"Are you going to keep me the newly discovered holiness?"

"Don't joke, new holiness? This is nothing more than a sacred fake."

The core of the sculpture is in Bai Jingyue's hands, and is gradually held into a ball of debris, then flows down from the fingers and becomes fly ash in the air.

"Hebrews, do you think the church will win in the end?"

"I have always believed that mankind will win the final victory."

Bai Jingyue glanced at Hebres, who had always been under the black sect, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Yes, humanity will definitely win the final victory."

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