The Forbidden World

Chapter 1625: People are mine, so are things

"Don't you want to tell where Jacas is at this point? How did the **** trick the witch?"

Restoratively came to the girl's side, leaned down to lift the brown cloak on the girl's body, and then carefully looked at the witch who should have the news of Jacas.

A short silver hair, with temples on both sides, formed into a small twist braid, and a green ribbon at the end of the braid. Regrettably, the delicate face of the girl was obscured by dust, and she was wearing a civilian costume with patches everywhere. It looked as if she was a thin and thin girl living in a slum.

"It's been so hard...Jackas shouldn't be fooled by interests, is it love? Isn't that right? That **** is not a person who will use love to others, but if it is not love, then why would this witch hold What about the artifacts cast by Jacas’ rules?"

Rest shook his head and gave up thinking. Although he is now a human body, he is still a **** born from flames. His nature does not like to think very much, and he is used to solving problems with violence. The reason why he can talk to people calmly and quietly is because these long years have polished his temperament a little bit, but that's it. So far, it is possible to reason about what the enemy is through clues, let him reason about others The psychological activity is still too difficult.

Restoring the tangled rest, Reist reached out and grabbed the girl's left hand, where a silver-white pocket watch lay quietly.

No matter what the situation is for Jacas, as long as he holds this artifact shaped with the power of Jacas, sooner or later he can find the guy.

I have to say that although it is a bit stupid, this method is quite correct. There is an inseparable connection between the artifact and the original rule body. As long as he holds this pocket watch, Rest will one day be able to trace the traces of Jacas-if Jacas is really alive.

That’s right, the necessary condition for this method to work, that is, Jacas is still alive. Only in this way, there will be a connection with Jacas on the pocket watch. However, the entire existence of Jacas has been erased by Moonlight, becoming With the inner part of the month timepiece, where did Rest go to find Jacas?

Even if Rest got the month timepiece, he couldn't find Jaccas, let alone, he couldn't get it at all.

Just as Restor's hand was about to touch the month timepiece, a slightly cold voice reverberated on the street.

"I didn't expect to encounter a hyena here, it really stained such a beautiful moonlight."

Rest stopped his hand and then looked at the figure walking towards here not far away.

The thin body exudes suffocating coercion, the bright red magic fills the line of sight, and a rusty odor smells when it fills the entire street.

This scene frowned slightly.

It is not that he has not seen a vampire. As a demon hunter, he has fought with countless aliens and naturally met with vampires. In this year alone, he has handled nearly a hundred vampires in London, but he saw it for the first time. Vampires to this level.

Everywhere it affects the environment of a region, this power is by no means an ordinary vampire can have it.

At the critical moment when he was about to complete his destiny, Lester didn't want to get out of the way, so he negotiated tentatively: "Honorable lady, I don't know what you are looking for?"

"The hyena is a bit self-aware."

After saying such a sentence, Remilia turned her head slightly, bypassing Rest and looking at the girl lying on the ground, or the fate of the girl.

Everyone's destiny is very different, and it is complex and changeable. For example, if a person walks on the shore, he may be away from the river bank because he perceives the danger. He may continue to walk like this, or he may fall into the river. And Remilia's ability is to infinitely enlarge the probability of one of the paths, or infinitely reduce it.

In this way, Remilia did a certain degree of manipulation of fate.

Now that she can manipulate her destiny, it is clear that Remilia can observe her destiny, and her eyes can see a destiny trajectory that may appear in the existence and use it to decide how to use her abilities.

While looking at the girl, Remilia saw a lot of futures related to the Red Devils House.

In other words, if there is no accident, the girl is what Shiraitsu said.

"That human, who has a destiny with me, give her to me and you can leave, hyena."

"Of course no problem, this lady."

Immediately, Rest bent down and prepared to take the moon timepiece. His goal is that artifact with the strength of Jakas. As for this witch who is unwilling to answer his question no matter how he asks, it is useless.

Just as his hand was about to touch the moon timepiece, the black flames on his body flew violently, blocking a red light flare that suddenly hit!

Then, he used flames to coagulate a black long sword in his palm and fight with Remilia holding a red spear!

The battle between the two did not cause any aftermath. For some of their own reasons, they tacitly restrained the fighting range at the level of mortals, but the dangers of this did not decrease at all!

It seems that the black flame sword that burns the space clean, and the fate spear that seems to ignore the space, collide with each other hundreds of times in close proximity, and each time the collision, the surrounding space is faintly distorted!

Lester looks has such a strong vampire?

His black flame is undoubtedly a rule-level power, but the opponent is blocked by it, and he fights back and forth with him. This is not good news for him.

"Ma'am, haven't we already negotiated? Why should we attack me?"

Realizing that he and the opponent could not win or lose in a short period of time, Rest started asking and wanted to solve this matter through communication.

It was not that he had counseled, but that his form of power had determined that he could not fight for a long time.

His black flame has resistance to the ability of time, but this is not the ability at the beginning, his initial strength is just a simple flame.

In order to hunt down the monster that has the ability to stop time, Rest uses his broken **** as a sacrifice to enhance the type and power of the flame he uses. In order to obtain time resistance, Rest deliberately for each flame Restricted, and the restriction of this black flame is time and frequency.

Before chasing the girl, he has spent too much time, and the remaining time is running out. In this case, it is very unwise to continue fighting.

After flicking the spear and throwing Rester away, Remilia stagnated in the air and looked down at Reist: "That woman is already a member of my Red Devil Hall. Who allows you to touch her?"

"I just want to take away the pocket watch in her hand. That pocket watch is the only clue that an enemy I have been tracking has left behind. Please ask the lady to forgive me."

Lester’s posture was low enough, but Remilia refused to give face at all, and refused with a strong tone: "Since the person is already mine, then the thing is naturally mine. I actually want to take the Red Devils House. Are you ready for death? Hyena!"

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