The Forbidden World

Chapter 1379: The malice of the world

"The world itself? Moon, this is... what's going on? The world, is it conscious?"

The Douya Wang looked at Bai Jingyue solemnly. He thought that Bai Jingyue said today, at most it is the war between gods and deities in the mythological era, or the gods represented by Baijingyue and Yayunzi. What kind of treaty between the monsters.

As a result, Bai Jingyue directly involved the world itself! This fierce material makes the Douya king also a bit ignorant. In this case, it seems that as Shirai said, their three views will be violently impacted!

However, compared with maintaining the false three views, they want to know the truth of the matter, so no one left, they still sit on the spot, waiting for Bai Jingyue's answer.

"Of course the world is conscious. Under normal circumstances, it is only responsible for the operation of the world. It will not appear unless the whole world is in a crisis of destruction."

"According to you, that war of God threatened the safety of the world?"

Hearing sighs when he heard the Douya king’s question, he looked around and found that in addition to Ge Wei who had studied geography systematically and the well-known Shang Baize Huiyin, he had long known the truth from him. There is a trace of doubt on everyone's face.

Sure enough, it is still too difficult for humans and monsters in this era to realize how terrible it is to break the earth. In their minds, creating huge cracks on the ground, or huge deep pits, is considered to break the ground. This is also the fundamental reason why they do not understand the will of the world. In their view, even if one or two hills were destroyed, it wouldn't have much impact on the world. Why should the world itself need to be shot?

However, in fact, they understand that breaking the earth is far from being real!

"You guys, don't even know what I mean by breaking the earth. You know, before that great war, Japan, Japan and the mainland were connected!"

Bai Jingyue's words left everyone stunned.

They don't understand how big the whole world is, and they don't know what kind of world will exist. The distance between Japan and the mainland is not so clear.

However, they have all been to the beach.

They clearly understood the feeling of standing on the coastline, looking at the ocean and looking at the sea.

Endless, empty, and lonely.

The key is that they are quite sure that the coastline on the Japanese and Japanese sides cannot see the slightest sight of the mainland. And Shirai said that in those days, Japan and Japan were connected to the mainland!

This means that the war of that year would evaporate enough land to fill the entire sea between Japan and the mainland today! What a terrifying power! ?

And this is not the most terrifying.

According to Bai Jingyue, it was not just this area, but the land of the whole world that shattered the battles, how big is this world?

"Can the battle between gods and gods cause such destruction?"

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan couldn't help but feel a little strange. Onmyoji who can use the magic drop technique can borrow the power of the gods. However, since the appearance of the Shenyang technique, the Yin-Yang technique, no Yin-Yang master has shown the kind of terrifying power that Bai Jingyue said.

Not to mention breaking the earth, they cannot even destroy the earth in the narrow sense of mountains.

"That's not a simple nuisance between the two gods. At that time, the **** system developed to its peak, and the **** system similar to Ri Ben Gao Tian Yuan, there are more than ten in the whole world!"

Bai Jingyue's words made everyone take a breath. What Gao Tianyuan is, as humans and monsters in Japan, they are very clear. That is the kingdom of gods known as eight million gods!

But it is such a kingdom of gods, there are more than ten in the whole world!

"And this **** war is a battle between the two top gods! It is a veritable myth war involving all gods of the gods! It is far more terrible than the lunar warfare, tens of millions The battlefield where the gods of the plan fight each other!"

In a few words, a tragic atmosphere came, they seemed to be able to see the scene of countless gods running to the battlefield.

They fought against the rules with their blades, and poured their mighty power between heaven and earth without reservation. The endless destruction storm swept the entire heaven and earth, and countless gods turned into a ray of blue smoke, dissipating in this endless destruction storm.

The gods who stood high in the past, like this fragile child, died and came one after another in the war that swept the whole myth!

With the light and heat shining in the sky, the earth was torn into rags between Xu Yu!

"In this way, the earth was shattered, and the world felt threatened by the gods, so it changed the rules of the world, and the flow of time is only one of them."

"So... what rules have the world changed?"

Even if the IQ is worse, the Douya Wang now understands the meaning of Bai Jingyue's words. The world must have changed a certain rule, which led to the birth of Baijingyue and Yayunzi.

The question now is, what exactly is the rule?

"I said that before, the reason for the gods at dusk was this war of God. It was this war of shattering the earth that made the world extremely disappointed with the gods. So the world will modify the rules and start to bury the right. There are threatening gods in the world."

Recalling the scene of Gao Tianyuan's collapse, Bai Jingyue couldn't help but sigh. Gao Tianyuan, which was established in one hand, was destroyed like that, and he was also very unhappy. Even if it is a building block castle made during play or something, there will be feelings, not to mention building a kingdom of gods, but unfortunately, the weight of the kingdom of gods in Baijingyue is not as good as living in this world. .

"I won't explain the specifics. All in all, it changed all the gods by losing certain rules. Only gods who gave up their gods or avoided them by other means can survive the catastrophe. "

The change of world rules is the truth of the demise of ancient gods, which makes people feel helpless and sad.

Even if it becomes a god, in front of a stronger existence, it is still like a ant. This fact makes everyone's breath a little heavy.

"anything else?"

The Douya Wang looked at Ba Yunzi, who had converged and smiled on the Shen Sheng asked.

"If it is only to deal with the gods, this plan should not be based on Yakumo Zi."

The **** is dealt with, and the most happy nature is the monster. As a monster, Yakumo Zi, how could he do his best for the god? Therefore, there must be other rules that have changed and have more profound effects on monsters!

"Because, the world is uneasy, not just gods. How many gods used to be monsters, did you know?"

"So... Is the world trying to make the monsters disappear!?"

Faced with the angry voice of King Douya, Bai Jingyue shook his head.

"No, not monsters, but all extraordinary powers!"


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