The Forbidden World

Chapter 1412: 2 traps

"Why did the King of Vampires appear in Britain! Are the **** surrounding Wallachia all rice bins!?"

In the conference room, Tex knocked heavily on the table, venting his anger, and in front of him, the two marshals and the heads of the various teams were silent. X

After sighing, Tex sat down. He folded his hands and looked at the crowd standing in front of him.

"Speak, what should I do now? Dracula is less than three days away from here. He brought the most elite vampire troops he had left, and the crusaders we can fight against are still on the European continent. , There is no time to return!"

"You can only fight, don't you?"

The female marshal stood up and looked firmly at everyone present.

"Holyness does not hurt the vampires that much, but it is also effective. As long as we can fight, then we will fight! Until the end of our lives!"

After talking, regardless of the others, the sonorous rose walked out of the conference room first.

"Seven sisters are still the same."

After the Marshal walked out of the meeting room, someone could not help feeling emotion.

For such a long time, they also had some understanding of the marshal of the seventh nickname. The domineering yet tenacious character makes her make such a choice when faced with powerful enemies. It is really normal.

Teks looked at the others and nodded after seeing no objection to the Seventh Sister's proposal, and then began to order: "Since we decided to fight, then we will come up with all the strength to fight! The communications team immediately contacted all the exorcists , Immediately return to the headquarters! The others are ready to fight Dracula!"

After talking, Teks opened the closet next to him, took out a set of armor, and a knightly sword that looked majestic, and began to wear it on the spot!

In the shock of everyone's eyes, a fierce breath spread from Tex.

No one knows that before he was transferred to a priest and became a cardinal, Tex was an instructor of the Crusader! For such a vampire, his combat effectiveness is not lower than that of the Marshal!

In this way, with Teks taking the lead in armor, the entire black sect started to function. All the units that can fight vampires are ready to fight. The medical class people also start to prepare medicine chests, ready to go to the front line at any time. fighting.

Elaine, who is sorting her medicine chest, is very hesitant. When she goes out to fight, she will definitely be in danger. So, should she use magic? If it is used, she may survive, but it will be implicated in Lola in the church, if not, she may die!

Just when she made up her mind to absolutely not use magic, a nurse who took care of her suddenly came over and whispered gently in her ear: "Admiral Lola commanded that if we encounter danger, we will stand Behind you."

Elaine froze for a moment. Ailian, who learned magic from Lola, knew that Lola infiltrated the cult in secret, but she didn’t expect Lola to be so powerful! It's actually possible to hide things like using magic!

Suddenly, Eileen was relieved.

On the other side, Lola took out the communication crystal in the room and received the communication from Shiraitsu.

"What's wrong, find me so anxiously?"

"How is your side? Do you need me to break up the space?"

"No, Father Tex has mobilized the entire black sect to prepare for a decisive battle. The two marshals plus the other sergeants of the black sect are safe inside the black sect. I have already arranged the manpower for Ailian, no If something goes wrong, you just fly over as usual."

Hearing the casualness and indifference in Lola's words, Bai Jingyue was relieved. As long as the vampire king does not rush into the cult, he will be relieved. Although Lola is very powerful, after all, Lola has not achieved a **** position in this world. If she fights Dracula with a killing stone, the victory or defeat is really difficult to say.

As for whether the people of the black sect can block Dracula, Bai Jingyue has no worries.

It must be unstoppable!

That's the king of vampires that the church's strength doesn't dare to encircle easily! How can a black sect stop it? Bai Jingyue was relieved because of another news from Lola.

The Black Church discovered the [famous] vampire hunter, Abraham Vanhelsing, who has been active since the advent of vampires in Britain.

For this vampire hunter, who apparently has a strange lifespan, Bai Jingyue also speculates.

Regardless of ability, this man is not an ordinary human being in terms of longevity alone. From the point of view of the church's disregard for it, this vampire hunter was with the church from the beginning.

Isn't that the long creature species that can be mixed with the church?

At that time, Jehovah and Haotian fought so many angels, it was impossible for them all to die?

A genuine angel happened to be in England when the vampire king left his home to attack the black sect. Shiraitsu is not considered a coincidence.

At this time, Shiraiuki understood why the Millennium Earl had to cooperate with the Vampire King.

Let the vampire king leave his den and use the power of angels to kill the vampire king completely. This is a good thing to eradicate heresy and protect the Lord. Of course, he must do so!

As for the loss of the Black Order, anyway, there is no shortage of churches. Compared with the false jihad, it is definitely more important to eliminate heresy!

Poor Dracula, after the earl of the millennium used a witch to kill a just believed the earl of the millennium, and then easily stepped into the trap prepared by Jehovah!

If there is no accident, this vampire king from Wallachia, who ruled all vampires, will be killed here!

That is an angel specially used to deal with it, and its strength and attributes are bound to restrain it, and Dracula has no chance of resistance!


Bai Jingyue felt a little weird. The king of vampires who squatted in the small place of Wallachia for hundreds of years, so easily became the earl of the millennium, was it led to a place in the UK that is separated from his own nest by the ocean?

Since he has not left Wallachia for hundreds of years, he knows that there is something in the church that can kill himself. So what made him suddenly change his temper and take the initiative to attack?

Thinking of this, Shiraizuki couldn't help raising his corner of his mouth and accelerated his flight speed.

Perhaps, he can see a good show that has not been encountered for thousands of years! rw

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