The Forbidden World

Chapter 1384: Ru, what is it?

The problem of Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan is very acute.

If the humans in Fantasy Township are used as food, who would be willing to enter Fantasy Township? If no one wants to enter, do monsters have to hunt wildly?

If Bai Jingyue can't answer this question properly, everyone who has just reached a consensus will fight again!

Faced with the question of Huayuan's Xiuyuan, Bai Jingyue shook her head.

"Why do you think of food? Because for thousands of years, monsters have been preying on humans? Then you know, why do monsters prey on humans?"

Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan was asked to stay.

Simple food?

However, it is reasonable to say that in terms of meat quality, humans and beasts are much worse, thinner, and weak humans are used as food, even if they don’t eat enough?

For the so-called power?

Most humans do not have any special power, but they are still preyed by monsters.

So why?

"So, you don’t understand anything. I tell you that there is indeed power in the human body, but that is not the power you can understand. The reason why monsters like to prey on humans is actually that kind of power instinct. To attract them to devour."

Seeing everyone's unbelieving expression, Bai Jingyue sneered and shook his head.

"Don't admit it? Because it sounds too weird? However, it is the case. Do you know why, the monster transformation is basically a humanoid? Obviously you don't usually touch humans, don't you kill Shengwan pills?"

Sukai Maru, who was suddenly asked by Shirai, wanted to say what he wanted to say, but he couldn't say anything in the end.

Unlike his father, he was always contemptuous of mankind before being transformed and even before meeting Ling. But why did he become what he is when he transformed? Even he knew that some monsters who had never been in contact with humans were close to humans when they were transformed.

Problems that had never been noticed in the past were mentioned by Shiraitsu at the moment, and were suddenly taken seriously by Shishengwan.

Others discovered this problem at the moment and looked at each other. What are the secrets in humans?

"Well, what is the specific force, I won't say it, you don't understand it, let's go straight to the topic. Xiuyuan, you just said, what do we want humans to do? I ask you, you know, the monster is How was it born?"

Everyone shook their heads. In fact, Nu Lianghua's thoughts were deep in his heart, but after seeing Feng Jian You Xiang and Yakumo Zi, he overturned his speculation. Although his statement applies to many monsters, it cannot cover all monsters. So in order to get the real answer, he shook his head and looked at Bai Jingyue, waiting for Bai Jingyue's explanation.

And Bai Jingyue did not let Nu Liang slip down. After everyone shook his head, he said: "Mountains and trees, flowers, birds, fish and insects. Inhuman things, spirits are monsters."

Seeing the expression that everyone still listened to, Bai Jingyue secretly sighed.

Sure enough, no one found that the inhuman thing in his words was the meaning of a demon.

"The demon in the upper part takes the rules of the heavens and the earth, transforms it into a god, and rules the four directions. The lower one wanders into the earth and grows in the way of the side door, which is called a monster. Among the monsters, there are three different monsters. It is a monster in the traditional sense that it grows by devouring humans and obtaining the power contained in humans. For example, the feather fox. One is to grow by continuously training itself, and get promoted by understanding the rules, Even the monsters who came to the throne. For example, bean sprouts. There is also a kind of.....................

Nu Liang slipped at the sound of Shiraitsuki for a moment, then reacted. After organizing his own language, he spoke out what he found.

"Well, we monsters can gain power through human fear. This kind of power will enhance our monster's essential ability. I call it the power of fear."

The description of Nu Lianghuazi made Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan lost in contemplation, and he seemed to have some speculation in his mind.

Bai Jingyue directly pointed out his guess: "That's it. The belief in mankind is born a god, and the fear of mankind is born a monster. This world, to some extent, is centered on human beings. Humanity will eventually become the world's Dominate. As for why humans..."

Bai Jingyue looked at the sky in the distance, and seemed to see the countless world through the sky. Finally, he shook his head and whispered softly: "I don't know..."

After Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan probably understood the so-called relationship between humans and monsters, Bai Jingyue began to answer the questions before Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan positively.

"You ask why there are humans? Because there must be humans to maintain the existence of monsters. Even if the enchantment is used to isolate the inner and outer world, this rule still exists. Not to mention, there is no way to do this now."


"Are you worried about monsters wanting to attack humans?"

Bai Jingyue easily saw the concern of Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan, and then said: "Monsters above the big monster, as long as you don't provoke them, they won't do it. As for the monsters below, I don't deny it There are monsters who can’t help but shoot at humans. But don’t you have Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Kagome? With the strength of the three of them, you can deal with most of the monsters. As for those monsters that exceed the specifications, we naturally come to us Responsible for solving. If you are really uneasy, you can send more Yin-Yang masters. Anyway, the occupations of Yin-Yang Masters and Masters will withdraw from the stage of history because of the disappearance of spiritual power. If you come in, you can leave a legacy anyway. ."

Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan pondered for a moment, and finally made a conclusion.

"Then let's talk to me about the location of Fantasy Township. I am responsible for coordinating the humans who want to go to Fantasy Township. But you are mentally prepared, maybe..."

Bai Jingyue spread out a map in front of everyone, and then lightly pointed at a place above, where they were preparing to build Fantasy Township.

"With regard to the composition of humans, you don't have to worry too much about it. Even if you are all Onmyoji teachers, we have no problem. As long as they don't take the initiative to make trouble, they can reproduce the offspring and let the village survive forever."

After hearing Bai Jingyue's request, Hua Kaiyuan Xiu Yuan paused and then left.

If it weren’t for Bai Jingyue’s reminder, maybe he really had the plan of the Onmyoji.

After Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan left, the others gathered around to check the map in Shirai's hands.

"Fantasy Township, is it at this location... Then, will we live here again..."

Ge Wei looked at the area, a little dazed. Although she was ready, as a 16-year-old girl, she was still at a loss when she was about to settle in the past equivalent to a different world.

As long as Fantasy Township is established, she is really unable to return to the future.

Seemingly aware of the difficulty of Ge Wei, Inuyasha gently hugged her and said, "We, Wei Ge, let's go to your side again."


"We don't want to mix this matter with us. Nai Luo is dead, we want to take a good rest."

When Kagome and Inuyasha decided to go to the future, Maitreya and Coral spoke out their plans.

In addition to fighting, they used to regard it as a daily routine, but after both of them almost died this time, they all felt extremely tired.

They decided to rest. Live well in the village where the bellflower was once. Before the economic crisis, they estimated that they would not do it again.

Qi Yao also intends to leave, he is going to find May. Bai Jingyue once had concerns. Can Qi Yao, a hundred years later, remember the human girl she liked when she was a child?

In fact, in the one hundred years of fierce fighting, in addition to Inuyasha and their companions, it was May who has been supporting him. His feelings for May not only did not weaken, but also became more mellow.

Just when Inuyasha's team was about to disperse, Shiraiuki looked at the coral and suddenly hit his hand.

"Almost forgot, Zi, Coral's younger brother."

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, a dark crack, a voice fell out of the crack.


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