The Forbidden World

Chapter 1368: Boss battle final stage

A smile suddenly appeared on Bai Jingyue's face, without concealing Feng Jian You Xiang's eyes. At the moment when Bai Jing Yue was fighting with himself, he was actually distracted by other things. Feng Jian You Xiang felt uncomfortable for a while, and the strength in his hand was a little more powerful. Minute.

But it's useless. Even if the strength is increased, Feng Jian You Xiang can't get rid of the suppression of Shiraitsu.

After all, Bai Jingyue is too familiar with Feng Jian You Xiang. Once, when Feng Jian You Xiang hadn't grown into a big monster, Bai Jingyue taught Feng Mei You Xiang a lot of melee knowledge. Today, even after thousands of years, Feng Jian You Xiang's attack has become very personal, violent and wild, but still has some shadows from the beginning.

And for their existence at this level, a little flaw is enough to be a factor in determining victory or defeat!

Fortunately, Feng Jian You Xiang was not fighting alone. As the battle progressed, the Fighting King also began to exert force.

If we talk about simple swordsmanship, the Douya Wang is really not enough to see, his swordsmanship may not necessarily have his own son. Inuyasha has been trained by Mao Zhihua Hell! That is the existence of the rules of Kendo stepping on!

But when it comes to control of the demon power, none of the people present can match the King of Fighting Tooth! After all, the rule of the Douya King is to control the demon power!

The so-called control is what you want. If the Douya King can study his own rules to the limit, he can maximize the use of demon power, and use the least demon power to play the most destructive power!

At that time, as long as the Douya King has enough enchanting power, he can even fight against Shiraizuki under normal conditions!

Regrettably, the Douya King only has rules for controlling the demon power. The amount of demon power, that is, the amount of general rule-level monsters, even if it is used to the limit, that is. Some of the rules against the sky level can only be defeated.

Fortunately, today, Douya can feel the ultimate state of his ability in advance!

Among the people present, there is one who does not care about the loss of demon power!

Standing on the earth, bathed in the natural wind and seeing the fragrance, the magic power can be said to be endless! In the battle with Shiraitsu, many of these demon powers were offset by Shiraitsu's spiritual power, but there were still many demon powers, which just escaped into the air.

For Feng Jian You Xiang, these demon powers are insignificant. For Douya Wang, those unowned demon powers that have been abandoned by Feng Jian You Xiang are the best materials!

Feng Jian You Xiang's fierce battle with Shirai Miyagi, the more fragile demon power, the more power he controlled. Gradually, his cluster of Yunya, which gathered a lot of demon power, began to threaten Shirai Mine!

That is an attack that is already enough to break the defense!

Attention to this point, Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam. Although Feng Jianyou Xiang didn't like the thing about cooperation, if she could give Shirai a lesson, she wouldn't mind trying it!

Suddenly jumping away from Bai Jingyue's attack range, a sun flower suddenly bloomed in the air. Without any support, it seems to bloom in the air like a miracle!

Seeing this scene, Bai Jingyue's ice wheel pill began to flash red.

"Youxiang, you should know that this trick is useless to me."


Feng Jian Youxiang didn't respond, she just jumped high, stood on the sun flower, and began to mobilize the constant power of the body.

The previous scene reappeared, and the golden sea of ​​flowers covered everyone's field of vision in a blink of an eye. Unlike the previous one, this time, the sea of ​​flowers presents a three-dimensional spherical shape, wrapping Shiraiki firmly in the center!

"Dream blossoms!"

The golden light of destruction came from all directions towards Baijingyue, and the Douya Wang on the side couldn't help but wonder if he was a bit superfluous.

At this moment, a blood-red light suddenly shone, and the tens of thousands of golden lights of destruction could not hide its appearance!

The blood-red light directly penetrated the sea of ​​flowers, followed by fragmentation!

Countless sunflowers turned into golden petals in a blink of an eye, and then gradually disappeared. And in the center of the thousands of flowers, the area that was gathered by countless beams of fire, Bai Jingyue stood with a knife and his face was plain.

In everyone's mind, they could not help but start to doubt themselves. Can they really overcome such a terrifying Shiraitsu?

However, one person has no doubt, that is Feng Jian You Xiang.

A long time ago, Feng Jian You Xiang knew that this trick could not be useful for Shiraitsu, so immediately after the blood red light bloomed, Feng Jian You Xiang began to prepare for the next blow.

Another blossoming flower appeared out of thin air, gradually spreading out behind the wind-seeking fragrance. Different from before, this time, the wind sees Youxiang unfolding, countless cold roses of ice!

Seeing Feng Jian You Xiang taking the flowers she sent her to her, Shirai was a little helpless. He is now able to interrupt Feng Jian You Xiang's charge, but can he do it?

Feng Jian You Xiang took this thing out, so he could only wait in place.

And just then, behind Bai Jingyue, a huge demon power suddenly rose from the Douya king! That's the magic power that can't be completely controlled even by the rules that control it!

Although the dream flower was shattered by Shiraitsu, not all the magical powers disappeared. The excess demon power should have been dissipated in this world and returned to this world. However, under the restraint of the fighting tooth king's rules, it was completely concentrated on Cong Yunya in his hands!

At this moment, Douya Wang also understood the meaning of Feng Jian You Xiang. The blow just now was not for attacking Shiraitsu, but for sending him demon power so that he could exceed his limits and make a real decisive battle. In the next blow!

After understanding this, the Douya king began to unite the demon power. The ghost damage and ghost burst he used to use, although they are powerful, obviously this scattered attack cannot defeat Shirai.

So he was ready to use new moves.

That's a move that unites all the magical powers together with one blow!

Does it sound familiar? That's right, it's the same move as Inuyasha's Wind Blade! There is no reason for Inuyasha's semi-rule-level improvement of wind damage, the founder of wind damage can't use it?

Feng Jianyouxiang's magnificent demon power condenses to the extreme, and then merges into the ghost property of Cong Yunya. In the next blow, the Douya Wang himself can't figure out its power!

Just when Feng Jian Youxiang and Douya Wang were preparing for a decisive blow, Bai Jingyue was not idle. He gently snapped his fingers and canceled the ice cone that attacked Inuyasha.

At the moment when the ice cone dissipated, Inuyasha suddenly canceled the storm, and the prepared Hua Kaiyuan Xiuyuan and others began to act!

All battles will be won and lost in the next moment!


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