The Forbidden World

Chapter 1366: Boss Battle Phase 3

Bai Jingyue frowned at Feng Jian You Xiang, some did not understand the idea of ​​Feng Jian You Xiang.

Nowadays, Bayun Zi is focused on dealing with the problem of the Four Soul Jade, and has little ability to protect himself.

Even if other people's attacks don't even matter, even if Bai Jingyue doesn't help, these people's attacks can hardly break through the boundary set by Yakumo Zi.

But Feng Jian You Xiang is different. If Feng Jian You Xiang is really attacking with full force, it is likely to threaten Yakumo Zi. There is no need to worry about life safety, but the Jade of the Four Souls at the most critical moment is hard to say.

Although the knowledge is not complete, from the attitude of Shirai and Yakumo Zi, Feng Jian You Xiang should know the importance of this matter.

She should also be clear that if Yakumo’s plan for more than a thousand years has really collapsed because of her participation in the war, the relationship between her and Yakumo is really irreconcilable.

Seeming to understand Shirai's doubts, Feng Jianyouxiang walked to Fujiwara Meihong and said, "Kyoto has been protected. I'm a little messy. Shouldn't it matter? As for this side, I want to fight you, Is there a problem?"

Wen Yan, Shirai nodded helplessly.

Since Feng Jian You Xiang has said that he is playing with him, what else can he say?

As long as Feng Jian You Xiang does not personally attack Yayun Zi, then everything is still under control. It has been very easy for Feng Jian You Xiang to converge himself for him.

Seeing Shiraizuki nodding, Feng Jianyouxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, just before a few people around had not figured out the situation, stepped out!

After the figure flashed, Feng Jian You Xiang appeared over Bai Jingyue, and the parasol with the magic power in his hand was smashed from top to bottom!

Seeing that violent demon power, Shirai's eyes slightly corrected, and he became serious. The ferocious spiritual power suddenly gathered in the palm, and the instant opening which has not been used for a long time can greatly enhance the melee ability, and appeared again!

Now the power of instantaneous opening is much stronger than it was at first, only in terms of spiritual power, it is a world of difference!

If the past Baijingyue was like a tide, then the current Baijingyue is like a galaxy!

Not to mention, with the analysis of Shirai's world, he has made progress in the use of spiritual power!

It's just a punch, and it directly shakes the parasol that Yuenxiang hits with all his strength!

At the moment when the two collided, time seemed to stop, and Wan Lai was still! Bai Jingyue and Feng Jian You Xiang can even clearly see the fighting intentions on each other's faces!

In the next moment, time returns to flow!

Centering on the position where the fist and umbrella intersect, a fierce impact spreads out violently!

Sister Fujiwara, who felt wrong in advance, pulled Nuliang Slipper and Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan, and took them to Osaka Castle.

Before waiting for the two people to wonder, with a deafening loud noise, Osaka Castle began to collapse!

Not the collapse of ordinary meaning, but from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, every brick and every pillar is turned into the collapse of the powder!

And this is not over.

After the three of them watched the end of Osaka Castle in the air, the people hadn't landed yet, and the earth began to shatter!

With Osaka Castle as the center, the cobweb-shaped cracks continue to spread, covering the entire area of ​​Kyoto in the blink of an eye!

If it weren’t for Hiroshi Baizawa’s devouring the history of Kyoto, the aftermath of this collision alone would be enough to turn the biggest capital of the day into ruins!

And this is just the beginning of the fight between the two!

After losing his foothold, Shirai and Kasumi Yuka landed on the ground, and then started fighting in the powder of Osaka Castle!

Move, split, attack, defend, and punch!

Every blow is accompanied by a loud roar, and every blow has a huge impact spreading around!

Fujiwara Meihong took the two of them back nearly 100 meters before barely avoiding the direct damage of the aftermath!

As for the vibration extending along the ground, they have no choice but to pay attention to their foothold from time to time.

"What shall we do now?"

Looking at the battlefield that could not intervene, Nu Lianghua had some hopes in his heart.

This is the so-called rule-level power! It is also the power he wants to achieve!

Compared with Nuliang Slipper, Huayuan Yuanyuan's complexion is much uglier. He didn't understand at all, since Shiraitsu had such power, why did he betray humanity?

What exactly is the height mentioned by Shiraitsu?

Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan shook his head. Now is not the time to think about this, and it is imperative to stop Ba Yun Zi's actions.

After seeing the fierce battle between Shiraizuki Kazue and Kaori Yuka, Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan asks Fujiwara Meihong to take them directly from heaven to Bayun Zi.

Above the face of the ice mirror, there is no defense around the body, which is a good time for the raid!

Sister Fujiwara just wanted to nod and agree, but a blue figure suddenly appeared behind her, and she lifted the knife and cut it towards her!

If it weren’t for Slave Slave to be alert, picking up the Mimi cut pill on hand is a block, this knife will pierce her heart directly!

After looking back, Fujiwara found that the one who just attacked her was actually a puppet made of ice, a puppet extremely similar to Shirai's appearance!

Fujiwara shot a blaze at the puppet's face red-skinned, and wanted to see how Bai Jingyue's gray-faced face looked like, but the puppet actually split the flame with a knife!

The ice puppet has only one ice blade in hand, and it is this ice blade that constantly wields a dangerous trajectory in the air, forcing Fujiwara Meihong three people to continuously retreat!

Even the undead bird's inflammation can be cut off with a single blow, and no one dares to use his body to try the sharpness of the blade.

However, how terrible is Bai Jingyue's swordsmanship, even if it's just a puppet, and how long can it hide?

At a critical juncture, Fujiwara had to risk being invaded by the cold, and took a knife stiffly, while taking the opportunity to grab the puppet.

Then Nu Lianghua scooped off the puppet's body with a knife.

Then, something desperate happened.

After this puppet dissipated, more puppets gradually condensed with the void.

A puppet is enough to make the three of them unprepared, and more puppets, how do they respond?

When they were ready to retreat while fighting, first to find a farther and safer place to discuss what to do, the reinforcements arrived.

"Huh, after defeating Shirai, I must beat him well! [Blade of the Wind]!"

"Humph. [Cang Long Po]!"

The flashing knife light and the sudden thunder threw away the puppets in front of the three.

On the other side, Feng Jian You Xiang, which was gradually suppressed by Shirai, also welcomed a helper.

"Sprouts, don't tell me, you have to backwater."

Bai Jingyue silently stopped the attack on Feng Jian You Xiang, and turned to look at the Douya Wang, who sacrificed the dragon.

"Oh, I can't help it anymore. The two sons became very strong and defeated me."

"Huh, do you believe it? You don't need rule-level strength to be beaten by them with tricks, you are acting too fake!"

"Ah, did you see that? Ah! That's right, who played!? I'm fighting very seriously!"

"You put the water seriously!"

The Douya King didn't speak anymore, just raised Cong Yunya, ready to attack at any time. Behind Shiraii, Feng Jian You Xiang has also adjusted his state and is ready to attack again.

"Okay It seems that you are definitely going to brush me today."

I looked at the King of Fighting Tooth and Kami see Youxiang, and Inuyasha and Shisheng Pill, Nu Lianghuazi and Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan, and Fujiwara Meihong.

Bai Jingyue sighed.

Then raised his head to reveal an arrogant look!

"Then let me see, your limits!"

Binglan's long sword and Shiraiuki emerged in the hands. With the emergence of this long knife, everyone felt a chill.

Inuyasha is full of sweat!

He had seen the knife, which Shiraitsu had told them before, the so-called artifact-Ice Wheel Pill!

"Challengers, come and face me!"


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