The Forbidden World

Chapter 1634: Battle site

"Okay, don't look at me like this, can't the meeting be held yet?"

Feeling the warning eyes from Shiraitsu, the crowd recovered and began to turn the topic back to the topic. After Komyi and Kuros were seated, the young cardinal took the lead in speaking out the instructions from the church.

"In order to reduce the number of demons in the dark three days in the future, we will use the holiness of the forged heart to lead the army of the thousand-year-old count, and the black sect must destroy all these army."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was silent.

They are different from the well-informed Kuros and the truth-knowing Bai Jingyue. They used to think that this meeting was just a routine policy meeting. They talked about some optional things. The call for the marshal was only because of the nineteenth century The 1980s are coming to an end, and the church intends to make a big summary.

Unexpectedly, actually such a big plan!

"The holiness of the forged heart is supposed to be the responsibility of the church, so I will not raise any doubts. What I want to ask is, what must be the solution to the army of the thousand-year-old count? Do you already know the number of demons in the hands of the thousand-year count? ?"

"not at all."

The Cardinal looked at the questioning Komyi with a very cold expression, and then said lightly: "No matter how many demons there are, fighting the demons is the exorcist's mission?"

"That doesn't mean letting the exorcist die!"

Komye slapped the table heavily, his face full of anger!

"The Black Order is now very difficult to deal with the harassment of the Millennium Earl. Where can we free up a unit to fight the Millennium Earl!?"

If there are too few troops vacated, it is impossible to win the Earl of the Millennium. If there are too many troops vacated, what will happen if the Millennium Earl is attacked elsewhere?

Faced with the question of Komyi, the Cardinal was indifferent. Although Komyi was imposing, his predecessors clearly told him that the members of the black sect were only subordinates of the church, and there was no need to ignore them. Ideas, as long as they are instructed, they will naturally follow suit.

"This is your own business. This is your problem. Now that there are so many demons, are you helpless? Is it because of your weakness that our church will find a way to help you gather some demons for you to eliminate. "

Comey wanted to say that things were not that simple, but he couldn't find a way to refute each other for a while.

Some of the other divisions and several marshals actually nodded and expressed their approval of the plan.

In the face of the long-term harassment of demons, they are also a little bothered. If a large number of demons can be gathered together to fight a game, their future situation will be much better.

Just as Komichi was thinking about how to refute the plan, Marshal Tiedonuro stood up and refuted the plan bluntly.

"You are still young, so maybe you don't know. Over thirty years ago, we found the location of the Millennium Count and mobilized as much power as possible to launch a siege against the Millennium Count."

In front of many high-ranking sectarians, Tiedonuro took the risk of being punished by the sect, and told the truth of the year.

"However, we failed. After a brutal battle, we paid a tremendous sacrifice to repel the Millennium Earl. As a personal experience of that battle, I must say that in group operations, The Millennium Earl is much stronger than the Black Order. The reason why we haven’t failed is because the Millennium Earl wants to accumulate enough demons to launch the Dark Three Days. There is only one way for us to win, that is, Finding the true holiness of the heart, the act of betting on the future of the Black Order, and even the future of the entire human race in an uncertain war, I chose to refuse."

The words of Marshal Tiedonuro made all the people present quiet. Although Marshal Tiedonuro did not describe it in detail, the tragic battlefield that year was different from the desolation of Marshal Tiedonuro. The tone imagined.

Is it really necessary to fight this kind of war that is destined to fail?

Seeing this scene, the Cardinal was a little anxious. He didn't expect to convince everyone, but suddenly a survivor of the war ran out.

Just when the meeting was at a deadlock, Shiraiuki once again unexpectedly spoke.

"I agree with this battle plan."

Faced with the curious eyes of everyone, of course Bai Jingyue would not say the reason why he wanted to see what the holiness of the forged heart was. He thought for a moment and then gave a set of rhetoric.

"In this case, if we don’t reduce the number of demons by a large amount, we can send out the manpower to find holiness. How can we find the holiness of the heart at that time? Whether it’s for a decisive battle in the future, or to continue Looking for the holiness of the heart, we all have to fight such a fight. As for the issue of casualties... don’t worry, I will take part in the war this time."

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone stunned, and then nodded in agreement.

Although Bai Jingyue's character makes them criticized, but for Bai Jingyue's strength, they really can't find anything to say. Not to mention, which marshal is present, which one has not been beaten hard by Sakurai?

The matter was resolved in such a simple way, and the Cardinal was relieved. As he stood up to prepare to announce the outcome of the meeting, Shiraiuki commanded Komyi himself.

"Komyi, wrote back to the Pope's Hall, saying that we agreed to the church's new plan, and after making the disguised holiness of the heart, we sent it directly to the battle site."

Speaking of which, Bai Jingyue frowned, and then looked at the somewhat confused Cardinal.

"By the way, did the Pope Hall say where is the battle site?"

"The booking is in Germany."

Bai Jingyue, who got the answer, turned around and continued to tell Komyi: "Well, it will be sent directly to Germany at that time. Anyway, it is a fake. As long as it is placed in a general location, we will search."

Finally, the Cardinal found something wrong. This should be reported by him to the Pope's Hall. Why was it all resolved by Shirai and Komichi?

Seeing the confused look of the Cardinal, Bai Jingyue shook his head and stood up, saying with a regretful tone: "Young man, was stunned by the pie that fell from the sky? How could you be so young? Cardinal? Did someone offend you? It's pitiful for you to come over and tell you the situation without telling you here."

The cardinal hasn't responded, and everyone else has understood.

It turned out that Shiraoi wasn't turning, but that he knew what the cardinal was all about, and then let the tool called cardinal complete his duty of communication.

As for how to say that the tool is used up?

Of course it was abandoned.

Bai Jingyue was naturally unwilling to be killed by borrowing a knife, but the fate of this young cardinal was already doomed when Bai Jingyue said this.

How could the church let a cardinal who resented the church out?

When no one wants to shelter him, as long as he walks out the door of the black sect, the people in the church will take him away, and the final result will be self-evident.

Perhaps it is not believed, the cardinal shook his head frantically. However, no one had paid attention to him anymore, and everyone went out of the conference room to prepare for the future battle, leaving the cardinal who had already lost his soul in the room alone.

Who cares about his ending?

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