The Forbidden World

Chapter 1637: The attack has arrived

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Above the dining table, Giglindi looked at Shire and Shirai who were sitting on either side, with a little dignity in her eyes.

If it’s just Shire, an outsider, it’s okay to deal with it. After all, passers-by have appeared before. She and those passers-by can talk freely. Anyway, ordinary people can’t enter the forest again. She can also take the opportunity to get outside. Intelligence.

However, there is also Shiraitsu, an exorcist from the church!

To be honest, Gigrindi was a little flustered, because her lord is the only witch in this village!

Once persecuted by the church, in order to protect himself with his feet, he signed a contract with the werewolf and let the werewolf fight for his descendants!

The werewolves the church wanted to investigate did exist. Those werewolves were the werewolves that were once affiliated with the first-generation witch, and they are now located in the forest around their village, indiscriminately attacking all humans who have entered the village!

These two, no matter which one is known by Shirai, means the destruction of this village!

What should I do? How can these two messages be concealed?

The former is okay, as long as she does not use special magic, she looks like an ordinary little girl, and she should not be able to see her true identity, but what about those werewolves? Werewolf activity frequency is so frequent recently, as long as one case is seen, it is disaster!

After passing the name with everyone, the anxious Gigrindi had been thinking about how to avoid Shiraitsuki discovering the werewolf. As a result, he had been waiting for the dinner to end, and he had no idea what to do.

In desperation, she had no choice but to ask others for help. After saying goodbye to Shire and Shiraoi, Gigrindi instructed Wolufram to find a woman in the daytime village, and they gathered in a small room , Discussing how to deal with this group of people.

"Just kill them directly."

During the day, the women's leader clearly stated their intention to kill Shiraii. Of course, Gigrindi would not agree to this plan, and then expressed her concerns.

"Church!? We are protected by werewolves, and the church can't treat us!"

Hilde talked excitedly to Gigrindi.

"In the past, it was your ancestor. Lord Witch used our own sacrifice to save us from persecution of the church. Now the werewolves can still block the hyena of the church from the forest!"

"Hilde, that is a thing of the past."

Gigrindi still rejected Hilde.

"Once, there were many witches that the church needed to kill. They only let us go because they didn't want to lose too much. Now the church has the power to investigate here, indicating that the church now has complete control of the outside world. If the church concentrates its power, we Unstoppable."

After sighing, Gigrindi said to the people present: "I will try my best to appease the anger of the wolf people. You must also pay attention, don't expose it, Worufram, leave."

After receiving Gigritti's order, Wolverham looked at Hilde, who was still unwilling, and then took Gigritti away. Shortly after they left, Hilde suddenly laughed.

"Come here, prepare weapons, we will keep them here forever."

At the moment, Hilde did not look like an ordinary woman. Her face was full of fierce killing intentions, and she was capable and capable, like a soldier returning from the battlefield!

"But the Hilde Church"

"Huh! What's wrong with the church!? What right to speak for the church of this era? Crusaders? Those backward things are just a joke!"

He believed that the Crusaders were merely backward troops wielding swords and shields. He did not take the Crusaders' eyes at all. In her view, the Crusaders could not pose a threat to this village. What should I care about?

Outsiders, just like those in the past, just die dead.

Hilde, who laughed, did not know what a terrible disaster she was about to wake up to!

At the moment, Shiraiuki, who had not yet felt the danger, was in the room arranged by Giglindi, looking up at the ceiling while lying in bed, thinking about what he saw today.

"Have you found anything, Li Nali?"

"There is no breath of holiness here, and there are no strange things to observe."


"I didn't find it. Here, there is no creature like the witch, and no creature like the werewolf."


The answers of the two aroused Shirai's interest.

I have to say that this village located in the werewolf forest is very delicate. If it is an ordinary person, no matter how you look at this village, it is isolated from the outside world for some reason and is full of mysterious villages. . If someone says that this is a witch's village, unless the comer is an atheist, it is easy to believe this kind of saying.

However, the biggest problem with this village is that it is fake.

Witches are fake, werewolves are fake, so-called isolation is fake.

So what is the significance of the establishment of this village?

To deceive outsiders?

It is not If they are just to deceive outsiders, they can completely kill people and kill their mouths, just like they used to give everyone who broke into the forest a terrible way of death to deter others, and There is no need to use this method of disguise.

Therefore, this disguise is not for them, but for the people in the village.

As for whom?

Isn’t that obvious?

After his apparent identity, the [fake] witch who thought that his existence might indeed attract the army of the church, and was worried about it, decided to temporarily contain them and was worried about how to explain it [the lord].

There is no doubt that Gigrindi is the biggest victim of this scam!

Judging from the natural appearance of Gigrindi, it is obvious that she was educated like this since she was a child, that is to say, this plan was started more than ten years ago.

In order to carry out such a huge plan for a little girl who does not know what it looks like in the future, he deliberately paralyzed the girl’s feet in a special way. Obviously, they were not for the girl’s body, but for the girl’s ability.

As for what ability, Bai Jingyue is not clear, but it does not matter. Since the key point is on the girl, as long as he takes the girl away, the behind-the-scenes of this village will directly blow the hair.

"Take a good rest. After a night of rest, we will go to uncover the mystery here tomorrow."

Pulling the quilt on his body and getting ready to rest for a night, Shiraitsu suddenly froze, and then looked out the window eccentrically.

"They are too anxious, do it that night? The church's face is so unusable?"

Feeling more and more close to [Assassin] here, Shirai is a little helpless.

"Yes, I can't sleep well tonight."

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