The Forbidden World

Chapter 1377: Aftermath

"Come on people! Move these things away!"

An Onmyoji looked at the ruins in front of him, feeling weak. He is a Yin-Yang master of the spell type. He doesn’t have much energy. You can ask him to move one or two bricks. He is fine, but let him rescue the companion with only one hand under the rubble. He can’t do it. To.

In desperation, Onmyoji can only seek help from those around him.

The busy workers around came together after hearing the cry of the Onmyoji. They looked at the ruins and understood what the Onmyoji meant.

Although this is not their job, the combatants who fought for them before the rescue were definitely more important than the reconstruction of some unimportant buildings, so everyone temporarily put down their work and gathered them together, cleaning up the bricks and bricks. The collapsed wall was rapid and careful.

Soon, they emptied the rubble pile in front of them, and the Onmyoji who was crushed by the rubble was completely exposed.

Seeing the appearance of the Onmyoji in the ruins, the people shook their heads unbearably, and then dispersed, leaving only two people standing consciously beside the Onmyoji who was still standing, waiting for the Onmyoji's order.

Looking at the comrade-in-arms with only half of the body, the Onmyoji sighed, and then ordered the two to carry the victim's body to the suburban cemetery area.

He was not sad because he was used to it.

At dawn, many servants of the Onmyoji family and the guards directly under the palace began to deal with post-war matters.

Maintenance of the Kyoto order, clearing of ruins, reconstruction of buildings, and rescue of survivors.

He is responsible for the rescue of fellows in this area who are seriously injured in coma or who are crushed under various rubble.

The comatose who was seriously injured was okay, as long as he found it, he could basically be rescued, even if it may be lack of arms and legs, blindness and broken ears, it does not matter, at least it can be saved.

But the companions under the ruins are different.

Even if he can get help from many workers who are responsible for the reconstruction of the building and quickly clean up the rubble, but until now, he has not seen a survivor.

All the Onmyojis buried in the ruins either died of bleeding or suffocation, or were pierced by the monster's attack.

What he can do is only to help people converge the corpses of their comrades, and not let them expose the corpse wilderness.

But even so, he still did not give up, because perhaps a companion was waiting for his rescue in a certain ruin.

Nowadays, most of the Onmyoji who are still able to move are involved in search and rescue operations. He sincerely hopes that they can find more survivors.

Those heroes who had fought last night should never die in this way!

On the streets of Kyoto, search and rescue operations are in progress, and similarly, the convergence of the bodies is also in progress.

The corpses of the comrades in charge of the rescue team were only a small part of the dead in the battle last night. Most of the bodies of the deceased lie in the place of war.

And this part of the work also encountered great difficulties.

Under the attack of the monster, many corpses cannot be kept intact. To be honest, the few parts on the body are considered light, and the human body that usually dies in the hands of the monster is torn apart. Some corpses did not exist, leaving only a piece of clothing and a pool of blood.

At the end of the burial, they may only leave a name for people to admire. Some people, even without the name left, disappeared in the feast of last night, just like the brilliant fireworks.

In the past, Kyoto was lively and cheerful. Even if the night is controlled by monsters, it is still the most prosperous place in Japan. However, now Kyoto is full of sorrow and mourning crying.

The Onmyoji family is usually a famous family, and it is the most important part of Kyoto. Last night, at least two-thirds of the Onyang Division patriarchs died in battle, including many well-known Onyang Division patriarchs such as Tuyumen, Soma, Cangqiao, and Tugong. However, a large part of the patriarchs who survived the trauma were also disabled.

As for ordinary people, there will be more deaths. In today's Kyoto, many places are hosting funerals.

The most shocking thing is the funeral of the Abe family.

In the past, the Abe family, which rarely appeared behind the scenes, appeared in front of people, and they also held funerals! Did some of them die in the battle last night?

Everyone in Kyoto did not know that the Abe family died last night, it was the owner of the giant beast floating in the sky, and the third generation of the Abe family!

After all, when fighting last night, Abe and Lu blood sat on top of the gods. The people below could not see the figure of Abe and Lu blood. Only after the reminder of Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan passed by Bai Jingyue, did they know Abe and Lu blood True identity.

If Huayuan Xiuyuan is here at this moment, perhaps you can debunk the true face of the Abe family, but unfortunately it is not here. As a result, this scene in front of others has become a testament to the fact that the Abe family has been silently guarding humanity and fought and killed an important person last night.

As for the place where the flower bloomer Xiuyuan is located? He was naturally in his own home and was responsible for entertaining the members of the Nuliang group.

Today, the entire Kyoto is full of grief, but the Huakaiyuan family is an exception. When others are hosting funerals, they are now holding a banquet!

If people walk into the courtyard of the Huakaiyuan family, it is estimated that they will be suspicious of life by the sight in front of them, because the banquet held in the base camp of the Onmyoji teacher is the monster who should be a dead enemy with the Onmyoji teacher!

In fact, this is helpless.

In any case, the Nuliang group was their comrades last night, and Nuliang Slippers went back and forth with them against Yu Yihu and Bai Jingyue. It is reasonable for the Nuliang group to live temporarily in the Huakaiyuan family.

It's just that they didn't expect that after many dead companions ~ ~ these monsters can still laugh and hold party celebrations!

After sighing and asking the servant to entertain the Nuliang group, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan stood up and walked through the house of the Huakaiyuan family for a moment, and came to the wooden house where the jade of the four souls was placed.

After taking a deep breath, Xiuyuan of Huakaiyuan pushed open the door. The first thing that caught his eye was a green-haired girl who had to hold a parasol even inside the house.

This one is the flower tyrant who fought side by side with them before.

However, Xiuyuan at Huakaiyuan did not stay. After nodding her head at Feng Jian Youxiang, it was a hello, and Xiuyuan at Huakaiyuan moved on.

In this wooden house, even the flower tyrant is not an important figure. Everyone's attention was placed on the existence of Bai Jingyue, who was surrounded by all the people involved in the event!

Today, Shiraitsu will be reconciled to expose the so-called fantasy town plan!


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