The Forbidden World

Chapter 1406: Catching Vampires Alive

Wallachia, a peculiar area, in this area, Bai Jingyue can often see some castles located in remote areas, and those castles are often surrounded by vampire breath.

The real vampire.

Of course, these vampires are not Shiraitsu’s mission goals.

The church couldn't let Shiraizuki come to investigate these real vampires. He really didn't believe that after so many years in the church, even the witch who was easy to hide himself could be found, and he couldn't find any vampires who must commit crimes.

These vampires are not his responsibility. As an exorcist, what he has to do is look for the lordless holiness that may cause vision!

Of course, because of the existence of abnormal creatures such as witches and vampires, those visions are not necessarily caused by holiness. Maybe he did nothing this time. But it does not matter, he came out to perform the task alone, this is something else.

Presumably, there must be news of the vampire king in Wallachia, where the vampires got together?

After arriving at the target town, Shiraitsu did not directly contact the members of the local exploration class, but went to a hotel in the town first.

Vampires are nocturnal creatures, if you want to start with vampires, you must wait until night. During the day, let him take a break.

After putting his luggage in the hotel room, Bai Jingyue made a cup of black tea, and then sat casually by the window, waiting quietly for the passage of time.

Finally, the night fell.

The town of Wallachia turned into a cruel hunting ground in an instant! Those locals who are familiar with the situation return home one by one, close the doors and windows, and replace them with countless pale-faced, scarlet-looking predators!

And the foreign merchants who do not know the situation, and those travelers, have become the most prey of these predators!

Under the jubilant night market, countless shadows flowed. I do not know how many innocent people lost their lives silently tonight.

This is Wallachia, Dracula's hometown!

Feeling the grand view of the entire town, Shiraitsu smiled slightly, and then jumped directly from the window.

It is not advisable to go directly to catch vampires. In such a place, the church must have a lot of eyes. Once there was a big trouble, the church wondered why he was looking for a vampire.

The mystery of the holy and the devil has not been solved. He doesn’t want to fall down with the church now. The best way now is to use his body as bait.

If you defend against the counterattack, even if the church people find out, you can't say anything.

As for whether he could catch a vampire, Shiraitsu was not worried at all. For a vampire, he is an outsider without a companion, and is the best prey.

In addition, although he is not an extreme, it is also a high-level face for the vampire of Yankong, and there will definitely be a vampire hook.

As expected, a vampire came up in a remote alley of Shiraitsu.

The vampire didn't attack him directly, but appeared to be in front of Shirai, pretending to be drunk.

The golden wavy hair slides down the face, flows through the charming (anti) gorgeous red lips, and finally reaches the mountain-like gully.

If it is a normal man, he certainly cannot hold himself, fantasizing about the good things of a spring breeze, and then lose his life.

Bai Jingyue will not be like this. He is very clear about the essence of this guy in front of him, but that is a vampire who **** up the blood of all the living creatures!

However, if he is not fooled, the other party's play will not play in vain?

Thinking of this, Shirai Tsui shrugged helplessly, then stepped forward to pick up the vampire, and then shook her gently like an ordinary person.

"This lady, wake up, you can't sleep here!"

Naturally, the vampire won't wake up. In order to get Shiraitsu to be fooled, she even dumped herself in Shiraitsu's arms and gasped lightly. It's like the breath of a puffy (anti) breath, and most people can't hold it.

Seemingly helpless and seemingly rejoicing, Bai Jingyue grabbed the vampire's waist with one hand and led her towards the hotel. However, when they had just reached the intersection, Bai Jingyue suddenly changed her mind and seemed anxious. (Defense) Like color, take her towards a very remote lane.

The vampire frowned slightly, what she was expecting was to take the life of the other person elegantly, not in an alleyway, at a moment when the man could not wait.

But she can't help it, she can't really let this person tarnish her body?

The vampire's body was slightly on one side, bringing his head closer to Shirai's neck, and then slowly opened.

Two life-threatening fangs gradually approached the man's aorta. The vampire couldn't help but look forward to it. At the next moment, she would drink the hot blood! Relieve the thirst in your throat!

At this moment, a cry broke the vampire's movement.

"Marshal Mu En, why are you here?"

The members of the expedition who were anxiously waiting for support had been running back and forth between several hotels in the town after knowing that the marshal had arrived. He did not expect that the marshal who was not seen in the hotel saw it on this short way.

But soon, he knew that it was not the right time for him to come. In this scene, he obviously disturbed the marshal.

No one would be happy if this kind of thing is disturbed? Thinking of this, he planned to leave consciously, and at this time, the Marshal spoke to stop him.

"Originally I was thinking about how to deal with it. Since you are here, just help me."

"Yuan... Marshal! I... I don't have this taste!"

Bai Jingyue's blue muscles are frightening, but now is not the time to be angry with the little pawn. The vampire in his arms at this moment is the thing that needs to be dealt with urgently.

When I heard someone shouting Marshal Shiraioi, the vampire was a little dazed, Marshal? Will the Marshal take her to the alley so indifferently?

Combined with what Shirai said later, the vampire finally understood.

During this hunt, she seemed to have encountered a hard stubble.

But what about that! Let her catch it! ? impossible!

A fierce breath filled the alley in an instant! The seemingly drunk girl suddenly exploded into a huge force, and opened her mouth to bite towards Baijingyue's neck! At the same time, her hands began to work hard. In order to ensure her own safety, she had to tear the person in front of her completely!


She was stunned again!

Tusk? Useless! The white robe that appeared suddenly blocked her fangs completely.

strength? Useless! The vampire's foul power cannot shake the person in front of him!

"That, UU reading, what's your name?"

"Marshal Mu En, under Freda, is a member of the exploration class."

"Notify the church that I have caught a vampire alive, what to do."

Frida looked at the vampires that had changed greatly, and nodded. Their church does know the existence of vampires, but because there is a life-and-death enemy between their churches and vampires, they are divided into life and death. This kind of living vampire is very precious research material for the church!

After throwing the vampire stun to the ground on the side, Shiraimo sighed and felt sorry.

He didn't feel sorry for the lost encounter. What he regretted was that he finally caught a living mouth and would be taken away by the church. When he met a member of the exploration class, he also had to officially start his task.

"Forget it, I can only find another opportunity."

Bai Jingyue was soon liberated from regret. Although it is a bit of a hassle to achieve your goals under the eyes of the church, there is always a chance.

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