The Forbidden World

Chapter 1630: Maid training

"Please wait a while, I will contact Ms. Orla."

Sebastian, who greeted Shiraizuki and night into the parlor, elegantly presented the two with delicious black tea and exquisite pastries, and then left. The skillful and perfect posture hit the night when he thought he was still qualified.

Although Shirai said earlier, this deacon named Sebastian is the best deacon in London, but this huge gap still makes Ye feel his shortcomings.

qualified? No, in front of this elegant deacon, she did not even qualify as a maid. And this feeling also made Ye heart more determined to become a better maid.

A moment later, Sebastian pushed the door and walked in. Behind him, Shire who had completed what he learned today.

"Xiaer, long time no see~"

"It's only a few days since I saw you."

Shire sat in his chair, dragging his chin to the unsteady night.

"What a surprise, the Red Devils Hall will actually recruit new maids?"

"She is a bit similar to your maid's maid. It was also accepted by the Red Devils House a few days ago, and her skills need to be trained, so I took her to Sebastian."


Shire took a deep look at the night. The maid of his own family, if remembered correctly, was a killer before.

In other words, even if the girl in front of her is not a killer, she is a similar figure in the dark. But Shire was not too surprised, after all, this was the maid of the Red Devils House. Based on his knowledge of the Red Devils Pavilion, no matter what strange characters appear in the Red Devils Pavilion are normal.

"I have contacted Ms. Orla on the phone in the name of Van Dom Heiwei, and she said that just recently a new group of people in need of training has arrived, and it is no problem to add one person."

Along with Shire's words, Sebastian handed a letter from the side.

"As long as she takes this letter to the maid school run by Ms. Orla, she can enroll directly."

"That's really great."

After receiving the letter, Bai Jingyue handed the letter directly to Ye.

"Go, for your lady, make yourself the best maid in the world, I will pick you up in a year."


Ye took the envelope carefully, and left alone. Neither Bai Jingyue nor Shire said the location of the school, because this school is still well-known in London, so long as you ask at night, you can know.

After leaving at night, Sebastian behind Shire said: "Mr. Mu En, that is the third Jack the Ripper."

Jack the Ripper is the title of the convict of the serial killing of women and women in London some time ago. Just a few days ago, Shire, Sebastian, and Shiraiuki cracked the case and slaughtered the murderer, Greer.

However, the **** of death, Greer, and another murderer, Mrs. Red, who was killed by Greer, were not complete Jack the Ripper.

The fourth victim, also the murder case that attracted Shire and Sebastian here, was not done by Mrs. Red and Greer, but by another murderer who imitated Mrs. Red's method.

In the previous investigation, Sebastian found four suspects. Except for the human being who has been excluded today and the convicted death Grel, the remaining two are chasing in London not long ago. The night of battle and the Demon Hunter.

At present, Sebastian is still not sure who killed the fourth victim. After all, both of them have the possibility to commit crimes, but since the night has been accepted by the Red Devils Museum, then he can naturally proceed to Shirai To verify.

"Yes, it's her."

Bai Jingyue poked out the identity of Ye without any worries, and then lay lazily on the sofa, squinting at Shire and Sebastian without any change in expression.

"So, are you going to arrest her?"

"Of course not. Jack the Ripper has been driven out of London. This is a fact that the Queen already knows."

Sebastian smiled and said this so-called fact, which showed Shire's attitude.

This will end the damage to the reputation of the Red Lady, and may also damage the reputation of the Vandomheimer family. No matter what identity she was before night, she will only be the maid of the Red Devils House in the future, sixteen nights.

"Right, that Chuan Erla's, the name is a bit strange, mixed-race?"

Sebastian nodded and explained to Shiraii while adding tea to Shiraitsu's vacant teacup.

"Chuan Ouerla was originally a noble lady, her father was the patriarch of the Oerla family, and her mother was an oriental who came here to play here. I don't know what happened I only knew that the two of them got married and gave birth to Ms. Chuan Erla. Unfortunately, tragedy always exists in this world, and an unexpected fire made Ms. Erla become alone. It happened. After many things, Ms. Orla established a maid school and began delivering high-quality maids to nobles throughout London."

"It seems that she has an extraordinary understanding of the maid."

"Yes, maybe it was because she was originally served, so she knows how to make the waiter feel comfortable. If you don’t count the lady who helps you make tea, she can be said to be the best maid in the industry. The top exists."

Sebastian has not forgotten that the regular-level black tea that Sakurai had taken out, although Ms. Orla is very powerful, but obviously, Orla, who is still at the human level, cannot compare with the regular-level.

"You have a reputation. The regular level is only black tea. In terms of maid, there is no doubt that Ms. Orla you said is better. What surprised me is that you actually have such a kind of human being. Praise, do you think she is better than you in this respect?"

"Of course."

Sebastian smiled and said: "My gender is doomed to become a maid, so in terms of maid, Ms. Orla is definitely the strongest."

Bai Jingyue smiled at Sebastian's explanation and said nothing.

Although Sebastian is a very powerful and capable demon, it is still bound by the times. If it is placed two hundred years later, gender will no longer be an obstacle to such industries. Men become maids or something. , Not a problem at all.

Bai Jingyue is really curious. After two hundred years, Sebastian was summoned again, facing the face of a new world.

Presumably, it will be very happy.

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